
Passing through a slightly sloping downward passage, Liang Ren could faintly hear the sound of fighting in front of him.

After lunch, I took a break and rushed here. This time period is the busiest time for Hunter’s Guild.

“Victreebel, use Razor Leaf.”



“Marowak , Wave the Bone Club to block it.”


Bounty Hunter’s Guild has only one examination room. After all, there are requirements for the application of Integral Points, not everyday all people come over to evaluate .

However, when Liang Ren brought Lucario to the examination room, someone in the examination room was doing the promotion assessment.

Also, some people were sitting sparsely on the bench outside the stadium. I don’t know if it was acquaintances who came to cheer or just came to watch the excitement.

“It’s the genius of Saffron Middle School.”

“Oh~Has this guy come to participate in the assessment?”


Brown, slightly curly, short hair, handsome but still masculine appearance, after a series of incidents, Liang Ren’s face is well recognizable among trainers.

Seeing Liang Ren walking into the examination room, the people sitting in the spectator stand couldn’t help whispering.

During this time, Liang Ren everyday all came to Bounty Hunter’s Guild to take over the task. The trainers on the guild side are no strangers to him.

In addition, he is a silver-level Bounty Hunter and has a very high praise rate for the mission. No trainer on the Hunter’s Guild dared to despise him.

“Brother, you want to participate in the promotion assessment.”

“The mission Integral Points are full, come and try to pass the assessment to upgrade to the gold level Bounty Hunter.”

Liang Ren didn’t sit alone in the corner, but came to sit down close to other people.

The personalities around him are relatively familiar, and they actively greeted Liang Ren, and Liang Ren responded with a smile one after another.

Geniuses are supposed to be proud, but Liang Ren’s humble attitude has made Bounty Hunter, who was not familiar with him, also have a lot of affection for him.



The assessment on the field is still going on. After asking Liang Ren, I learned that there are three other assessments before him. By.

But Liang Ren is not in a hurry, anyway, he is not ready to take up the task today.

Liang Ren, who was free to arrange for one afternoon, chatted with the surrounding Bounty Hunters.

Own a Pokémon of level 10 to register and become a Bronze Bounty Hunter.

Bronze rank Bounty Hunter is promoted to Silver rank, and a 1v1 assessment is required. The Pokémon sent by the examiner is Level 20.

The assessment rules for the advancement of the silver level to the gold level are 2v2, and the Pokémon Level sent by the examiner is fixed at level 30.

The platinum level assessment is 3v3, and the Pokémon used by the examiner is level 40.

The masonry level Bounty Hunter is assessed as 6v6, and the Pokémon Level used by the examiner is 50 quasi-Elite strength.

With Liang Ren’s current strength, there is no problem in passing the platinum assessment.

However, Hunter’s Guild bounty requires Integral Points to apply for rank assessment. This cannot be changed.

After all, Hunter’s Guild is a platform for providing services. The strength of the trainer is sometimes not proportional to the ability to complete the task.

Trainers like Liang Ren who can get five-star praise from their employers again and again, other Bounty Hunters will admire them, and the guild will also like them very much.

If the trainer who settled in is very strong.

The guild directly opens the green channel for assessment and then grants high-level titles. Other Bounty Hunters in the guild will also be dissatisfied.

Fortunately, Liang Ren is very enthusiastic about taking over tasks in Hunter’s Guild.

During this period of time, he has done a lot of tasks. He has seen all kinds of people, all kinds of things.

Both he and Pokémon have been well-trained, increased their knowledge and experience, and gained more insights.

Especially as a server to do these things, Liang Ren also has a deeper understanding of the duties of a trainer.

The Pokémon trainer has a powerful force that an ordinary person does not have.

So as his strength and reputation grow, what kind of attitude does he live?

Simply make yourself and the people around you live better and safer, and have a higher social status.

It is still necessary to bear some social responsibilities that are not at all mandatory in the law but should still be fulfilled.

In the face of ordinary persons whose strength is not as good as their own, they are trainers with powerful strength.

Should be expert first-class or equal treatment, should it be bullying, oppressing and plundering, or being in harmony and kindness.

Liang Ren never actively thought about these issues before. This is the change brought to him by Hunter’s Guild’s continuous task.

Liang Ren’s values ​​of the supremacy of interests not at all have been subverted and changed. He never thinks he is such a selfless person, but he is not a bad person.

Liang Ren is also very easy to get along with when his interests are not infringed and his safety is not threatened.

The task praise rate can be so high, it is not all because of his fame, there must be a reason for his attitude.


“Mu Mu Liang Ren comes on the field for the assessment.”

Sitting in the spectator stand for nearly forty minutes, the examiner took it After taking a sip of water from the sports cup.

Cleared his throat and glanced at the list of examiners in his hand, and then shouted toward the stepped stand.

“It’s me.” Hearing the examiner’s voice, Liang Ren also stood up.


“Come on~”

“Liang Ren, come on!”

“Let us see Your strength.”

The Bounty Hunters who ended the assessment just now didn’t leave at all, and all stayed here to see Liang Ren’s assessment.


For a while, Liang Ren got acquainted with these trainers. Seeing everyone cheering for him, Liang Ren also agreed with a smile.

Under the gaze of everyone off the field, Liang Ren took Pokémon to the bottom to stand on one end of the battlefield.

“Snivy, Slowpoke, you two will cheer for Lucario by the side.”

Liang Ren put Slowpoke in his arms and Snivy on his shoulders on the ground and said.

“si si ~”

“Yadu——٩(๑^o^๑)۶小路, come on!” Slowpoke Levitate was beside Snivy, shouting excitedly to Lucario Tao.

“ao ao~”

After so many battles of baptism, Lucario is no longer the Little Brat who was nervous and restless after playing.

Now, it is now a mature battle strength in Liang Ren’s hands, and it can basically act on its own.

“Let me reiterate the rules. The silver level is promoted to the gold level Bounty Hunter, and the assessment rule is 2v2. Are you ready?”

Looking at the most popular recently Mega genius, the teenager whom they focused on above, the black clothed examiner on the other side also looked more interestedly.

“I’m ready.” Liang Ren nodded replied.

Lucario has already settled on the field, because the examiner randomly dispatches Pokémon, so he does not suffer a loss when he releases Pokémon first.

And even if the examiner releases Pokémon against Lucario, he is not afraid.

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