“Slowpoke, you guys are playing in the living room by yourself, don’t run around~”

Liang Ren threw the changed clothes behind the washing machine.

The three’boys’ who were eating snacks and the two’girls’ who were watching the show gave a warning.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞)”

“Ya Duo——(-^〇^-)”

“ao 嗷—— (・◡・)”


At the return to house, Liang Ren wearing a vest, shorts and slippers sits down at the desk by the window.

Take out the notebook that usually helps Pokémon make training plans, Liang Ren began to calculate the red coin income of the innate talent for this new semester challenge.

In the whole year, there are 180 ordinary students, 120 combat students, and 60 theoretical students.

Liang Ren not only applied to lift the Pokémon challenger limit before the start of the challenge, but also invited theoretical students to participate in exchanges in the final stage.

Theoretical students are basically made up of girls. Faced with Liang Ren’s invitation, no one chose to refuse.

180 ordinary class students, every one of them played against him in this challenge.

The average number of Pokémon in the hands of each class committee and top students is about three, while that of middle students is two.

Lower level and theoretical students, most of them only have one Pokémon.

But even so, the number of Pokémons that have played against Slowpoke is more than two hundred.

At the end of the innate talent red coin, Liang Ren collected 88 coins.

We have collected 1000 white Attribute coins Liang Ren, but these 88 coins are innate talent red coins.

If you use it all for Slowpoke, you can even increase its Species Strength from 600 to 688 at once.

From the Illusory Beast innate talent like Mew to the Mega Divine Beast innate talent like Mewtwo.

Mewtwo’s Species Strength is only 680. If Liang Ren’s 88 innate talent red coins are all used by Slowpoke.

Species Strength has reached Slowpoke of 688, which has even surpassed Mewtwo’s innate talent.

Of course, this is just to think about it. First of all, Liang Ren will not be used by Slowpoke, and these 88 innate talent red coins are very mixed.

To add innate talent to this kind of thing, after all, we still have to consider the direction of cultivation.

Material attack innate talent coins are obviously the most valuable for Lucario, while speed innate talent coins are best for Pidgeot and coster for defense.

88 innate talent red coins——

Physical strength: 2

Material attack: 32

Physical defense: 6

Special attack: 40 pieces

Special defense: 4 pieces

Speed: 4 pieces

Only professional trainers who accept Pokémon will follow Considering many aspects, ordinary trainers conquer Pokémon, and the most important thing is to attack Aptitude.

88 innate talent red coins, and Attack Type innate talent red coins account for 72.

Among them, the special attack innate talent red coins are the most, with a full 40, and the physical attack innate talent red coins are the second with 32.

After receiving the innate talent red coins, how to allocate them? Liang Ren has already made detailed and stable arrangements.

The distribution of physical strength, physical defense, special defense, and speed innate talent red coins has its own uses without much consideration.

Liang Ren’s main consideration here is the distribution of 32 physical attack and 40 special attack innate talent coins.

Called up 5 Pokémon Attribute panels, Liang Ren flipped through them while writing notes in his notebook at his desk.

The preliminary sub-recipe case was freshly released, and Liang Ren spent half an hour continuously considering and revising it.

Finally, he already knows how to allocate and use these 88 innate talent red coins.

“Let’s start then.” Once things are well thought out, Liang Ren has always executed swift and decisive.


【Cloyster 】♀




Special Attack: 152【A】Red

Special Defense: 104【B】Purple

Physical Strength: 86【C】Blue

Attack: 23[D]Green

Speed: 11[D]

Comprehensive: 596


“6 The physical defense and 4 special defense innate talent coins are undoubtedly used by Cloyster.” Liang Ren said.

Call up the Attribute panel, and see that the physical defense Attribute has reached 220, Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction.


【Slowpoke 】♂



Attack: 100【B】

Defense: 100【B】

Special attack: 120【B】Purple

Special defense: 100【B 】

Speed: 100【B】

Comprehensive: 620


Slowpoke is here by Ho- Oh is transformed by the law of life and is already a 6×100 Illusory Beast innate talent template.

Considering that Slowpoke is now a pure Psychic Type Pokémon, it is taking the special attack route of spell.

Liang Ren still used 20 special innate talent red coins for Slowpoke. The special innate talent on the Attribute panel has changed from 100 to 120.


【Lucario 】♂


Stamina: 80【C】Blue


Attack: 150【A】Red

Defense: 75【C】

Special attack: 115【B】Purple

Special defense: 75 [C]

Speed: 103 [B] Purple

Comprehensive: 598


Liang Ren will Two physical innate talent coins were given to Lucario, 78 was made up to 80, and 22 physical innate talent red coins were used.

“The innate talent of 128 has become 150, and the system rating is also displayed as A-Rank.”

Liang Ren nodded with a smile, his expression is very satisfied.


【Snivy 】♀

Level: 13

Stamina: 75【C】Blue


Attack: 42【D】Green

Defense: 50【D】

Special attack: 55【C】Blue

Special defense: 50 [C]

Speed: 80 [C]

Comprehensive: 352


Snivy is going spell Assassin positioning, Liang Ren used 12 special attack innate talent red coins for it, and the mediocre 43 became the dazzling 55.


【Pidgeot 】♂




Attack: 120[B] Purple

Defense: 65[C]

Special attack: 110[B] Purple

Special defense: 65 [C]

Speed: 150 [A] Red

Comprehensive: 601


innate talent red The use of coins went smoothly, and then until Pidgeot is here…

According to the distribution plan made on the notebook, Liang Ren is ready to use the remaining 10 physical attacks, 8 special attacks, and 4 speeds to Pidgeot. .

However, he combined the speed and special attack to a total of 110 and 150. When using 10 objects to attack the innate talent coins, something unexpected happened to him.


Only 7 of the 10 innate talent red coins were successfully used, and there were 3 remaining.

“How did the color of the Attribute panel change?”

Liang Ren was wondering. Looking at Pidgeot’s Attribute template again, the light blue and fluorescent Attribute panel has appeared as golden.

Mention once again communicated the remaining 3 innate talent red coins in the system backpack for Pidgeot to use. Pidgeot’s thumbnail image has been shown in gray.

“This is~”

I’m no stranger to this gray thumbnail image Liang Ren, when I used the TM in the system backpack to Pokémon.

If the Attributes do not match and there is no way to learn from the Pokémon, then the thumbnail of the Pokémon will be grayed out and not clickable.

“Innate talent red coins can no longer be used by Pidgeot. Why is that? Is there an upper limit for red coins to enhance Pokémon Aptitude?”

Take a look at the Pidgeot Attribute template Among them, the total value of Species Strength has reached 601, which has exceeded Illusory Beast such as Mew.

“Can Pidgeot’s Aptitude only be enhanced to 601? But Slowpoke is now 620, how can I continue to add it?”

Liang Ren communicates the system backpack and uses 3 innates Talent red coins, except for Pidgeot’s profile picture which is gray and cannot be clicked, other Pokémon can be used.

Even if the Species Strength has been strengthened to Slowpoke of 620, its head is still displayed in color, indicating that it can continue to strengthen.


“It turns out that every Pokémon has its own limit on the use of innate talent red coins.”

After half a day, Liang Ren finally accepted Pidgeot Aptitude cannot continue to reinforce this fact.

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