“Snivy, are you really okay?” Liang Ren asked worriedly.

bloodline awakened, and failed to control her power when she performed “Petrochemical Art, Bubble’s Aria” for the first time. Snivy, who was overdrawn, fell asleep for nearly four hours.

I woke up to find Snivy lying on the Pokémon center hospital bed. The sad memory of Venusaur’s death on the Pokémon center hospital bed last week was awakened again.

I originally needed to stay in the center of Pokémon to rest, but Snivy did not want to stay in this sad place and forced Liang Ren to take it away.


From the center of Pokémon, turn down the street into a park with lush vegetation, Liang Ren found a bench and sat down.

“si si ~” Snivy shook the head held on the bench by Liang Ren, indicating that he is okay.

Awakening bloodline power is certainly a good thing to celebrate, after all, learning Ability is the knot of its until now.

Abandoned by the previous two trainers, in the final analysis, it was also because it was unable to learn Ability moves.

Now he has awakened the powerful Hereditary Ability with two tricks, as if he was relieved by the vicious Curse of fate.

“It would be fine if the old frog could see me awakening Hereditary Ability, but it is already not in.”

Snivy maroon’s snake eyes flashed with sadness and regret.

“Don’t be sad, do you remember what the old frog said?” Seeing Snivy’s mood a little depressed, Liang Ren asked softly.

“si si ~” Snivy lifts the head and looked at him with some doubts.

“Although the old frog passed away, it will silently follow you in the sky.

You must have known about the Hereditary Ability. I think the old frog is now I am so happy for you!”

“Sao Suo…”

The evening breeze is blowing from the direction of the park forest, falling leaves Rollout, Lin Tao hua hua.

“si si ~”

Liang Ren is very comforting. Snivy raised his head and looked at sky. It seemed that he really saw a cloud that looked like an old frog.

The soft white cloud is like an old frog leading it in its leisurely posture when walking in the spring field full of wild flowers.

The white clouds walk away with the wind.

But as if to feel Snivy’s gaze, the Venusaur-like cloud in the sky turned his head and gave Snivy a kind smile.

The wind decides to leave~

Where can the cloud stay~

The longing is entangled with the hand that has been emptied, the love is like flowing water, and the water is always difficult to collect.

You have left, but I am still standing at the intersection when you left. It is time to welcome a new life.

“Thank you~Old Frog, walking slowly~”

Looking at the cloud on the sky that looks like the old Frog, slowly drifting away with the wind.

Snivy’s face also showed a strong and relieved smile, although the corners of his eyes were still glittering.

“Snivy, I have prepared a Present for you.” Seeing Snivy staring at sky in a daze, he suddenly smiled and said.

“si si ~” Snivy, who was awakened by Liang Ren’s words, secretly wiped the corners of his eyes and looked at him with a suspicious expression.

“I will give you an Ability.” Liang Ren mysterious said with a smile.

“si si ~” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Snivy’s doubts in his eyes became more serious.

Liang Ren didn’t explain anything. He communicated with the system warehouse, found a TM, and selected Snivy’s thumbnail image and clicked to use it.

Learning Ability is Snivy’s heart disease, so Liang Ren bought a TM specially for it, and he is ready to accept it as a surprise.

Today I officially accepted Snivy, and there were indeed surprises, but it was Snivy’s surprise for him.

The Ability prepared by Liang Ren doesn’t seem to be so expectant, but this is just Liang Ren’s own thoughts.

When a strange feeling of Ability appeared in his mind, Snivy looked into Liang Ren’s eyes, which was truly full of surprises.

“This is the little Present I prepared for you. Try it now and see if you can show it.”

Seeing Snivy’s reaction, Liang Ren knew that he had learned this ability. , Said gently with a smile on his face.

“si si ~” Snivy nodded, after packing up the surprise in his heart, his expression became serious.

Awakening Hereditary Ability and learning Ability are two different things.

Although I don’t know how Liang Ren made it realize Ability, Snivy is really nervous at the moment.

Adjust the power according to the sentiment in your mind.


Under the bright yellow’collar’ of Snivy’s shoulder lily, the two small thumbs of Vine Whip trembled Drilled out loudly.

“Very good, the first time it was successfully displayed.” Looking at the two slender Vine Whip, Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction.

Snivy could not learn Ability before, Liang Ren guessed that it was not because of its insufficient innate talent, but the negative influence of bloodline power.

Of course, Snivy’s inferiority complex is also an obstacle to its ability to learn Ability.

But now that the bloodline power is awakened, the two moves Hereditary Ability have also been activated, plus Liang Ren’s cheat, Snivy should have no problem learning Ability in the future.

“si si ~”

Snivy’s eyes closed because of tension just now slowly opened. At this moment, seeing that he really used Vine Whip, his body trembled with excitement. .

Because there was no way to learn Ability, it was abandoned by two trainers in a row, and it was also deceived when living in the wild. Ryō.

Now, its fate has changed, and it finally Can learn Ability, from now on, it can also train and fight like other Pokemon.

The dream of powerhouse, once wiped out by the hardships in life, now once again shines brightly.

The dark clouds that hung over Snivy’s heart all year round, disappeared in an instant, and the shining sunlight dignified Snivy’s whole heart.

Snivy, who has always been cowardly and low self-esteem, is now radiant and his eyes are full of confidence.

Snivy’s change, Liang Ren saw it, he was happy to see Snivy’s change.

As a trainer of Snivy, helping him build his confidence is the 1st Step. All this is going on according to his plan.


Snivy was in a coma for more than four hours in the afternoon and woke up close to 5 o’clock. Usually, he has played several games in Stadium at this time.

Liang Ren has won nine consecutive victories at Stadium and is preparing to report for another qualifying match tonight.

If the game goes well tonight, then he will be officially promoted to the two-star professional trainer.

In the small park, Liang Ren took the excited Snivy for more than ten minutes of small training.

Able to skillfully use Vine Whip Ability, Liang Ren took a few Pokémon to dinner, and then rushed to the city Stadium.

As soon as I walked in, didn’t expect met an acquaintance, or someone who Snivy knew very well.


Just finished registering for the competition, Sakai Forrest turned around and just met Liang Ren approaching.

When Liang Ren first came to Mauville City, the First Stage qualifying match was played against Sakai Forrest.

at first, Sakai Forrest still wants to step on Liang Ren to the top.

Didn’t expect In the final match, his’Crustle, Dusclops, Torkoal’ were killed by Liang Ren and a Cloyster, making him completely a joke in the circle.

I have had the idea of ​​retrieving the place, but as Liang Ren slowly showed his almost invincible battle strength, Sakai Forrest also put out this unrealistic idea.

Seeing Liang Ren walking towards him, Sakai Forrest put a warm and respectful smile on his face, ready to step forward to say hello.

However, as soon as he raised his hand, Sakai Forrest’s smile froze when he saw Snivy in his arms.

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