In all fairness, Casey is very beautiful.

Whether it was Celadon City Primary Rank school or now Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon school, there are many beautiful girls in the class.

But he couldn’t help but praise the two generations.

Last year, after his graduation confession, Liang Ren tactfully refused to deal with it indifferently, and the lively and cheerful Casey son became gradually quieter.

No matter when he was a child or as he grows older, Casey is different from Miyo Shimamura who has a hot personality, arrogant and domineering.

This girl on the sofa in front of me, she doesn’t mess with things, don’t care about things, and doesn’t gather with other girls to chat gossip.

Besides being gentle and considerate, he did a lot of things silently for him in school, and Liang Ren actually has a good impression of her in his heart.

However, Liang Ren couldn’t break through the inner barriers. He only treated Casey’s son as a younger sister until now.

The ideological cognition cultivated by the moral and cultural education in the previous life warned him that this is a taboo, and he should not have other feelings for the girl in front of him.

The body contains the soul of an adult. Liang Ren will not easily move emotions, let alone be affected by the hormones produced by this young body.

Last year’s confession was dealt with indifferently by him, and Casey herself also hid her heart. She knew that the boy she liked was more mature and outstanding than the peers she knew.

She hid the love of that girl in her heart. Most of her first love only blooms but does not bear fruit. If you can’t ask for it, then let it go.

Following Liang Ren for a long time, Casey’s body is also stained with Liang Ren’s mature rationality.

As he said, at the best age of life, it is better to study hard to improve yourself than to use it to talk and waste wantonly.

Investing in yourself and making yourself more outstanding is the most cost-effective investment at any stage of your life.

And when people are in a state of silent struggle, the mind will be sublimated from the trivialities of life.

After being promoted to the intermediate rank Pokémon school, Casey suddenly became quiet and delicate.

Like a flower, always quiet, and then quietly exuding a unique Fragrance.

The affection for the teenager in front of him has not diminished, but gradually it no longer bothers her.

Liang Ren had an accident in the Sea Territory of Cinnabar Island. Casey would worry that Casey would be the first to write his name on the list when the students proposed to visit Cinnabar Island.

In the summer, I learned that Liang Ren was going to Hoenn. Although Casey wanted to go there, she chose to stay in Saffron City wisely.

She applied for a dance training class to advance her dance skills. At the same time, she also participated in a seven-day summer camp organized by the Feeders Association.

As Liang Ren said just now, the future is still long, and there is still time to travel in the future, but there are not many opportunities to really settle down and learn to improve yourself.

She had a very fulfilling summer vacation. Dance Level exams are 1-10 for the universal level, 11-13 for the semi-professional level, and the latter has an age requirement of >13.

This summer, Casey has passed the tenth grade dance exam. The study in the summer camp also made her full of confidence in the Primary Rank feeder assessment next summer.

Liang Ren said it’s good, it’s really good to work hard to improve yourself, and it’s even addictive.

The classmates are relaxing during the summer vacation, and Casey will go to the city Stadium for practical training after studying.

She did not intend to achieve the graduation task set by the school for the privileged class students as soon as possible, let alone attract Liang Ren’s attention.

The reason used to prevaricate Liang Ren’s mother when he took Oddish: the breeder does not conflict with being good at fighting.

For this sentence, the girl now truly agrees from the heart, because she finds that the Pokémon battle is actually as beautiful as dancing.

She likes to play against Pokémon——

When she reacts, she sincerely feels that she and Liang Ren have the same preferences, and for the ones who can appreciate Liang Ren’s love to play against Feeling happy.

There is no hopelessly muddled and clinging like those girls in TV romance dramas, and after taking the initiative to let go, they have a common language with the boys they like.

This is really a surprise.


During the conversation, seeing Liang Ren’s eyes staying on her chest for two more seconds, Casey’s cheeks could not help but become slightly hot.

But she quickly realized that things were not what she had imagined, and Liang Ren’s eyes were not the slightest strange.

The girl looked down at the Oddish pattern on her chest pullover sweater, and a clear comprehension flashed in her heart.

“Bang~” took a Poké Ball from his pocket and opened it.

A Pokémon with a blueberry-colored bulbous body, pomegranate-like fleshy eyes and an azure grass crown on the head appeared in the girl’s arms.

“This is–!!!”

Seeing the Oddish in Casey’s arms, Liang Ren was a little surprised.

“The day Liang Ren, you and Little Lei went out to Hoenn, Aunt Liangzi asked me to come over and get her nursery notes.”

“I saw it in the yard outside, I feel it is very cute. After getting permission from my aunt, I accepted it.”

Seeing Liang Ren’s expression with surprise, the girl said full of smiles. She sat down and chatted with Liang Ren for a while. It’s no longer as nervous as when I walked in.

“I said it looked familiar. It turned out to be the Oddish in my yard.” Liang Ren smiled and looked at it twice.

“You didn’t grab your target.” Casey’s beautiful eyes smiled.

“This Little Brat innate talent is very good, but it doesn’t meet my acceptance and training conditions, and it is good for you to accept it.” Liang Ren said nonchalantly.

“I’m worried you blame me for digging your corner, hehe~” Casey smiled like a flower.

“haha…then you are too worried. By the way, Casey, do you know the two evolutionary paths of Oddish.”

See Oddish with green grass crown, two eyes like gems Bright and energetic, Liang Ren has a lot to say about the ability of Casey’s son breed Pokémon.

“Well~ Gloom uses Leaf Stone to evolve into Vileplume, and Solrock to Bellossom.” Casey was nodded.

“Casey, you like dancing so much. From now on, Oddish should evolve into Bellossom.” Liang Ren asked with interest.

“Well, during the summer, Oddish and Lilligant received my dance training together. For the future evolutionary route selection, Oddish himself chose Bellossom.”

“And in the summer, I also bring It went to the Stadium to participate in the battle, and it should evolve to Gloom in these two days.” Casey added.

“Wow~That’s really good.”


The topic turned to Pokémon, and Liang Ren said a lot more in the living room. .

Proposed suggestions for the training of Gloom. Some time ago, I also conquered a Grass Type Pokémon, the story of Snivy and the old frog…

The three people cooking in the kitchen, Hearing the two people chatting hot in the living room, there was a smile on their faces.

“Fucking kid, do you think they can make it?” Mu Mu Yiren, who was helping his hand, asked his wife in a low voice.

“The second child’s character is very clear to me. He is a stuffy pot. It is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to chase the girl.”

“Casey this girl can take the initiative, this Things will definitely happen.” Liangzi smiled.

“I also think they can make it~” Mu Mu Lei, who was sitting on a small stool and playing games with her mobile phone, also interrupted by the kitchen cupboard.

“What do you know, little girl?” Mu Mu Yiren said as if she was sharp at her.

“I am not young anymore, I should be one year younger than my second brother.” Mu Mu Lei retorted.

“I said that you are too young if you are too young. If you dare to fall in love early, watch me not break your legs.” Mu Mu Yiren fiercely threatened fiercely.


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