Rotom was subdued through his hands, and Liang Ren, Rotom’s initial Ability pool, knew very well.

Lucario doesn’t have any special attacks that restrict Rotom’s actions, so he has been waiting for opportunities.

“xiū xiū xiū 咻~”

Under the background of the energy stars scattered by Metal Sound, the four golden light spheres turned towards Lucario in the shape of’㗊’ Call.

Confuse Ray has the ability to plunge opponent into chaos, which is a very practical and disgusting ability in actual combat.

“ao ao~”

Four balls of light hit, Lucario closed his eyes and ran quickly, after dodge’s strange light, his hands quickly stirred in the air.

“xiū xiū xiū 咻~”

Started by “Copycat” Ability, Lucario copied Rotom’s singular light in admiration, and four shining light balls moved towards the air, Rotom hit back go back.

“Rotom, hurry up to dodge.” He didn’t expect Liang Ren to have Mu Mu Lei with this hand. He was shocked and hurriedly issued an escape order.

“Metal Sound.” After waiting for the opportunity for a long time, how could Liang Ren let him go like this.


The harsh noise radiated out, and Rotom, who was trying to dodge, became stiff.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

After a short pause, the petite body was instantly hit by the dazzling ball of light that followed.

The strange light is not attacking Ability, Rotom is not at all injured, but its situation at the moment is more worrying than injury.

“Rotom, use the shadow ball.” Seeing that Rotom was in chaos, Mu Mu Lei had to cut off one’s means of retreat and plan for the worst.

“Aura Sphere, full effort!!” Liang Ren gave Lucario instructions in a sonorous tone.

No longer pursuing Ability. Instant, Lucario puts his palm on the waist, and uses all his strength to gather Aura Sphere.

The Aura Sphere, which we shared with Rotom just now, is only the size of a coconut.

At this moment, the Aura Sphere from Lucario condense quickly reached the basketball Normal size.

“xiu ~”

“xiu ~”

Shadow ball, Aura Sphere one after the other moved towards the other side, this time both sides are in midair Not at all happens.

Rotom, who was in chaos, executed Mu Mu Lei’s instructions, but he had a ghost in his sight, and Ability simply did not aim at Lucario.

Lucario, who can perceive the trajectory of the opponent Ability attack through Aura, stands in place, without even thinking of dodge.



The shadow ball hit the ground two steps to the left of Lucario, but Lucario’s Aura Sphere was in the middle Levitate Rotom in the air.

“Rotom can’t fight, Lucario won this game.”

Rotom’s eyes fell like mosquito coils, and his eldest brother Mumu Momoya, who acts as a provisional referee, also announced Final result.

“Xiaoluo, you performed very well in this game. Thanks for your hard work, come back first.”

“Hey~ I lost, it really deserves to be the second brother, too strong It’s stronger.”

Recovering Rotom, who had lost the combat capability, into the baby ball, Mu Mu Lei couldn’t help but sigh as she looked at the tall boy on the opposite side.

“When I left, Rotom was only level 10, and I was trained to this level in two months. I can see that you really don’t have Slack Off.”

“And fighting In Little Lei, you have performed very well in all aspects. It seems that you have not participated in the actual combat less during this period.”

Looking at your younger sister’s mood a little Crisna, Liang Ren smiled and spoke. Boast softly.

“That’s~ this Miss has always worked very hard.” Running over and holding her second brother’s arm, Mu Mu Lei raised her head proudly.


“Liang Ren, you have been on your way all afternoon. Haven’t eaten dinner yet. Let’s find a place to have something to eat before we talk.”

The snow rabbit standing next to the eldest brother Momoka, smiled, squinted and raised a finger to suggest.


After dinner, the sky was completely dark, everyone did not stroll outside, but went straight back to the hotel.

On the flight tomorrow morning, the three of siblings have not seen each other for two months, so there is a lot to say.

In the rain forest, he was attacked by the hunter J team and surrounded by Interpol.

The friendship of the bird trainer family, the eagle’s champion inheritance, and after participating in the Mega Evolution Invitational in Mauville City, he was recruited by the Hoenn Alliance…

Under the question of the big brother Except for Hunter J and Snivy’s terrifying bloodline power, Liang Ren told his eldest brother Momoa about other things experienced during this period.

“That’s right~ Brother, this is the Items “Hard Rock” I got from J’s base before. I don’t have Rock Type Pokémon on hand. Pupitar and Rhyperior Tyrunt are just useful for you. “

Liang Ren took a muddy yellow stone from the system warehouse and handed it to his eldest brother Momoyadao.

“Okay, I will save the hard rock first, and wait for you to accept it. Rock Type Pokémon, when the time comes, I will give it to you again. “

Momoya is not polite. I have already said on the phone before.

We will graduate from the Top Rank School in Larousse in half a year. Drake and Wallace represent Hoenn. Alliance took the initiative to draw in.

Kanto Alliance also felt the crisis and was unwilling to drain such talents, so it also offered generous terms.

Yet to wait for Taoya to come from school After graduating and returning to Kanto, he first entered the Alliance search team under Duo for one year, and then gave him a chance to compete for the “Viridian Gym Leader”.

Although with the development of Alliance, a new Gym will be added below.

However, Gym, which is stationed in first-tier cities, is basically monopolized by the meritorious family at the beginning of the establishment of Alliance.

This is why Cerulean Gym was once the weakest Gym in Kanto, and the Gym Badge was given away for nothing.

Alliance did not immediately ban Cerulean Gym, but gave Misty a chance to remedy it. The reason behind it is this feat.

“Viridian City is backed by the Viridian Forest, a treasure house of resources, and has the largest medicine ingredients trading market in the Pokémon world. The Gym Leader of Viridian Gym is a sweet pastry.”

“Since the identity of the Giovanni Team Rocket Boss was exposed, the Viridian Gym Leader has been vacated. I don’t know how many families in the Alliance covet this position.”

“Although the Indigo Alliance has set such conditions there , But to compete with the representatives of other families, it is not as difficult as Normal.”

Before the French window, the eldest brother Momoa said solemnly.

Although Hoenn Alliance is also generous here, it is insufficient compared to Kanto Alliance’s competitive opportunity for Gym Leader.

Both brothers knew the value of Viridian Gym, so Momoa without the slightest hesitation rejected the Hoenn Alliance’s solicitation and invested completely in the Indigo Alliance.

“Since Alliance has set the conditions, in the competition for the position of Viridian Gym Leader, family background is not so important.”

“Everything depends on strength.” Seeing the eldest brother put the “Hard Rock” away solemnly, Liang Ren also showed a smile on his face.

If the older brother can become the Viridian Gym Leader, then their small family of ordinary citizens living in Celadon City will rise instantly.

At present, father Mother at home is also making medicine ingredients for greenhouse planting.

Once they are supported by Viridian’s market channels, their industry will develop rapidly.

With the friendship of the bird trainer family and the cooperation of Liuqing’s father and Liushi medicine ingredients foreign trade company, their family is bound to get better and better in the future.

So, the position of Viridian Gym Leader, Momoa is also bound to win.

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