
The giant wings are like knives. With the movement of twisting and flapping their wings, a azure moon arc wind blade suddenly fell from a high altitude.

The turbulent wind barrier sand wall is as fragile as a thin paper in front of Air Slash.


The wind and sand are fascinating, but at Pidgeot in the sky, a pair of sharp eagle eyes can still accurately Lock On Camerupt.

The huge wind blade tore the sandstorm dropping from the sky, Camerupt was cut straight.

“Pidgeot, Camerupt on the opposite side has the ability to dominate the air. Be careful of its Rock Slide and Eruption attacks.”

“Air Slash!!!” Liang Ren gave a simple reminder and issued it again Offensive instructions.

With the bond link, Liang Ren naturally has the advantage in the battle, and the speed of thought transmission is very fast. A single thought can inform Pokémon of all thoughts, and there will be no distortion.


An Air Slash hit Camerupt, but Date hadn’t reacted yet. Another Air Slash fell from Pidgeot in the sky.

“Hoo~” was hit by Pidgeot’s attack again, Camerupt stomped his hooves constantly, and the whole appeared irritable and angry.

“No way, Camerupt, Mega evolves!!” Ida moved towards Camerupt loudly shouted on the field.


On the field, Camerupt also quickly responded to Date’s order, and roared, and the power in the hidden genes was instantly stimulated.

Double peaks become single peaks, and the burly and strong figure is constantly rising, becoming more and more stalwart.

Within the body, the hot lava gurgled, sulphurous bubbles overflowing from the Volcano’s mouth, the temperature of the stadium continued to rise, and the sandstorm became more and more serious.

“Pidgeot, Air Slash.” Taking advantage of the opponent’s Mega evolution gap, Pidgeot also used “Work Up” to improve his special attack ability.

Seeing the disappearance of the evolutionary protection barrier on Camerupt, Liang Ren almost issued an attack order without the slightest hesitation.

“Beep Eagle~”


Waving wings, a moon arc wind blade the size of a daoist sect board suddenly slashed from the sky again drop.



Just completed the Mega evolution, Camerupt, whose power within the body soared, roared in an imposing manner.


However, at this moment, a huge wind blade dropping from the sky interrupted MegaCamerupt’s interest.

“Camerupt, use Rock Slide.” Daten gave out the attack command loudly before Camerupt ran away.



With Camerupt’s angry roar, Pidgeot’s sky above his head, the big rock suddenly oh la la fell down.

“Beep Diao~”

Before Liang Ren reminded that Pidgeot, who had long been wary of Rock Slide and Eruption, did not panic. Spark’s sudden acceleration + juggling flying skills.

Sky’s Pidgeot once again showed the audience its brilliant dodge stunts. None of the Rock Slide that oh la la dropped hit Pidgeot.

“Air Slash!!!” Liang Ren shouted in his heart.


In the battle, the players will not switch the Ability continuously in the Ability pool. Many times it is common to repeatedly use the Ability.

Pidgeot’s long-range special attack abilities are only Scythe, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Lie Hurricane, and Air Slash.

Heat Wave, Hurricane, this range of attacks are not applicable right now, and only Air Slash has the highest damage for the single attack Ability.

Dodge Camerupt’s Rock Slide attack, Liang Ren ordered the attack again on time.

After Mega evolved, Camerupt’s height and weight increased from 1.9m, 220kg to 2.5m, 320.5kg, the target became larger, and Pidgeot’s attack was more difficult to miss.


The wind blade cut down from the sky, and Camerupt became heavy. Camerupt didn’t even complete a move, so he hit Pidgeot on his back with an Air Slash .

After Mega evolved, Camerupt sacrificed movement speed in exchange for stronger physical strength and defensive power.

Pidgeot’s Air Slash is very sharp for opponents like Pinsir, but when it is cut on Camerupt, the damage caused is very limited.

Ida was obviously unwilling to be beaten passively like this. With a big wave, he gave Camerupt instructions: “Camerupt, use smoke.”


< p> Camerupt, who received the order, moved quickly, slammed his hoof on the ground, and humped his back like a Volcano about to erupt.

The billowing smoke is gushing out. Compared with the smoke of ordinary Fire Element Pokémon use, Camerupt use is even more terrifying.

The thick smoke lifted into the air with the dust storm that had not yet subsided, and the entire stadium was enveloped in black smoke.

“Want to use smoke to interfere with the line of sight, and then start Sucker Punch? This trick is useless for my Pidgeot.”

“Pidgeot, use Hurricane!!!”

Pidgeot cautiously distanced himself from the smoke, a pair of strong wings flapped violently, and a wall of wind suppressed it.

The dust is annihilated, the smoke disperses, and Camerupt, who prepares for Stockpile to launch Sucker Punch, is once again under the eyes of Liang Ren and the audience.

“Camerupt, use Eruption.”

“Go out, use continuous Air Slash.”



Pidgeot, who has the advantage of flying and is fast and agile, will be dodged no matter how Camerupt attacks.

The world martial arts, there is no solid and no broken, only speed can not be broken! !

This is not restraint on Attribute, but restraint on ability positioning. In this game, Date and Camerupt played very depressed.

You have come and I have been in a stalemate for more than ten minutes. Even a Pokemon with strong physical strength like Camerupt is now covered in bruises and his state has dropped to a freezing point.

