“It turned out to be the incident on Cinnabar Island.”

“The results of my fortune-telling for you before showed that you brat had a rough fate, but Good Fortune is much deeper than others.”

“It’s just that I didn’t expect that you can easily get the champion-level spiritual bead.”

Receiving this champion-level spiritual bead from Liang Ren, Sabrina couldn’t help but click one’s tongue in wonder.

“Then Teacher, with this champion-level spiritual marrow, can Slowpoke’s mental injury be completely cured?” Liang Ren asked hurriedly.

“I’m afraid not.” Turning her head and glanced at Slowpoke, who was unconscious on the hospital bed, Sabrina groaned.

In the “Spiritual Marrow Pearl”, there is only pure Mental Force and cultivation perception. It does not have the effect of healing injuries.

And the spiritual liquid I brought can barely stop Slowpoke’s injury, and there are only the few methods I mentioned on the phone to completely cure it. “Sabrina said.

“That’s it. “Hearing Sabrina’s explanation, Liang Ren is a bit regretful, but Ash has promised to help, and he is not too worried.

“Teacher, please help Slowpoke to stabilize the injury first. The rest is my own. Come find a way. “Liang Ren said.

“Well, you collect this champion-level spiritual marrow by yourself. Before you have enough strength, don’t expose it to others. “

“If you know such treasures, even I can’t help being tempted. Sabrina blinked at Liang Ren, and Crafty smiled.

“I still know the truth about being undisclosed. Of course, I feel relieved for you, Teacher. “Liang Ren put away the spirit beads presented by Hippo King, laughed and said.

“You brat mouth is really sweet~”

“Okay, I will help Slowpoke to heal the injury. , You are guarding outside and don’t let anyone come to disturb me. “

Sabrina chuckled, and then soon became serious and started to do business.


After Liang Ren answered complied , Also walked out of the ward, and stayed outside, otherwise others would come and disturb.

Sabrina took a little time to treat Slowpoke’s injuries. During the period, Ash, who returned to Pallet Town to obtain Rainbow Wing, also contacted Liang Ren.

Now Ash has been riding the newly acquired Dragonite to Yuanzhu City. He is expected to be there at around 6 pm.

Liang Ren said Sabrina to help Slowpoke’s treatment of the injury, after the injury stabilizes, he will rush to Yuanzhu City to join him.


At four in the afternoon, after more than an hour of treatment, Sabrina signaled that he could enter the ward.

“Teacher, thank you for your hard work, how is the situation with Slowpoke? “

Although Sabrina is Psychic cultivation base profound, Slowpoke suffers from a mental injury.

To control Psychic to enter the Slowpoke Spirit Sea for treatment, even Sabrina has to be cautiously afraid of a little Question.

Seeing Sabrina sweating profusely, Liang Ren pulled a few tissues from the cabinet next to the bed and handed them over, asking nervously about the situation.



“I used Psychic to calm the chaos in the sea of ​​Slowpoke. Under the treatment of the spiritual liquid, Slowpoke’s injury was basically stabilized. “

“The exhausted Mental Force, also activated under the nourishment of the spiritual marrow beads, began to slowly recover. “

“But whether Slowpoke can be cured next, it depends on whether you brat has the ability to get the five divine objects I said at first. “

Taking the tissue that Liang Ren handed over and wiping the sweat bead on her forehead, Sabrina reminded Liang Ren seriously.

“hehe~ Don’t worry, Teacher, for Slowpoke’s divine object, I have found a way out. “

Hearing that Slowpoke’s injury has basically stabilized, Liang Ren’s face also showed a smile.

“You brat has found the way?” Sabrina looked at him in surprise.

“This is how things are…”

Seeing that Sabrina was a little bit unbelievable, Liang Ren also pointed out Professor Oak, Ash, Rainbow Wing, and Ho- Oh, holy ash…I said something about it.

“It’s worth noting that the descriptions of you on the divination are: the death is auspicious, the Good Fortune is profound, and even the Professor Oak and the Ho-Oh messenger are you understanding. “

“You brat, there are really enough nobles!” ! ! “

Divine objects like Ho-Oh Holy Ash have never been heard by ordinary persons, and might be as powerful as an Elite trainer for a lifetime.

However, With such a divine object, in just half a day, Liang Ren found a way to obtain it, which made Sabrina secretly surprised.

“Teacher, you are also the nobleman in my life~”< /p>

“Whether it was this Slowpoke incident or when I was in school before, Teacher, you gave me a lot of help and guidance, otherwise I won’t have my current strength. “

Looking at the teacher who looks cold, but actually takes good care of the students in his heart, Liang Ren said in a sincere and sincere tone.

“Cuckoo…”< /p>

Looking at Liang Ren’s sincere and serious expression like a confession of marriage.

Sabrina, who was cold on her face, suddenly faded away from the cold frost on her face, covering her mouth. There was a ring of laughter like silver bells.

“Liang Ren, your serious look is so cute. “Sabrina stretched out the white and tender fingers like onion roots and squeezed Liang Ren’s cheeks.

“Okay, flattery will take fewer shots. I won’t eat this set (*^▽^*).

“If you ask me to take action this time, you brat owes me a favor. When school starts, remember to come to my Gym to work and pay off the debt.”

“There is nothing wrong with you, I just Going back to the hotel to rest, hey~ it makes me tired.”

After throwing him the unused “Spirit Orb”, Sabrina smiled and left the Slowpoke ward.


Liang Ren did not dare to delay.

Sabrina here only temporarily helped Slowpoke stabilise the injury. If you really want to heal the injury, you have to think about other methods.

Fortunately, he now has a way to obtain Holy Ash, and Ash is already on his way to Yuanzhu City with Rainbow Wing.

Liang Ren also took Slowpoke back into the baby ball after Sabrina had left, and greeted the attending doctor and father Mother, and hurried to Yuanzhu City.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, the sun on the horizon was almost sinking into Western Mountain, and the whole city was dyed golden by the setting sun.

Goldenrod City in the evening is worthy of the name of Goldenrod City.

At this moment, the Hiroshi field outside the gate of Goldenrod City Pokémon.

Under the gaze of Liu Qing, Luna, Ming Zhu, Mother Liangzi, Dad…, Liang Ren rolled over and sat on Pidgeot’s generous back.


“We are here waiting for your good news.”

“Remember to call us when things are done.”< /p>

“You must pay attention to safety on the road!!” Mother Ryoko said worriedly.

“Okay, I will.” Seeing more and more people watching Hiroshi on the court, Liang Ren didn’t dare to stay any longer.

Because of flight H9536, Liang Ren is now a household name hero in Johto and Kanto Region.

Stay a little longer, it is estimated that those reporters rejected by him at Goldenrod City TV Station, do not know where they will come out.

“Pidgeot, let’s go.” Liang Ren patted Pidgeot’s neck said.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot, who received the instruction, raised his head and moved towards sky and let out a clear cry, and his broad and powerful wings slammed.

The crowd on the square outside the center of Pokémon below quickly became only fist sized shadows.

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