“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot Flying is very fast, but when I rushed from Goldenrod City to Yuanzhu City, it was almost dark.

The twilight melts into the valley, and the clouds of sky are like masses of gray fog, which makes the ancient capital of Yuanzhu City full of history.

“Hey~Liang Ren, I am here!!”

“Bep Kapi…”

Pidgeot has not landed yet, Liang Ren has already seen below Ash waved at him excitedly at the entrance of Pokémon’s center.

Pikachu squatting on the boy’s shoulder, and Pika Pika waved his small paws at him, looking very cute.

“Beep Diao~”

“hu hu……”

Liang Ren also waved to Ash, and Liang Ren was patted after saying hello Pidgeot’s neck signaled it to land on the square.


Pidgeot flapped its wings and slowly landed. The wind hit the ground. Ash and Pikachu were blown by the wind and covered their eyes with their hands.

“Sorry, Mr. Ash, I have kept you waiting for a long time.”

Turning over and jumping off Pidgeot’s back, Liang Ren actively greeted him with apologetic tone.

In the early years, the Alliance education system was not very sound. At that time, being promoted to the intermediate rank Pokémon school was not the first choice for many people.

At that time, citizens only had to be ten years old, and most of the choices were to travel away from home, and Ash did.

From the time when he obtained the initial Pokémon Pikachu and left Pallet Town, Ash has been on his career for nearly eight years.

Age and seniority are older than eldest brother Momoa, Liang Ren respectfully calling him “Mr. Ash” is not wrong.

But I don’t know if the per capita lifespan of this World is generally longer, or Ash itself has a Psychic of’recover one’s youthful vigor, youth forever’.

His age is 5 years older than Liang Ren, almost the same age as his own Old Brother, but no one believes that Ash is older than him in terms of height, body shape and appearance.

“Just call me Ash, this is my partner Pikachu.”

Seeing Liang Ren calling him’Mr. Ash’, Ash couldn’t help but smiled awkwardly and pointed to his shoulder at the same time Pikachu introduced.

“Okay, I’ll just call you Ash. You can also call me Liang Ren.”

Recovering Pidgeot to the baby ball, Liang Ren also greeted Ash enthusiastically.

As the protagonist of the original book, his feelings for Ash Liang Ren are particularly complicated. He is looking forward to meeting each other, but at the same time he is afraid of meeting him.

But now because of Rainbow Wing and have to find each other, the first time the two met was not at all imaginatively formal and embarrassing.

Ash has been acquainted with Liang Ren for a long time, and as a transmigrator Liang Ren also has a longing for Ash.

Of course, I would like to ask the Pokémon fans of Earth in the past life, who doesn’t envy Ash and who doesn’t look forward to the famous Zhiye?

“Are we going directly to Bell Tower to meet Ho-Oh?”

“Hoothoot…” As soon as Ash said something, he made a Hoothoot sound of protest in his stomach .

“Pika Pika ~” Pikachu, who was squatting on Ash’s shoulders, blushed and couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for his trainer.

“hahahaha……” Ash himself felt a little sorry.

“Don’t feel sorry, I’m actually hungry.” Liang Ren smiled and actively broke the embarrassment.

It was originally that he asked for help, but Ash came all the way from Pallet Town to Yuanzhu City.

In the end, Ash arrived first, and let Ash wait for him for so long, Liang Ren felt very sorry.

At this time, let the other party go hungry to accompany him to Bell Tower, then he will not be a man.


“Pika Pika”

I heard Liang Ren say this, Ash and Pikachu touched their heads simultaneously, hehe Smiled honestly.

Liang Ren, who was aware of the small actions of Ash and Pikachu, not only did not look down on the protagonist of the original book, but became more and more affectionate in his heart.

As a Senior who made his debut for many years and has traveled more bridges than he has traveled, Ash is stronger than him and has more experience than him.

But when the two met, Ash not only didn’t show the slightest arrogance, but was so frank, who doesn’t like this kind of master?

“In fact, this is my first time in Yuanzhu City, but I have already asked a friend about the famous food in Yuanzhu City.”

“The one I said You know my friend Ash too~” Leaving the Pokémon center, the two walked outside.

Sabrina helped Slowpoke temporarily stabilise her injury. Now that she is in Yuanzhu City, Liang Ren’s heart is no longer as panicked as before.

“Do I know?” Ash tilted his head and looked towards Liang Ren curiously.

“If May see Ash’s puzzled expression at the moment, I believe she will be unhappy, haha…”

Watching Ash and Pikachu make a cute look together With expression, Liang Ren couldn’t help being funny.

“Ah~ I almost forgot Liang Ren, you also know May.” Hearing Liang Ren mentioning May, Ash suddenly reacted.

“I know not only May, but also Brock, Misty, and Se Lena.”

Seeing the protagonist of the original Ash, Liang Ren, who is in some excitement, smiles at this moment. Said with Ash in a tone of offering treasures.

“Brock, Misty, May, and Se Lena are all my companions who have traveled with me. I also learned about Liang Ren from him (her) before.”

“But Liang Ren, you are really amazing. This time flight H9536 was missing. Many people thought that the plane was impossible to land safely. Didn’t expect this flight to be rescued by you…”

< p>Although it is the first time to meet, both parties have a desire to get acquainted with each other. In addition, there are people who know each other, Liang Ren and Ash can communicate without any obstacles.

Liang Ren is a Mega genius who has emerged in Kanto Region in recent years. With several tours, Ash is familiar with Liang Ren’s deeds.

Liang Ren knows Ash more clearly. Although it is strange to say that, he really “sees Ash grow up”.

They both think that they know each other very well. This kind of natural familiarity is obviously the first time we met. When we walked together, it seemed like two good friends Normal who had reunited after a long time.

People that everyone knows, places that have traveled, Pokémon’s cultivation, he once conquered a Pidgeot…

Under the dim street lamp, the two walked side by side On the streets of the ancient capital of writing history, obviously hungry to eat.

But after opening the chat box, Ash also told Liang Ren a lot of his past travel experience, and Liang Ren also listened with keen interest pleasure.

Responding from time to time makes Ash very happy, thinking: “Liang Ren really understands me so much, he is a confidant.”


I found the restaurant recommended by May that specializes in simmering rice and had dinner.

Then the two returned to the Pokémon Center to help Pokémon recover.

The two rushed to the Bell Tower dedicated to Ho-Oh.

“Don’t worry, Slowpoke is to save people who are injured and unconscious, Ho-Oh is definitely willing to save it.”

Departing to Bell Tower, seeing Liang Ren’s expression unconsciously became worried. , Ash is not comfortable.

What Ash didn’t know was that he, the Ho-Oh messenger holding Rainbow Wing, led Liang Ren to Bell Tower.

It is not Ho-Oh’s generous grace that greets them, but…

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