The high-pitched bird song and the low beast roar echoed on the field.

In this game, the audience did not cheer in unison, and there was no heated discussion. If it is because of this that the audience does not expect this game, it would be a big mistake.

In a quiet and solemn atmosphere, the provocative voices of Pidgeot and Aggron on the court seem to be particularly audible impact.

One by one, the audience opened their eyes wide and watched the matchup off the court.

“The game begins.”

The trainers and Pokémon on both sides are ready. The referee who retreated to the outer circle did not at all delay the time, stepped forward and stood on the sidelines. The flag made a start signal loudly.

“Pidgeot, take off quickly, keep a safe distance.” After opening the fetter link, Liang Ren immediately gave Pidgeot an order with his thoughts.

“Aggron, use Thunderbolt.”


The metal horns above the head are like two plasma Ember towers, and the golden electric Ember chi chi flashes, next moment A thick-armed lightning strikes the sky-circling Pidgeot.

The speed is so fast that the hearts of the off-site audience suddenly become nervous and their emotions suddenly become tense.

“Beep Eagle——”

The Pidgeot that received the instruction lifted into the air without using “Downwind + Agility” to speed up.

The air becomes anxious when the electric floodgate passes.

Fortunately, Liang Ren had been on the alert for a long time, preemptively let Pidgeot blast into the air, and let this murderous intentional lightning strike the empty space.

Even so, Pidgeot would have been hit by Aggron’s Thunderbolt at this moment if it weren’t for the fast closing of the claws.

“hu hu ~”

Dodge attacked, lifted off to a distance, hu hu flapped its wings, Pidgeot, at this moment, is also a lingering fear.

Akai’s attack confirmed Liang Ren’s conjecture. When facing Pidgeot, Akai also made preparations in advance. He didn’t boil the frog in warm water and slowly consumed him. In the opening game, Pidgeot had not yet entered the state and launched directly. The onslaught.

Should be the first to take the lead and attack it by surprise.

Once Pidgeot hits the move, all the ultimate moves will burst out. It is estimated that Liang Ren will not have to play this game.

After all, expert moves are only a momentary matter, and there can be no slightest carelessness in it.

“Pidgeot, Shunfeng + Agility.” Liang Ren settled his mind, and ordered Pidgeot with his thoughts.

“Aggron, use Iron Defense.” Akai also gave Aggron a command in a deep voice.

“Beep eagle~”

“roar roar~”

Two people on the field are expressionless, and both sides halt the battle with eloquence to increase the power of Pokémon by supporting Ability. The fierce confrontation that broke out just now seems to be just an illusion of the audience.

Following the wind farm + Agility, the Pidgeot hovering in the Sky becomes more relaxed and freehand, while the Aggron, which uses Iron Defense to enhance the defensive power below, makes aura heavier.

“Aggron, use Rock to close yourself.”


“Aggron, use Wide Guard.”


The murderous aura of Thunderbolt at the beginning of the game seemed to be a flash in the pan. As Pidgeot lifted out of the attack range, Akai’s tactics became defensive power.

Whether it is a normal or Flying Type attack, hitting Aggron can only cause half damage.

Like Pidgeot’s steel wings and dragon claws, they can’t do damage to Aggron. It can be said that Pidgeot’s kite tactics are completely useless in Aggron.

“The eagle does not fold its wings for Hurricane, Pidgeot, Mega evolves!!”

On the field where Aggron growls and Pidgeot flaps his wings, I see Ah Kai had no brains to defend, and the boy who was watching closely by the audience suddenly shouted.

“Come here, Mumu Liang Ren took the lead in the Mega evolution.”

“Aggron defensive power is so high, after all, Pidgeot can’t move at all.”< /p>

“Hehe, I think Pidgeot will not touch Aggron even if Mega evolves.”

“I also think so. Later, Aggron will also evolve Mega, I am afraid Mumu Liang Ren, then, will be consumed alive.”

“This game is really hard to play.”


Golden’s crown, bright and brilliant The light of purpose evolution, not at all, dispelled the worries of the audience, and Libra began to lean towards Aggron.

“Beep Eagle——!!!”

The light of evolution dissipated, and a larger body, wider wings and longer wings, and a more contest majestic MegaPidgeot appeared in The audience is in sight.

Ignoring the Aggron, which continuously enhances defensive power below, MegaPidgeot can fly as flexible as performing aerial stunts.

The belly feathers that turned from creamy yellow to pure white reflected silky brilliance under the venue lights.

The bird eyes of the water red, the pointed tail feathers whose ends are highlighted in bright blue, and the three clusters of fresh red feathers growing from the Yellow feathers, have nowhere to attract the attention of the audience.

Pidgeot, after Mega’s evolution, is definitely the most outstanding of all bird Pokémon in the world.

“Aggron, use Iron Defense.”


“Aggron, use Rock Seal.”

Mega Evolution Later, Pidgeot’s strength skyrocketed. Looking at the defensive power underneath, Aggron, who was defensively defending and not attacking, Pidgeot, who was hovering in the sky, became a little uncontrollable.

The audience did not know what instructions Liang Ren gave. They saw MegaPidgeot’s eyes spinning spinning, eagerly looking for an opportunity to attack.

Seeing four boulders falling in the sky, protecting Aggron tightly, Pidgeot’s body in the sky suddenly flickered.

Hundreds of Double Teams were separated at once, and then dived down, seemingly ready to use the siege tactics used in the previous match against Pinsir.

“Beep Diao~”

“Beep Diao~”


The black bird flock will be Aggron Surrounded by groups, Akai can’t see the situation inside, frowned, he always feels that Liang Ren has another purpose.

However, suspicion is only suspicion. Aggron, whose physical defense has already penetrated Skyrim, cannot be moved by Pidgeot.

“Aggron, use Metal Sound.” The youth ordered in a deep voice.


Aggron opened his mouth and roared, and the sour metallic friction sound wave spread out.

The Double Team’bang bang’ blasted Aggron into an airtight enclosure. Only one Pidgeot survived, kicking and flapping his wings and flew back to the sky.

“Beep Eagle——”

Metal Sound will reduce opponent Physical defense, but not at all for Pidgeot, which has the characteristics of “strong pectoral muscle” and whose defensive ability will not be reduced. Any effect.

Akai guessed well. Liang Ren’s offensive did have a different purpose just now. Pidgeot was just a fake blow, and the Double Team was just confuse and divert his attention.

The reason is naturally to cover Pidgeot to safely complete “Roost”, and to transform the flying Attribute power that has skyrocketed after the evolution of Pidgeot Mega into ordinary Attribute power that is not restrained by Rock Type.

The Ability shown by Aggron in the previous game included “Magnitude, Earthquake”. If Pidgeot was accidentally touched, it would be ruined.

The defense is weak, and it will always be the flaw of the agile Pokémon.

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