Ding, experience +240

Ding, pick up the physical strength Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up the attack Attribute value +1


The game is over.

On the opposite side, Mightyena not at all exploded red innate talent coins, only one experience fog group and two white Attribute coins.

Liang Ren didn’t care too much about this. Pok茅mon, a high innate talent these years, is not a cabbage on the street.

At this moment, he is more concerned about Riolu’s successful evolution. Looking at the handsome Lucario in front of him, the smile on Liang Ren’s face lasts for a long time.

After returning to the mainland after the crash of Cinnabar Island, Riolu officially began to receive training. The first time he participated in actual combat was Hoenn from Kanto during the summer vacation.

Leaving Larousse City and heading to Lilycove City, Liang Ren specially rented a venue for a prize-winning challenge in the battle hall of the Pok茅mon Center.

Riolu’s first actual combat target was a Poochyena, and Riolu’s nervousness and anxiety in the first battle is still vivid.

After leaving Lilycove City, Riolu learned a lot with him and experienced a lot at the same time. His strength also strengthened in Heaven and Earth one day.

The object of the first battle was a Poochyena. Now Riolu has evolved after defeating a Mightyena. I have to say that there is a wonderful fate in the dark.

Leading Lucario to wave to the camera together, he expressed his gratitude to the fans who watched his game off the court, and Liang Ren left.

“Liang Ren, congratulations, Riolu has evolved into Lucario.”

“Wow~Is this Lucario? This is the first time I have seen it so close, I feel So handsome.”

“I feel like Lucario is the most handsome in Fighting Type Pokemon. I really like it.”


See Liang Ren came out of the exit aisle, and the trainers in the hall all congratulated him.

One by one, his eyes were shining brightly at the evolved Lucario, with unspeakable envy.

“haha, thank you everyone.” Seeing everyone’s reaction, Liang Ren’s face was also full of happy smiles.

Although it has been predicted that Riolu will evolve in the past few days, when the evolution really comes, Liang Ren is indescribably happy.

To subdue and cultivate Pok茅mon to become stronger. This is the cultivation of the trainer. The Pok茅mon in your hands has evolved and become stronger. What else is happier than this.

After saying hello to everyone, Liang Ren left the waiting hall, and then took the evolved Lucario to the’Pok茅mon Center’ for a health check.

“Lucario, you just evolved. I asked Nurse Joy to check your body for you. I’m waiting for you outside.”

“ao ao~”

< p>Lucario nodded, although it has evolved, but the well-behaved and sensible character has not changed at all.

See Lucario to follow Joy to check, Liang Ren finally has time at this time, call out the Attribute panel to check Lucario’s information.

銆怢ucario 銆戔檪

Level: 24

Attribute: Fighting, steel

Character: loyalty, justice

< p>Features: Mental Force, (unyielding heart)

Stamina: 78 [C] Blue

Attack: 128 [B] Purple

Defense: 75 [C]

Special attack: 115 [B] Purple

Special defense: 75 [C]

Speed: 103 [B] Purple

< p>Comprehensive: 574


“Top Rank”: feint attack, Force Palm, Piaopiaoquan, Alloy Claw, Spark One Flash, Counter, Work Up

“intermediate rank”: Extrreme Speed, Endure, Aura Sphere, Mach Punch

“Low level”: Detect, Crushed Rock, Copycat, Final Gambit, Calm Mind, Metal Sound, Power-Up Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Reversal


“Species Strength (individual value) has been increased from 334 to 574, which has increased by 240 numerical points at once, tusk… “

The normal Riolu Species Strength is 285, but Liang Ren, his Riolu innate talent is very high.

In the early stage, he didn’t use Attribute coins to enhance the innate talent for Little Brat. The individual value reached 334, which was 49 points higher than the race average.

Now after evolution, the individual value has reached 574, which is 49 points higher than the normal Lucario 525 Species Strength.

Compared with Quasi-Legendary’s 600Species Strength, Lucario is not much different now. In addition, Liang Ren has a cheat for picking up Attributes. In the future, Riolu’s achievements will definitely surprise the world.

“The level has been improved by two levels, and it is now Level 24, and the improvement is not small.

Although it is where water flows, a canal is formed naturally breakthrough, but the next paragraph Time still needs to stabilize the realm through intensive training.”


“Well~newly learned “Detect, Crushed Rock, Copycat, Final Gambit, Calm Mind, Metal Sound, Power -Up Punch, Reversal”. “

“I learned eight abilities in one go. This is no longer an innate talent. Lucario’s parents are by no means ordinary Pok茅mon. “

“I really don’t know how the lunatic J got Lucario’s egg. “

Looking at the expanded Ability pool on the Attribute panel again, Liang Ren was delighted and a little confused.

In the eight newly learned Ability, “Detect, Copycat, Calm “Mind, Metal Sound” are auxiliary capabilities, and “Smashed Rock, Final Gambit, Power-Up Punch, and Reversal” are attack moves.

As a professional trainer, Liang Ren can naturally see the value of these abilities, and each abilities can be said to be very practical.

Lucario’s physical examination was delayed for a while, but it was only more than ten minutes.

Liang Ren usually pays much attention to Pok茅mon’s health management. Lucario’s final physical examination result is also very healthy, and many indicators even far exceed the so-called health level.

After Lucario鈥檚 work was done, Liang Ren took Slowpoke to the main venue. After all, he reported for a qualifying match at night.


The opponent at night is good, but compared with Liang Ren, who actually has a Samsung professional level, it is not on the same level.

Liang Ren leaned on a Pok茅mon from Slowpoke and directly smashed the opponent through, and finally won the game strongly.

So far, he has won seven consecutive victories in Stadium, Mauville City, and can be promoted to the second star by playing three more games.


At nine o’clock in the evening, I came out of the Stadium after playing the game, and I don’t know when it rained outside.

With light rain, this city of science fiction and entertainment seems to be shrouded in a misty tent.

Liang Ren did not stay in Mauville City much.

After coming out of the Stadium, Pidgeot was released directly. After Slowpoke used Psychic to prop up an eggshell shield, one person and three pets flew directly over the Hoenn River and returned to the Metasequoia forest camp.

Four seasons cycle, after autumn, there will be rain and cold.

After returning to the Metasequoia Forest Camp, Liang Ren also found a jacket to put on himself, and then he began to prepare supper for Lucario.

Light rain fell into the autumn forest, and the raindrops rustled on the yellow leaves of Metasequoia.

The firewood on the campsite was crackling, and the smell of food drifted away with the night breeze.

Riolu evolved into Lucario, Pidgeot, Cloyster, Slowpoke, even though they are in Pok茅 Ball, they can perceive everything that happens outside.

But looking at Lucario’s new look now, the three pets are also very novel, and they are ravaged with caress.

“Don’t make trouble, you guys, get ready to have supper.”

“hong long long ~”

At this moment, sky suddenly sounded a thunderous The roar, Liang Ren who was making late night snacks looked up at the dark night sky, he always felt as if something was going to happen.


At this moment, in the Thorns Mountain Col, not far east of Metasequoia Forest.

After picking two grapefruits from the Berry Plantation, Snivy wanted to share it with the old frog.

However, what she saw when she came back was Venusaur lying dying in the grass nest and motionless.

Snivy maroon’s vertical pupils suddenly expanded with a tear of lightning and pierced the night sky, completely froze in place.

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