
At the third hit, Persian had already recovered from hypnosis, but Gloom’s Vine Whip was tightly wrapped around his ankle, and he couldn’t break free.

“Gloom, give the opponent the final blow of Contest, use Solar Beam!!” Casey called out an instruction that almost made the young man in suit stop his heartbeat.


Gloom Vine Whip dangles Persian without looseness, the flowers above the head are slightly low, and the solar energy of the golden green has begun to condense in the stamens.

“Persian, use Thunderbolt to attack.” The young man in the suit shouted toward the court like a cat with its tail trampled on.


Golden’s Spark burst out from Persian within the body, and then at the last moment when the current converged.

Gloom fiercely shook Vine Whip fiercely, forcibly shaking Persian’s body current, Thunderbolt was also forcibly interrupted.

This is Liang Ren and Slowpoke’s usual tactic in the battle. Confusion controls the opponent and then hangs on a fixed target.

As soon as the opponent wanted to counterattack, Slowpoke captured the opponent’s Confusion hand and shook it abruptly to forcibly interrupt the opponent ability.

Liang Ren didn’t expect this trick was learned by Casey.


The solar energy condensed in the stamens of Gloom’s head is quantified as a golden green high-temperature beam, directly blasting towards Persian suspended in the air by Vine Whip.


The youth in suits shouted desperately. When the dazzling light dissipated, Persian had fallen on the field and lost the combat capability.

“Persian lost the combat capability. The blue party Gloom won the game.”

The referee looked at Persian twice and determined that it had lost the combat capability. The final result of the game was announced. .

“bang bang bang bang ~”

In the waiting hall, watching the winning girl on the live broadcast screen on the wall, Liang Ren couldn’t help but clap slightly. .

“How about Snivy, this is a good experience, have you learned it?”

In the field, the two players who finished the game have stood on the lifting platform and exited.

Liang Ren withdrew his gaze now, and said to Snivy, who tilted his head toward his shoulder and the tail hooked on his collar.

In this game, whether it is the control of long and short distances, the sweet smell + Petal Dance’s combo skill “Sweet Love Wind”, or the final use of Vine Whip.

Perhaps this is nothing unusual for Pidgeot, but it is a very valuable experience for Snivy at this stage.

Retiring from the field, all the players in the waiting hall focused their eyes on Casey, and there was a faintly amazing feeling.

Pokémon trainer is a profession where there are more men than women, and the gender ratio is seriously imbalanced.

A female trainer is popular wherever she goes. If she has a strong strength, her charm value will increase a lot.

“Brother Liang Ren, what did you think of the game just now, the tips that Gloom Vine Whip used in the end, but the inspiration I found from you and Slowpoke~”

The girl didn’t care about the gaze of everyone in the hall, walked straight towards Liang Ren, and asked with full of smiles.

Casey didn’t know that her actions hurt many people in the hall. The male trainer who was going to approach him was also regretfully sighed silently.

“It turns out that a famous flower has a master.”

“This kid is really blessed to have such a beautiful and strong girlfriend.”

“Cut~ You want me to say that this kid is a pretty boy, or we should step forward and provoke him to make him look ugly.” A young man urged his friends.

However, when he heard this, the person next to him was complexion changed, and he said hurriedly: “If you want to die, don’t pull me up~”

“What’s wrong, this kid has a very background Big?”

“You studied in the Galar Region before, so you don’t know. You can’t afford to offend this kid.”

“Don’t look at his young age, but his strength It’s so strong, it’s said that there is already a professional Samsung elite.”

“No way, the strength is so strong, I am his age, and I have not even entered the Stadium.”



“You played very beautifully. People who don’t know will never think that you are a theoretical student or a breeder, and they will think you are a professional trainer. “

Looking at the girl approaching, Liang Ren also hugged Slowpoke and got up to say with a faint smile.

“Compared with Liang Ren, my strength is too far behind. Now my Gloom is only LV.24.

“The strongest Lilligant is also LV. 31. The level is not as high as Liang Ren’s Lucario in your second echelon. “

After seeing Liang Ren getting up, the two of them walked out of the waiting hall while chatting.

“There are countless examples of long cultivation path and perseverance coming from behind, and battle Strength is not simply measured by Level. “

“And to be honest, if Lucario meets Lilligant, I really don’t have the confidence to win. “Liang Ren shook the head said with a smile.

When he said this, what Liang Ren thought was that Casey’s Lilligant had held the examiner’s Durant to death during the final assessment competition last semester.


Lucario is not very good at dealing with Pokémon, who is taking a controlled route.


The two chatted, and came to the No. 1 branch outside the corridor.< /p>

Liang Ren used Snivy’s spot again to help Lucario report for a 2v2 match.

I had to wait for half an hour, but watching Casey’s match delayed a little time.

I came to the waiting hall of the No. 1 branch again. Before the chair was warm, I heard the staff calling him to come on.

“Casey, help me take care of Slowpoke, I want Played. “

“Good ~ Liang Ren, come on!” ! “

Receiving the Slowpoke handed by Liang Ren, Casey nodded and answered complied.

See Liang Ren taking Snivy and Lucario into the passageway, the girl opened herself full of smiles Bag, and then take out two cute lollipops.

“Little Lei said you like sweets, do you want to try it. “Casey tore open the candy wrapper, and handed a lollipop to Slowpoke.

“Ya Duo——(○゚ω゚)っCongratulations, I was successfully bought by you. “

Slowpoke raised an eyebrow, took the lollipop that the girl had stripped it, and put it in a big mouth, so he could eat it.

“hehe~” See Slowpoke’s With the action, the girl’s smile became brighter.



“Boom Ka——”

“Boom Ka— —”

Liang Ren didn’t know about the small interaction between Casey and Slowpoke in the waiting hall.

At this moment, he has been supported by the lifting platform and Snivy is still brought by him. .

Although Liang Ren won’t let it participate in the battle, being in a lively arena with tens of thousands of spectators is also an exercise for the inferiority Snivy.

“Okay. , The players from both sides have already appeared, and the blue side is the talented trainer “Cherubim” Mumu Liang Ren we are most familiar with. “

“The red side is also our city’s Stadium athlete, Ada from Natsukan Gym in the Orange Islands. “

“Whoever can win this game tonight, let us all wait and see! ! “

“Ada …………Ada …………”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

With The mobilization of the event commentators quickly heated up the atmosphere of the venue.

The off-site audience also broke out with enthusiastic sound waves. The off-site photographers focused their cameras and the battle was on the verge.

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