“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)”

Slowpoke also cleverly let Liang Ren hold him, feeling the fear in his heart, Slowpoke stretched out fleshy fatty claws Help him rubbed the temple.

Use “mental shift”, the bizarre Mental Force volume through the soft plum blossom pad, let Liang Ren’s tight nerves slowly relax.

“Thank you, Slowpoke.” Liang Ren touched Slowpoke’s soft fur and said.


“Liang Ren~I’m hungry.” Slowpoke touched his belly, and said in a naive voice.

“Let’s bear it first, and I’ll take you to eat in a while.” Liang Ren held Slowpoke lightly in his arms and comforted.

“Thank you, Ho-Oh.”

“Ash and Pikachu, thank you so much this time.”

Slowpoke wakes up Liang Ren did not forget the people who helped him, and sincerely thanked Ho-Oh Ash with a Slowpoke attitude.

“You are welcome, I am very happy to be able to help Liang Ren you.”

“Pika Pika~”

Ash Pikachu scratched his head and grinned He showed his big white teeth and smiled straight and hearty.

“Healing Slowpoke’s injury is just a matter of effort. For other gains, thank Lugia if you want to.”

On the other side, Ho-Oh’s voice also sounded in Liang Ren’s heart.

“Thank you Lugia for this.” Liang Ren was also very emotional.

It was Lugia who saved his life when the plane crashed, and the other party also gifted him “Silver Wing.”

At the same time, he promised to let him have time to visit the Ice Island, it will let Articuno personally guide the use of Cloyster’s meteorological power.

This time Slowpoke was dying and unconscious. Lugia paid a big favor, which not only allowed Ho-Oh to heal Slowpoke’s injury.

It also made Ho-Oh spend a lot of money to help Slowpoke complete the “evolution”, although it is not like the legendary resurrection of the three Sacred Beast.

But to consume a spiritual jewel that contains championship-level inheritance, Liang Ren hardly thinks about how much Slowpoke’s innate talent has been improved.

“The matter is over, then I should leave.” Ho-Oh golden, with divine splendor’s bird eyes, glanced at Matsuba Xianji, who was kneeling on the ground, and Bell Tower. More and more people are down.


Without waiting for Liang Ren to react, Ho-Oh has left the Bell Tower Sacrifice Room. Under the guidance of the gorgeous rainbow bridge, Ho-Oh flaps Shiny wings , Flying into the sky, the clouds are empty and disappear.

“ao~ ”



With Ho-Oh’s departure, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou, who stood on the eaves of the Bell Tower to protect Ho-Oh, also turned into a north wind, a stream of fire, and a bunch of Spark and quickly disappeared.



The monks and citizens under the Bell Tower discuss spiritedly, but this has nothing to do with Liang Ren, After raising the old monk with long eyebrows and thanking them, Liang Ren and the others also left.

With Slowpoke’s Teleport, Liang Ren and Ash escaped smoothly, not at all, entangled by the citizens under Bell Tower.

Matsuba Xiandi has promised to keep the matter tonight confidential. The messenger summon, who only claimed to be holding a token, came to Ho-Oh, and would not reveal the identity of him and Ash.

Of course, there is no airtight wall in the world.

Ash is the messenger of Ho-Oh, and Liang Ren is the spokesperson in human society selected by Lugia, the god of the sea, and will be known by many forces from today.

But at least ordinary people cannot touch such secrets, Liang Ren and their lives will not be affected much.


Leaving Bell Tower, Liang Ren first took Slowpoke to the new site of the Bell Tower in Western District to express his gratitude to Lugia through Silver Wing.

I made several calls in a row and conveyed the news that Slowpoke’s injury had been completely recovered to father Mother, Sabrina, and Professor Oak…

After that, Liang Ren and Ash took Slowpoke, Pikachu, went out to eat again.

After finishing the trivial matters, Liang Ren led Ash to find the hotel previously booked with his mobile phone. It was already nine o’clock.

Although father Mother and he (she) are still in Goldenrod City, he is a little worried.

However, Ash came from afar to help him, he was also impossible to leave as soon as he was busy, leaving them alone in Yuanzhu City.

And for Ash, Child of Destiny, the real protagonist in the original book, Liang Ren is actually very interested in him.

Especially Ash’s current strength, Pikachu, Charizard, Infernape…these main powers of previous generations are now at what level.

Accompanied by Kalos, the Guardian Z god Zygarde, clean up the Ninja frogs left by the vines caused by the Flash team, when will they return?

There is also a relationship issue with Se Lena… Liang Ren has a lot of gossip and wants to talk to Ash.

After returning to the hotel, Liang Ren sat on the sofa in the living room to check the power changes of Slowpoke, and at the same time, there was Ash who was taking a shower in the bathroom.

“Actually, I have received a lot of Pokémon. There are 76 Pokémons, 30 of which are Tauros, and 4 of them were borrowed.”

“When I first started traveling, I don’t understand many things. In fact, many Pokémons who have been subdued are not suitable for combat training.”

“But there are also some guys who are very combative, and they are quite good now.”

“Charizard, Snorlax, Heracross, Sceptile, Infernape, Krookodile, Greninja… these main Pokemon are now Elite-level strengths.”


Kanto Alliance ·Indigo Plateau Conference Top 16

Johto Alliance ·Silver Conference Top 8

Hoenn Alliance ·Evergrande Conference Top 8

Sinnoh Alliance ·Lily of the Valley Conference Top 4


Unova Alliance ·Vertress Conference Top 8

Kalos Alliance ·Lumiose Conference runner-up

Alola Alliance ·Manaro Conference Champion

Learn about Liang Ren has been following him for a long time, and Liang Ren can report his achievements every time in the Alliance Conference.

Ash has a very high affection for Liang Ren, and he has raised another level in an instant. He will only meet in the afternoon, but at this moment Ash feels that Liang Ren is his most intimate friend.

Seeing that Liang Ren is interested in the strength of Pokémon in his hands, Ash barely conceals it.

Which Pokémon have been subdued, and what level of specific strength these Pokémon have reached, Ash told Liang Ren generously.

“Ash, I remember that Pikachu was the first Pokemon you picked up from Professor Oak when you debuted, and you will take it with you when you travel to the new Region.”

“Pikachu What kind of power is it now?” Liang Ren called out the Slowpoke Attribute panel, turned his head and asked for the sound of water hua hua’s bathroom.

“Pikachu innate talent is very ordinary, plus it has not evolved into Raichu——

“However, after so many years of hard work, Pikachu has now reached the same level of strength as Charizard. . ”

Ash said with a smile who was squatting in the bathroom to help Pikachu apply shower gel.

In fact, Pikachu Pokémon is not suitable for the main training of Trump Card. The idea of ​​evolution is not something a professional trainer should have.

But Ash doesn’t care. The reason why he cherishes Pikachu so much is not only because Pikachu is his first Pokémon.

But Pikachu is very similar to him. The ethnic innate talent is not outstanding, and the character is stubborn…

However, he always believes that people can conquer the sky, and hard work can make up for Innate’s shortcomings. Pikachu is the best example. He himself is also the best example.

“To cultivate Pikachu to this level, I dare say that in the entire Pokémon world, there is no other person besides Ash you. “

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