
From the subway station, outside is Saffron City Stadium, a magnificent building with a sense of science and technology like the Galar Region bug + Psychic Pokémon shell.

This is not the first time the three have come to Saffron City Stadium to play a game. Everything seems to be familiar.

Liang Ren holds Slowpoke in his arms, and the two women follow Liang Ren from the left to the right. This lineup is quite eye-catching.

“The boy holding Slowpoke is so familiar.”

“It is him, I remember, he won the finals in the Hoenn Mauville City Mega Evolution Invitational. The trainer of the United States.”

“The flight that was lost in distress in the news a few days ago was still safely landed because of his shot.”

“I remember his name is Mu Mu Liang Ren is still a first-year student in our Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon school.”

“The first-year freshmen are so strong, they are really amazing.”

” ……”


I didn’t play a game in Saffron City Stadium in a summer vacation, now I come here again.

Liang Ren, not only did he not lose sight of the crowd.

On the contrary, he became famous in his hometown, Kanto Region, because of several big disturbances in Hoenn during the summer vacation.

“Liang Ren, you are recognized yo~” Abe Li, who was chewing betel nuts beside her, turned her head and blinked at Liang Ren and smiled.

“Hoenn was previously rated as the home of Mega Evolution. The Mega Evolution Invitational held in Mauville City attracted the attention of all parties.”

“Almost promoted as an event ambassador Brother Liang Ren–

“Now not only is Hoenn a well-known celebrity, now Kanto also has a fairly high reputation. “

Seeing that Liang Ren is becoming more and more famous and outstanding now, Casey is happy for him from the heart.

“People are forgetful creatures, As time goes by, they will soon forget the man named Mu Mu Liang Ren who they are talking about now. “

“I am not an entertainer in the entertainment industry either. Fame can bring me some benefits, but for me, not at all is as important as I imagined. “

“After all, having strong strength is king. “

Liang Ren walked quickly towards the Stadium holding Slowpoke. Hearing the admiration of the two women beside him, Liang Ren’s performance was relatively calm.

As long as he has the strength, his fame is naturally I have it, and the reputation gained from strength is not easy to pass away.

“As a squad leader, the realm of thought is high. “Rei Abe smiled so that her gums were showing.

“Are you two reporting for individual matches or teaming up?” “Walking into the competition hall, Liang Ren turned around and asked the two women.

“I reported for the individual match, and Oddish showed signs of evolution at noon. I want to try if I can use the pressure of the competition to make Oddish evolution. “

Casey took the lead in opening the mouth and said. She came to Stadium to participate in a lot of battles during the summer vacation. She is now very confident in her own strength.

Of course, not she and Rei Ambe In fact, team formation also has her own little selfishness. She wants Liang Ren to see her current strength with her own eyes.

“I can do it, but since Casey, you choose to compete alone, then I am alone here. . “

“That line, since it’s decided, let’s go and sign up. “

I came to Stadium after lunch, Liang Ren chose to stop instead of playing a game.

the past few days because I just returned from Hoenn and the plane crashed Slowpoke I’m in a coma, and training has fallen a bit.

Fortunately, the three main forces at this stage need to increase their strength. The effect of training alone is no longer obvious, but actual combat will help breakthrough.

As for Lucario, At this stage, whether it is training or fighting, it can play a role in promoting strength growth for him.



At the service desk, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster and Lucario reported a 1v1 match for each’person’.

Casey reported 2v2, and Abe Rei reported a “1.2” doubles match.

Liang Ren’s Slowpoke is the first to play, and the two girls who are ranked lower will watch Liang Ren’s game first.

Liang Ren’s game was played in the No. 1 branch, and the three people found a place very familiarly.


“Ayou Senior is really amazing. I rushed to the level of a professional two-star trainer during a summer vacation.

“Know the final assessment task of last semester. , To achieve a victory in the Stadium branch, I took a lot of effort to finish. “

Liang Ren was very low-key. He entered the waiting hall of branch No. 1 and looked around.

He sat down in the back row without causing much People’s attention.

However, Liang Ren just sat down, and three more boys walked into the waiting hall at branch 1.

The age of the purple-haired boy at the front A little older, and Liang Ren is the same age as the two boys beside him.

“The difficulty of the final assessment task last semester was really abnormal, but I heard a friend from my next class say–< /p>

Last semester, the final assessment task of our grade privilege class combat students must win three games in a row in the branch field. “

“A victory is only a requirement for the final assessment of the theory students of the privileged class. It is simply too abnormal. “

The chubby boy with many freckles on his left hand side of the purple-haired youth exclaimed.

“What is this? I heard a friend of the privileged class say that they Class leader Mu Mu Liang Ren achieved ten consecutive victories in the first week of school and successfully advanced to the professional one-star level. “

“At the end of the term, in addition to class leader Mu Mu Liang Ren, several students also over-fulfilled the assessment tasks and achieved seven consecutive victories in the branch field. “

“Tsk tsk…not seven victories, but a winning streak. “

The young man with purple hair right hand took the stubbornly, as if showing off that he was well informed, and said with admiration.

The last two young people looked at each other and agreed. I came to a conclusion:

“Students in the privileged class are as perverted as the rumors. “

“Yes, yes, especially Mumu Liang Ren, the monitor of their class. Have you watched the live broadcast of the Hoenn Mauville City Mega Evolution Invitational in the summer?

“Mu Mu Liang Ren’s Pidgeot, which can only be Mega-evolved, is so high…”

However, when two teenagers excitedly discussed the privileged class students, they did not find the leader. The expression of the purple-haired young man became a little unsightly.

“Hey~you two pipe down for me, the privileged class is only, I didn’t have been in the privileged class before.”

“To be honest, the privileged class is just like that In fact, the ordinary class actually hides a lot of experts, they just disdain to enter the privileged class.”

The young man with purple hair glanced at the two newly-acquired brothers around him, in a tone that you didn’t know. Said contemptuously.

“Wow~Ayou Senior is amazing. I used to be in a privileged class before.”

“Private class students are only required to graduate in the city Stadium after three years. Star’s grades.”

“Ayou Senior, you are a student in the ordinary class, half a semester from the final graduation, but you have already achieved a professional two-star grade, really amazing.”

< p>“Ayou Senior, are you just one of the experts hidden in the ordinary class?”

The tone of the youth with purple hair not at all makes them feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, his eyes shined and his expression became more and more admired.

“Low-key~” The purple-haired young man smiled, with a hint of contentment in his expression.

“I told you two that Saffron Middle School is expert as clouds, so you must learn to be low-key.”

“Like Mumu, the monitor of the first-grade privileged class you just said Liang Ren I have heard a little bit too.”

“trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind. ……”

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