“Liang Ren squad leader!!”

At the training hall registration office, a young man with dark red hair saw him coming with Pokémon, and said hello with a slightly surprised expression.

“Morning~Classmate Bantian.”

Seeing that Sakata Jin is also there, Liang Ren also smiled and said hello.

In the first-grade privileged class, besides him, Mushan and Sakata Jin are the strongest transfer students. Last semester, the two privately competed many times without winning or losing.

But now–

I gave up my career as a professional trainer and chose to follow the will of the family. During the two months of studying Kalos during the summer vacation, he did not accept a new Pokémon for training.

Although the original Pokémon has also evolved into Dragonair, with the addition of Ninetales, there are still only two Pokémon in hand.

For Ban Tian Jin, I went to Viridian last semester. According to Daisuke, they said Ban Tian Jin brought back a Beedrill insect egg and finally hatched a Weedle.

A summer vacation has passed, Sakata cheat three Pokémon, Nidorino has evolved into Nidoking with Moon Stone.

Croconaw has also evolved to its final form, Feraligatr. Weedle, which was hatched last semester, has now evolved into Beedrill.

In this new semester challenge, besides him, four people in the class applied to increase the difficulty, and Sakata Kim was one of them.

Relying on the mature battle strength of Nidoking, Feraligatr, and Beedrill, Sakata Kim also achieved a record of victory in Contest.



Foreseeing at the entrance of the training hall, the two of them greeted each other and then registered at the counter Then they went to do training separately.

The training hall is the building with the largest ground volume in Saffron Middle School, with separate training areas inside.

Usually ordinary class students need to make an appointment in advance to come to the training hall, but as a privileged class student, naturally you don’t have to be so troublesome.

Showing the student ID at the counter, Liang Ren, who has the priority to use it, easily applied for an independent training ground.

Sakata Kim has disappeared, and it seems that he has entered the training ground of his choice for training.

Liang Ren did not delay, and took a few Pokémon into the training ground to start today’s training.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, you two first use:

“Sunny Day ——Hail”

“Heat Wave ——Icy Wind”

For half an hour of power confrontation, Slowpoke conducts Calm Mind training in the center of the field where they confront each other. “

“It’s okay~” Liang Ren looked towards the three Trump Cards and asked the main force.

“Beep Diao——”

“Kaka— —”

“Ah Do——(´◔‸◔`)”

Play when it is time to play, and be unambiguous when it is time to do business.

After Liang Ren’s task was arranged, the three Pokémon also took action and ran to the battlefield in the center of the independent training field.

Pidgeot and Cloyster were at both ends of the field, while Slowpoke was cross-legged and Levitate was on the battlefield. The center line is two meters away from Sky.


Cloyster activated the innate talent feature, and in the blink of an eye the entire battlefield was enveloped by dark snow clouds .

One after another baby fist sized Hail, it was densely packed and hit the ground, making a heavy slamming sound.

Slowpoke in the middle of the field, also immediately supported itself Put up a spherical Light Screen protective cover.

“Beep Eagle~”

To Pidgeot on the other side of the battlefield, open his mouth to sky Spit Up a bright golden light ball.


The ball of light exploded in the dark sky, and the black snow cloud was instantly blown into all kinds of holes.

A bunch of hot sun rays are like a golden sword. Projected from the hole of snow and clouds.

Two completely different weathers, the scorching sun and Hail, appeared on the court at the same time under the action of Pidgeot and Cloyster’s ability.

At the same time, Slowpoke in the center of the field really realized what is called Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven.

However, as the current innate talent and the highest strength in the team, Liang Ren’s training intensity is obviously more than that. .

“Beep Eagle——”


After performing Weather Ability against Pidgeot and Cloyster on both sides of the battlefield.

While flapping the wings to set off a dry Heat Wave, while opening your mouth to Spit Up a icy freezing wind.

Hail and the scorching sun, Heat Wave and the freezing wind, sandwiched between Ice and F Slowpoke between the confrontation points of ire, at this moment, it is extremely difficult to browse tightly knit to carry out Calm Mind.

Pidgeot and Cloyster who are fighting power, power within the body are constantly being consumed.

This training designed by Liang Ren can not only stimulate the potential of Slowpoke, but also maximize the potential of Pidgeot and Cloyster.

The strength is exhausted and then restored. Repeating this process continuously can make the foundation of the two pets more solid and the use of strength more skilled.

See that Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Slowpoke have entered the training state. After Liang Ren recorded the time with his mobile phone, he also turned his head and looked towards Lucario.

“Lucario, after you have warmed up, take a horse step for 15 minutes, and then use a sandbag to practice fighting elbows, knees and feet for 15 minutes.

I will come back to Coaching your Fighting Ability in a while Training.” Liang Ren warned repeatedly.

“ao ao~”

Lucario nodded towards him and consciously walked to the Fighting training area to warm up.

In the end, only Liang Ren and Snivy stood still.

“Wait for me first, I will change into my clothes and come over to coach you for training.”

“si si ~” Snivy is nodded cleverly.

Liang Ren went to the locker room of the training hall and changed his casual outfit into sportswear that he usually wears for exercise.

Loose sleeveless vest, knee-length shorts, sports running shoes.

The handsome face, refreshing dress, clear and full muscles, if the school girl sees Liang Ren like this, she will have soft legs.

changed clothes Back in the training area, Snivy waited for him quietly and obediently.

“Snivy, are you ready?” Liang Ren looked at his feet and didn’t know what to do and so on Snivy, Liang Ren asked with a smile.

“si si ~”

I heard Liang Ren’s words, Snivy nodded.

Looking at Snivy’s expectant gaze, Liang Ren didn’t bother, and directly took out an item from the system warehouse.

This is a wooden spinning top, the size of a bowl. It was customized by Liang Ren during the new semester challenge game two days ago.

Three different types of tops, Liang Ren has a top the size of a bowl of instant noodles, which is the smallest of the three custom tops.

The second largest is the size of a wastebasket, and the largest top is as big as a bucket.

Snivy has never seen a top. It doesn’t know what Liang Ren’s hand has to do with its training.

Liang Ren didn’t explain anything. He took a whip from the system warehouse and demonstrated it directly in front of Snivy.

“xiu ~”

The rope on the whip was wrapped around the lower half of the top, then he squatted slightly, moved towards Ground and threw it flat.

“hu hu…”

Under the action of inertial force, pulling the whip rope, the top spins rapidly in Snivy’s surprised eyes.

“pa ~”

Liang Ren stood up straight, the whip of the right hand swung on the top with a slap, and the top turned faster.

“Snivy, you try with Vine Whip——

“Attention, Vine Whip remember to draw the top of the top, otherwise the top will be flew and stop spinning. “

Liang Ren took two steps back as he spoke, and gave a position to speak to Snivy with encouragement.

“si si ~”

Snivy nodded, looking at the spinning thing in front of him, his expression is particularly serious.

“pa ~”

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