
“Mr. Liang Ren, congratulations on your successful promotion to the professional two-star trainer.

I have updated your record card for you, and the prize for the game tonight 50W has also been synchronized to the account.”

Back from the arena, a beautiful female staff member walked towards him with a brocade-lined tray and said with a warm smile on her face. .

“Thank you.” Looking at the translucent crystal card in the small tray, Liang Ren smiled and thanked him.

Formally promoted to the professional two-star trainer, the center of the translucent record card, originally there was only one gold star, now it has become two gold stars.

Receiving the record card from the staff, Liang Ren turned and walked towards A Fei and A Kai. Many trainers in the waiting hall also looked at him in awe.

I came to Mauville City a month ago, and he was just a “lucky guy” who unexpectedly became famous because he played against Drake Elite.

After coming to the Stadium in Mauville City, everyone wanted to step on him to become famous.

One month, it’s not short or long, and now it’s the many trainers in Stadium in Mauville City or the trainers in other regions in Hoenn.

When the name “Mu Mu Liang Ren” is mentioned, no one will look down on him because of his age, and some just admire him deeply.

“I’ll say that you can’t help you in this promotion match.” Back to sit down, A Fei put an arm on Liang Ren’s shoulder and said with a smile.

“Yes, it’s only one star to qualify for the competition. Liang Ren’s true strength has reached professional three stars, alright.”

Akai’s tone of voice, with his arms around his chest, watching the game intently Plain, said as expected.

“How easy as you said, I was forced to give in a game without seeing me, and in the end, Super King’s Z moves were very strong.”

Liang Ren didn’t despise him just because he won Xilan.

there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, Misty and Brock are one or two years older than his brother, and they are now Elite experts.

Liang Ren did not leave after the game.

Send Cloyster to the’Stadium Pokémon Center’ for recovery. Liang Ren waited for A Fei and A Kai to leave together after the game.


“By the way, I will go back to Kanto tomorrow.” Liang Ren waited for A Fei and A Kai to be together, in order to say goodbye to the two.

During this period of time, I concentrated on helping Pokémon with special training in Metasequoia Forest. The strength of several pets has been greatly improved, and Riolu has also evolved into Lucario.

On the Stadium side, Liang Ren has also been successfully promoted to a professional two-star trainer. School is about to start in a few days, and it is time to return to Kanto.

“So urgent, leave tomorrow?” Akai frowned.

“School is about to start, there are still some things to prepare after I go back.” Liang Ren nodded said.

“I’ll just say you guys, you usually slip away after playing in Stadium. Why are you waiting for us so kindly today? It turns out to be saying goodbye to us.”

Heard Liang Ren’s words , A Fei also narrowed her mouth.

He took the Fighting specialization route. During this period of time, Liang Ren’s Coaching. He has made great progress. Naturally, he also hopes that Liang Ren will stay for a while.

“Well, I came in haste this time. I haven’t traveled well in Hoenn yet. I will come back in the future.”

“And you can come to Kanto to find me if you have time Play.” Liang Ren laughed said.

“Okay, let me call Walter. You will be back to Kanto tomorrow. Tonight, our brothers will finally do their best to host.”

“I just said that you brat won, please have a supper, didn’t expect…”

The Celadon City game industry is thriving, and Celadon City in Kanto Region has the nickname of’Never Sleeping City’.

Mauville City is also the capital of gaming and entertainment, but unlike Celadon City, where the breeding industry is developed, Mauville City Pokémon has a strong professional competitive atmosphere.

Mauville City at night seems to be in a carnival.

I will return to Kanto tomorrow, and Liang Ren rarely relaxes.

A Fei, Walter, Akai and Liang Ren filled their stomachs, finished singing, and four youngsters went into the Game Center to have fun without the slightest hesitation.

Liang Ren didn’t return to Metasequoia camp until one o’clock in the morning, but Liang Ren got up at six o’clock on the 2nd day.


The sun gradually rises from the east horizon, and the shimmering Hoenn River shines red.

After washing with Pokémon, Liang Ren and the others did not practice in the morning as usual, but began to dismantle the tent and pack their things to leave.

Packed things, Liang Ren held Slowpoke, led Lucario to the ferry and waited for the boat, Pidgeot carried Cloyster and Snivy in the sky to follow.


“Gull Gull~”

The ferry went through the waves, and the sound of a deep and vigorous ship whistle attracted a group of greed Playing Wingull followed far behind.

On the other side of the Hoenn River, Mauville City, which had been asleep for about seven hours, is now awake again.

Under the background of the morning sun, the silhouette of Mauville City towering into the cloud is clearer.


“Go away.” Liang Ren said.

After having breakfast at the Pokémon Center, ALFY, Walter, and Akai specially came to see him off.

“Okay, good voyage.”

“When you arrive, remember to make a call.”

“Please keep in touch with you~ Don’t go back to Kanto Forget about us friends.” A Fei said.

“Don’t worry.”

“You can come to Kanto when the time comes. Let me entertain you.”

“… “

On the bank of the Hoenn River, after saying goodbye to three friends, Liang Ren rode away directly on Pidgeot.

The three people lying on the railings of the river bank corridor stared at the back of Liang Ren who disappeared at the end of the sky without a word for a long time.

“See you next time, I don’t know what level of strength this fellow Liang Ren will reach.” Walter said with emotion.

“Liang Ren, this kid is a pervert. With such a wicked friend, Ben Shao is really under pressure.” A Fei smiled bitterly.

“We have to cheer, otherwise the gap will widen, and we will be ashamed next time we meet.” Akai grinned with a rare smile.


In the circle of professional three-star trainers, Akai, Walter, and Afei are all true elites.

The appearance of Liang Ren made the three feel pressure.

Next, the trainers in the Mauville City circle found that ALFY…they went to the Stadium to play more games, far less sloppy than before.

Turning pressure into motivation, the strength of the three of them will naturally become stronger and stronger, and their reputation in the Mauville City trainer circle will also grow.

Of course, these all are later.

By the way, Liang Ren left Mauville City in the morning and headed north, and arrived at Fortree City at noon.

After having lunch in Liu Family, Liang Ren not at all stayed for more. Before, I had an appointment with Liu Qing to go back to school.

After a short break after lunch, Liu Qing also rode Skarmory and rushed towards Lilycove City with Liang Ren.

Before coming from Lilycove City to Fortree City, Liang Ren spent two weeks crossing the rainforest, but at the moment he rode Pidgeot to Lilycove City at 5:30 PM.

“I’ll give my eldest brother a call.” Two birds, Pokémon, landed in the square outside the center of Lilycove City Pokémon, Liang Ren said towards Liuqing.

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