“You can no longer be led by the nose, Camerupt, Rock Slide + Eruption!!!” Ida finally used Unique Ability.

“crash-bang ……”

“hong long long ……”

The rock falling into the sky, from the spit up heat of Volcano’s hump Rock, the double Vice Grip makes aerial targets almost inevitable.

This is a killer move specially prepared by Date for Pidgeot, a terrorist attack that an aerial target can hardly avoid.

The trainers who can get a big name in the professional circle are all elites.

Liang Ren can come up with “Roost, Steel Wing, Refresh” strategies for opponents like Ampharos.

Ida can also target the agile Pokémon like Pidgeot and make a double attack of “Rock Slide and Eruption”.

Moreover, Date prepared more than Liang Ren before, the “sandstorm + provocation” wait-for-work tactics, “smoke + Eruption” blind attack tactics.

Unfortunately Liang Ren is more difficult to deal with than Merca, Pidgeot is more powerful than Ampharos, Date’s set of tactics have been resolved by Liang Ren and Pidgeot.

The current “Rock Slide + Eruption” double attack is Date’s last counterattack. If this can’t help the opponent, then he can give up in this game.


bang bang bang!!

xiu xiu xiu!!

Yida’s ultimate move is indeed very strong, and Liang Ren has thus 100% recognized the opponent’s strength.

At this moment, Pidgeot’s dodge space is almost completely suppressed under such intense firepower.

However, Liang Ren, who had already detected Camerupt in a weak state, didn’t even think about dodge at all.

The twin pupils shine, the power of Mega’s evolution is sprayed out from Pidgeot within the body, and the graceful MegaPidgeot is once again shown in front of the audience.

“Pidgeot, use Divine Bird!!!” Liang Ren shouted.

Golden Flame Divine Bird swooped down from high altitude, sharp bird eye looking for the gap of dense flint, behind Rock Throw was completely forgotten.

Both sides came up with the strongest trump cards. The Rock Throw of the landslide Fissure fell from the sky, and flint bullets burst out from the muzzle of the hump, engulfed in lava smoke.

The golden flame Divine Bird, whose stomach and back are attacked, flashes from left to right, looking for a gap and goes straight in.

As if dancing on the tip of a sword, looking for the only glimmer of survival in the crisis of nine deaths.


Levitate collapsed on the sacred mountain in the sky, and the Ground Volcano broke out. Camerupt’s killer move was very visually impactful, as if The doomsday blockbuster of nature.

The Divine Bird dropping from the sky is surrounded by golden flames. Even in the depths, it looks majestic and inviolable.

There was a roar that made the audience’s heartbeat interrupted. Rock Throw and Firefall fell to Ground, and no one could see the situation of the two Pokémon.

“Beep Eagle——”

Just as the audience stretched their necks and looked up, MegaPidgeot used Refresh to clean the feathers, and the smoke from the breakthrough explosion flew out.

“hu hu…”

The wings fluttered down twice, and the smoke dispersed. The one lying motionless on the court was Camerupt, who had lost the combat capability.

“Camerupt can’t fight. Pidgeot won the game.”


“Pidgeot…Pidgeot… “

After the referee announced the result, there was a burst of cheers overturning the roof of the hall.

With the defeat of Date, Liang Ren has won three consecutive victories! !

A group of 5 players, the Sanyueren two defeats are hopeless.

Ida lost to Liang Ren. Liang Ren, who has already obtained 3 Integral Points, can now be 100% guaranteed to advance to the semi-finals.

“However, a strong enemy is rare. The next game with Akai is still worth looking forward to.” Standing in the venue to accept the cheers of the audience, Liang Ren thought overwhelmed by emotions.

Ding, experience +430

Ding, found the innate talent value of attack +1

ding, found the special attack innate talent value +1

—— ——

“Is your luck so good today? It was a double shot again.” Seeing the two bright red Attribute coins jumping out of Camerupt, Liang Ren smiled suddenly.

Mersa’s Ampharos was also a double shot, and he contributed a physical innate talent coin and a special attack innate talent coin.

Didn’t expect Date’s Camerupt in this game also broke out two innate talent coins of “material attack and special attack”.

In addition to the innate talent coin contributed by Pinsir from the Three Mountains in the first battle, in the three battles this morning, he picked up a full five innate talent coins.

“There are very few competitions like this, and it is difficult for a high-level trainer like this to encounter it. If you participate in ordinary competitions, it is estimated that it is difficult to gain such a reward.”

Both the experience fog group and Attribute coins were absorbed by Pidgeot, standing on the court and enjoying the cheers of the audience, Liang Ren took Pidgeot out of the field.

I usually come to the Stadium to play three games in a row like this, which is quite acceptable for Pidgeot.

Although the Pokemon that the tournament is currently playing against is much stronger than the opponent that you usually encounter in qualifying.

However, there will be recovery at the end of a game, and there is still a 30-minute intermission. Pidgeot not at all is too much pressure.

Now it’s 11:00, and another game in the morning will end. The afternoon is the semi-finals of each group of qualified players, which will be more intense at that time.

“Congratulations on your third victory. Next, I will be your opponent.”

Retiring from the arena, the taciturn Akai grinned at him. A stiff but sincere smile.

“Of course, I am looking forward to fighting with you.” Liang Ren also smiled sincerely.

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