Kida Shinichi and Abe Rei are childhood sweethearts.

Growing up together, entering the same kindergarten, attending the same Primary Rank school, and still in the same class.

Now that the two have been promoted to an intermediate rank school, they are in the same school and the same class.

It stands to reason that for such a deep relationship, the relationship between the two should be very good, but the relationship between the two of them does not seem to be harmonious.

Usually, as long as you get together, either you taunt me, or I frustrate you, it is really a couple.

However, the relationship between the two suddenly heated up after the start of this semester, and a romantic relationship was established in just one week.

Usually the three words of “My Brother Li” made Liang Ren laugh at him.

“My brother Li said that they will also go to the dormitory.” Not paying attention to Daisuke’s ridicule, Shinichi Kida lifts the head, with a happy face.

“All right, let me arrange it.” Chu Mushan put down the book in his hand and said.



The three roommates teased each other in the living room, while Liang Ren took a set of clothes to take a shower.

Then I took out the laptop I bought in the Computer City a few days ago, and simply edited the life videos that I had taken for my Pokémons, and then posted it on Weibo.

Mauville City Mega Evolution invites tournament to make his Weibo fans soar, and now has 5.3 million fans.

With so many people paying attention to him, he is naturally impossible not to update Weibo dynamics. After all, Weibo is also a very good channel for earning income.

While returning to the bedroom to rest at night, Liang Ren edited a Slowpoke video of selling cuteness and eating nuts and posted it on Weibo.

The number of likes, comments and plays is growing by an astonishing number.

After chatting with his roommate and replying to a private message on Weibo for half an hour, Liang Ren took Pokémon back to the room Rest.



It rained at night, and when I went out for morning exercises in the morning on the 2nd day, the ground outside was also wet.

It was late autumn, and the morning breeze blowing in the face was obviously cooler.

Take Lucario and Snivy for a morning run along the campus avenue, plantation forest, and wetland lake covered bridge.

After a night’s rest, Lucario has completely recovered Spirit, Soul and Qi, and is running fast.

Today is Saturday. After the morning exercise is over, students usually rush from the dormitory dining room to the classroom with books, not at all.

Liang Ren didn’t care about this either. He went back to the bedroom to wash up, and after taking Pokémon to the restaurant for breakfast, he was about to head to the training hall.


“In the blue silent night, I think about philosophy alone, and the worms are rolling in the grass…”

, Suddenly the phone rang.


Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Liang Ren connected with a confused expression.

“Hello, I am the product marketing officer of “Three Chinchillas”. Are you Mr. Mumu Liang Ren? “

On the other side of the phone, there was a nice female voice.

“It’s me, may I ask what’s the matter?” “As soon as he asked, he was the first to react.

“Three Chinchillas” is a casual snack brand in the Galar Region that covers nuts, dried meat, dried fruits, puffed and other whole categories.

Slowpoke They usually eat the nuts of this shop, so they are familiar with the brand of “Three Chinchillas”, Liang Ren.

The product marketing officer of the other party took the initiative to contact him, and he definitely wanted to find him for business cooperation.

After all, after Mega Evolution Tournament became famous before, many companies have approached him for commercial promotion, and he is quite experienced in this kind of thing.

However, since Kanto came back from school, he has not been invited by any company for business cooperation, and he did not react just now.

“Yes, Mr. Liang Ren, you are a well-known Celebrity trainer in Kanto Region.

“Last night I saw your Weibo update and found that Mr. Liang Ren was also Has always been a loyal customer of our “Three Chinchillas” casual snacks.

“Our “Three Chinchillas” company here is ready to vigorously develop the Kanto Region market, so we sincerely want to invite Mr. Liang Ren to be the product endorsement for our “Three Chinchillas”——

< p>“…”


The product marketing officer of “Three Chinchillas” on the phone came up and complimented him first.

After that, as he expected, he offered an invitation for business cooperation.

“If it’s just a product endorsement, it’s okay, but I’ve got a lot of things here recently.

“Tonight I’m going to participate in the professional Samsung promotion at the Saffron City Stadium. Competition; tomorrow I will go to participate in the offline auction held by the Hunter’s Guild, a bounty in Vermilion City.

“The day after tomorrow, I will ask for leave and leave school to go out to practice. If your company can wait so long, then I will naturally have no problem.”

“Three chinchillas “The products are very high-quality, and the company’s reputation is also very good. If time is not so tight, he is quite willing to help each other as product endorsements.”

After all, product representatives are not only a way to realize their reputation.

At the same time, it can also expand his popularity and influence among ordinary people, which is a way to maintain his reputation.

“Well, I would like to wish Mr. Liang Ren a smooth game in the evening and successfully promoted to the professional three stars.”

“At the same time, thank you Mr. Liang Ren for his trust in me. Tell me about your next itinerary.”

“As everyone knows Mr. Liang Ren, you are a Kanto Region youngster, a young trainer in mind Mega idol——

“and we” “Three chinchillas” all-category snacks are also aimed at young consumers. It can be said that Mr. Liang Ren, you are the best spokesperson of our company’s products.

“So I still want to fight on behalf of our company. I hope Mr. Liang Ren can spare some time in his busy schedule to speak for our company’s products.

“As for For product endorsement fees, our “Three Chinchillas” will definitely let you…”

As the product marketing officer of the “Three Chinchillas” company, the professional women on the other end of the phone speak very beautifully.

When I heard Liang Ren’s itinerary, I first wished him a smooth promotion in the evening, and then thanked him for his trust in the “Three Chinchillas” company.

Liang Ren originally had a tight schedule here, but after hearing these beautiful words from the other party, Liang Ren really rejected the other party.

Waiting for the female voice on the phone to fight him again, Liang Ren was also silent for a moment, thinking about whether he could spare time to speak for their company’s products.

“I really can’t spare time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but I don’t have other arrangements for this afternoon–

“Well~If your company’s product endorsement advertisement can be shot within one day today , I can also cancel the morning training time. “

He has a good impression of this company, coupled with the comfortable attitude of the product marketing officer of the “Three Chinchillas” company.

Liang Ren frowned on the phone and gave a plan of his own.

Tomorrow I will go to participate in the offline auction held by the Hunter’s Guild, the bounty of Vermilion City, and he is bound to win the auction finale treasure “air blasting” Ability learner.

But he also understands that as the master of feeder Kusumotonen’s proud work, the exclusive Ability learner of the sea god Lugia.

Whether it is bought for use by Pokémon or for collection, Liang Ren has no doubt that there are definitely many people who stare at “Air Blasting” and want to take pictures.

He seems to have a lot of 58 million now. Compared with real rich people, this little money is really nothing.

If he can get a generous product endorsement fee before the auction starts, he will be more sure of the auction tomorrow.

“Thank you, Mr. Liang Ren, this is no problem at all. Today, I can complete the shooting of the endorsement advertisement in one day.”

Heard Liang Ren’s reply, “Three chinchillas The product marketing officer gave his assurance in a gleeful tone.


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