

Ding, experience +310

Ding, pick up the physical Attribute value + 1

ding, pick up attack The value of innate talent + 1


At the end of the first round competition, three people have come to challenge one after another.

Liang Ren’s previous strategy of showing weaknesses was very effective. He left school a lot in the last semester and was traveling in Hoenn during the summer vacation.

Although his popularity has been promoted in another macro tournament this time, Liang Ren’s image in the eyes of outsiders is also established through these several tours.

Watching the live broadcast of the game has never been true. As for Liang Ren’s strength, in fact, few outsiders have a clear understanding of this.

Even if there is, it will never be a student from Saffron Middle School who has just received the initial Pokémon for less than a year.

As the person involved, Liang Ren and his subordinate Pokémon calmly released some water. The onlookers really believed that his strength was not as strong as the rumors.

The list of entries to challenge him outside the field is getting longer and longer, which makes Liang Ren very happy.

“Liang Ren, you are really strong, I lost.”

At the other end of the battlefield, a young man with platinum golden hair and expensive clothes wiped his forehead. Sweat exclaimed.

Although he lost’without accident’, not only did he not feel a little frustrated on his face, but he looked very excited.

Being able to come and go to fight with Pokémon, the main force of Liang Ren opposite Mumu Liang Ren, for so many rounds, it made him very excited and very happy.

This is also the brilliant aspect of Liang Ren’s technique, which allows opponent to enjoy and enjoy the battle, even if he loses in the end, he is happy.


“Jin Yao, your Pokémon was also well-breed. These two battles brought me a lot of pressure, and of course I had a lot of fun.”< /p>

“I am very happy to be able to fight with you–“

The other two Pokémons both contributed red coins for innate talent to him.

The smile on Liang Ren’s face at the moment is also very sincere, and Flatter’s praise is smoother.

This makes the teenager who has lost two consecutive games in a good mood.

“Me too, I am also very happy to be able to play against Liang Ren.”

Before leaving the field, the opposite boy came over and shook hands with him, saying that he would wait for the strength to be stronger. Challenge him again.

“Of course, always welcome.” This is what Liang Ren would say to every defeated opponent.

After the teenager retired, another student soon challenged him excitedly.

“I’m Locke from Class 4, the number of Pokémon in my hand is two, please advise——”

On the field is a short-sleeved shorts with a light brown complexion. A teenager with a saphire blue sports turban on his head.

“Student Locke, after the previous battles, Slowpoke and Cloyster are in a slightly different state.

“The only one I can fight now is this guy. I wonder if you can break through it. ? “

“Pidgeot, prepare to fight–“

After two battles, Liang Ren replaced Pokémon as usual. Now Liang Ren has a Pokémon with battle strength. Pidgeot is left.

“Beep Eagle——”

From the baby ball, Pidgeot screamed in an imposing manner, and hu hu flapped his wings and flew high. .

“Don’t worry, I will show you through breakthrough. “

Seeing that only Pidgeot and battle strength are left in Liang Ren’s hands, the boy named Locke is filled with infinite pride.

“Then I am looking forward to your outstanding performance. “

Looking at the face of the teenager opposite, Liang Ren smiled happily.

Because he is so familiar with this face, everyone who was fooled by him to challenge When the students went on the field, they all had this confident expression.

“Come out, my fighter, Raichu! ! “

Seeing that Liang Ren has released Pidgeot here, the boy shouted and threw a Poké Ball into the air.

“Lei Lei——”

The baby ball opens, and an evolution of Pikachu, Raichu appears on the court.

Looking at this dark orange fur, a cute pet that only a muscular man is worthy of, Liang Ren couldn’t help it. Le.

“Is it really the Pokémon for my Attribute? “

Last semester, it was because of the entrance examination and several monthly examinations of the whole school, Liang Ren’s Pidgeot performance was too dazzling.

Therefore, there was a flying Type Pokémon craze throughout the school. .

And this time, it is estimated that because of the new semester challenge, the first-year students have a lot of Pokémon who restrain Flying, Psychic and Ice Type.

See Liang Ren looking at it intently Looking at Raichu on his side, a touch of contentment flashed in the eyes of the boy named Locke.

“The game started. “Fortunately, the referee quickly signaled the start of the game, and the battle officially started.

“Raichu, use Agility. “Liang Ren deliberately gave in, and the first hand right was not accidentally snatched by the opponent.

Under the order of the teenager, Raichu, who was chubby, also ran flexibly on the court at an amazing speed.

“Did Pikachu learn Agility to evolve into Raichu? A very wise choice. At this point, you are more intelligent than an Electric Type Gym Leader. “

Liang Ren sighed secretly. Saffron Middle School really deserves to be Saffron Middle School.

After only one semester of study, students have shown outstanding performance in some details of Pokémon breed training. Literacy.

“But if there is only this level, it is not enough to defeat my Pidgeot. “Liang Ren shouted: “Pidgeot, use Lie Hurricane.” “

“Beep Eagle——”

The three-meter Pidgeot flapped its wings suddenly, and a strong whirlwind instantly moved towards Raichu on the field.

“I am more than what you see. “A confident smile appeared on the boy’s face: “Raichu, use praying for rain.” “

“Lei Lei——”

To the flying sand running stone on the battlefield, Raichu not at all with a chubby body was blown down by Lie Hurricane.

This Only a big cute thing stretched out two short hands and put the palms together Stockpile, a white ball of light was instantly shot into the air.

“hong long long ——”

It could have been reliable. With speed, the ability to “pray for rain” was intercepted halfway, but in line with the principle of water release, Liang Ren gave the opponent a chance to use it.

“Thunder Ability will almost certainly hit after praying for rain. Is this the idea?” Liang Ren’s eyes shone with a faintly discernable smile on his face.

“hong long long……”


Rain clouds gathered at the stadium Sky, and in the blink of an eye there was light rain. .

“Raichu, let the other party see our full strength and use Thunder to attack.” Sure enough, the opposite boy used Thunder as Liang Ren thought.

“Lei Lei~”

On the field, Raichu’s tail fluttered like an electric rope behind his trainer’s instruction.

Two short hands were patted on the cheek electric capsule, and the golden electric Ember chi chi sputtered in the air.

Followed by a bolt of forearm thick lightning, it soared into the sky and shot straight into the rain cloud of sky.


This Thunder Shock of Raichu seems to have rushed into a warehouse full of explosive barrels. The thunder suddenly burst in the rain clouds, and the lightning flashes are in the dark The clouds were tumbling.

“Pidgeot, it’s coming.” Looking at sky, Liang Ren’s expression was also filled with excitement.

Different from the continuous interception and defuse of the opponent’s offensive in a formal battle, the use of Unique Ability is not satisfactory.

Give the opponent the opportunity to do everything in his power like this, and to fully see the other’s methods, it also gives people a sense of excitement.


The electric floodwater tumbling in the rain cloud, after reaching its maximum momentum, violently tore the clouds open a hole, and roared towards Pidgeot. .

The huge momentum instantly attracted the attention of the entire gymnasium students and parents.

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