“Boom crash-bang…”

On the majestic Great Snow Mountain, every mountain slope is covered with thick snow. Once affected by external forces, the snow will fall collapse.

The greater the external force received, the more snow will collapse. The Ability “Avalanche” also has this characteristic of doubling the force and rebounding.


Accepting the Super King’s Earthquake attack frontally, Cloyster’s Avalanche’s formidable power was also mentioned to a terrifying level.


Blizzard was mixed with huge ice and rocks, and the Super King, who rushed towards Cloyster with great strides, didn’t even have a chance to dodge. Avalanche was overwhelmed.

“Super Power King……!!!” Xi Lan exclaimed.

The Super King is his strongest Trump Card. At the 2nd Alliance Conference of Alola Region, even the super trainers such as Guzma and Gragio have suffered under his hands.

At this moment, he hasn’t even come up with the Z-style hole card, and the super king has been beaten by the opponent to there’s no resistance.


Iron Palm pulled away the suppressed ice and rocks, and the Super Power King roared and got out of the snowdrift.

“Cloyster, use Blizzard.” Looking at the aggressive super king on the field, Liang Ren lightly ordered the Cloyster.

“hong long long……”

“Damn ~ Super King, use Hyper Beam!!!” Anger, panic.

Seeing that Cloyster rolled up Blizzard again and rushed towards the Super King, Xi Lan screamed at the Super King ordered.

“Roll horizontally.” Hearing Xilan’s instructions, Liang Ren hurriedly gave Cloyster instructions.


In Blizzard, the super king opened his eyes and made angry roar.


Super Power King moved very quickly, and a purple beam of light filled with a strong aura of destruction burst out through the Blizzard Barrier.

“Kaka~” Liang Ren’s order was timely, and Cloyster’s response was quick.

The visibility of the white space in Blizzard is very low. The Power King is targeting the position where Cloyster was just waiting.

Cloyster rolled sideways, dangerous and dangerous, Hyper Beam almost rubbed Cloyster’s body and hit the ground, leaving a horrible to see crater in Ground.

“Roar~” Although Hyper Beam failed, Cloyster’s dodge attack also made Blizzard’s power suddenly diminished.

Like Rillaboom, the Super King beat his chest and roared out of Blizzard.

He was bombarded by Cloyster’s Ability several times, and his condition has become a little unhealthy. After spending the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, he finally came to Cloyster.


The round eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, the lung lobes twitched like the bellows of a forge furnace, and the hot nose exhaled from both nostrils.

Looking at Cloyster in front of him, the Super King roared loudly. Without waiting for the trainer’s instructions, he rounded his arms and Iron Palm patted Cloyster fiercely.


Looking at the super king’s movements, Liang Ren did not say anything, and Cloyster calmly closed the shell.


Iron Palm was in close contact with the spiked shell, Cloyster was shot flying away in an instant, and Super King’s cheeks turned into sauce purple.

Cloyster’s material defense innate talent is as high as 214, which is rated as a terrifying S-Rank by the system.

The double-layer shell has a shock absorption function, and the outermost shell is covered with spikes, as if Innate Earth has an anti-injury effect.

Slapped Cloyster with a slap, and there was also a heartache in the palm of Super King, a blow with anger, but it didn’t take advantage of all.

More importantly, it finally got close, and now it has distanced itself from Cloyster again.

“Cloyster, use Aurora Beam.” Liang Ren tickled the corner of his mouth. After a long silence, he finally spoke again.

Seeing the super king slapped the opponent away, Xilan also brows, but Liang Ren continues to launch an offensive, he also knows that this is not the time to blame the super king.

“Super Power King, Hyper Beam!!!” Xi Lan hurriedly ordered.

Cloyster’s forehead flickered, and a brilliant colorful beam shot out; Super King not to be outdone, opened his mouth and moved towards Cloyster was a Hyper Beam.


“<—— Boom"

Aurora Beam with murderous intention hidden in Huamei, bright purple with thick Hyper Beam of destruction aura.

The two attacks collided on the center line of the arena, and a chaos nuclear bomb with mixed energy quickly formed.


The energy bomb was pushed by a powerful force for a while to move towards the super king, and for a while, it was pushed towards Cloyster.



The energy bombs of mixed energy are getting bigger and bigger, Looking at the close-up of the camera on the big screen, the audience was also frightened.

Under the continuous injection of power, the huge energy nuclear bomb was unable to maintain stability, and finally exploded.


The terrifying blast caused the ice marbles to fly around the arena, and snow flakes and ice debris splashed everywhere.

In this battle, both sides have tactical thinking in their hearts, but the effect is very simple and direct, without any fancy things.

All the complex skills and experience have been transformed into the most unbelievably relaxing and ordinary.

Cloyster resisted the opponent attack unscathed, and there was no stiff repercussions behind the Super King launching Hyper Beam.

If you want to do this, you don’t know what kind of sweat you have to pay behind. The strength of both parties can be seen from these details.

However, no one has the mind to think about these details now, because a new confrontation on the court has begun.


The Hail snow flakes engulfed by the explosive air wave hit the face, Super Power King escaped from the angry emotion.

Several sets of “Blizzard, Avalanche” attacks against Cloyster, and two consecutive Hyper Beam attacks, the power within the body of the Super King is almost exhausted.

On the other hand, on Cloyster’s side——


Hail fell from the sky, and Cloyster splashed with green energy ripples. .

Super Power King made several shots with anger. Not only did he fail to break Cloyster’s defense and cause damage to it, but the consumed power was also continuously restored after the extremely cold body was activated.

This time from the very beginning, it fell into white-hot. After more than ten minutes of fighting, the super king state was approaching freezing point, and Cloyster did not suffer any damage.

The eyes of the audience are discerning.

“You still have your hole cards yet to come out.” Looking at Xilan, who was facing the frustrated expression, Liang Ren glanced at the Z-Ring worn by his right hand and said.

“I will give you the opportunity to display the power of the Z move.”

“You…” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Xi Lan was surprised that he knew the Z move At the same time, he was also impressed by his courage.

Is this going to make him a Z move? This requires confidence in how strong one is.

“What is the Z move Mumu Liang Ren just said? Why didn’t I understand it.”

“I don’t know, it seems to be the trump card of the opposite trainer.”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren knows the opponent’s hole cards, do they know each other?”

“Don’t guess, the Z move is a power mastered by Alola Region trainers. It is displayed through special Items. Ability with amazing lethality.”


“Since you have said so, then I am as you wish.” Looking at the opposite boy and Cloyster, Xi Lan Shen opened the mouth and said after taking a deep breath.

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