“boom~ boom~ Bang…”

Flame Meteorite exploded in the air, and blocks of Meteorite Shards screamed and fell towards the lower part.

MegaPidgeot took the lead, and the Golden Flame Divine Bird landed vertically from the air, rushing towards Salamence with invincibility.

The blonde boy didn’t expect Liang Ren to use this method to crack his Draco Meteor.

Either dodge or collide with Pidgeot head-on, and then be exposed together within Draco Meteor’s strike range.

Dragon Type and Dragon Type restrain each other, and Draco Meteor is another indiscriminate range attack Ability.

Evasion or meet force with force is obviously not a problem that requires too much time to consider.

“Salamence, hurry up dodge.” The blond boy shouted anxiously.

dodge, can you avoid it?

“Bang!!” The golden streamer dropping from the sky, fiercely Tackle on Salamence’s back.

Pidgeot is very slippery, and it hits Salamence with the help of reaction force to brake its feet in the air, Spark flashed to use.

“shua shua ~” Contest’s long feathers fluttered in the air, and their body quickly accelerated to leave a zigzag light trail in the air. In the blink of an eye, they were out of Draco Meteor’s strike range.

On the other hand, Salamence, who was hit by Pidgeot and smashed to the ground at a faster speed, is now lying on the ground.

“boom~ boom~ Bang…”

Salamence shuddered and looked particularly embarrassed and helpless.


Salamence just arched his back and wanted Struggle to get up, a flame Meteorite directly smashed it to the ground again.

The blond boy’s ears were congested and showed unhealthy red, and he opened his mouth and screamed: “Salamence!!!”

“Air Slash——” Liang Ren’s faint voice resounded in Pidgeot’s heart again .

“唳~” Pidgeot, who hovered in the Sky, let out a high-pitched bird song.

The bird eyes of pale red looked at Salamence who was crawling on the ground indifferently, without the slightest sympathy or sympathy in his heart.

“Swish swish~”

Flying wings and waving wings, a huge moon arc wind blade splits the air, swiftly rotating towards Salamence.

“Salamence, hurry up and dodge!!” The blond boy shouted anxiously.

But the card was passed Salamence was hit by Meteorite to launch an attack that hadn’t recovered, and the Air Slash itself was fast.

How can Salamence escape? This is not a stand-alone turn-based game. If you don’t shoot, the opponent will have to wait for you.

“Bang——” The Moon Arc Wind Blade quickly turned into a azure ring, slashing on Salamence’s back without deviation.

After the dull slashing sound of the axe digging into the meat, Salamence, who was still up in Struggle at first, lay on the ground and did not move.


White light flashed by, Salamence, which lost the combat capability, automatically faded the Mega evolution.

“Salamence can’t fight, the blue side’s Pidgeot won the game.”

“roar roar……” The referee announced the result of the game, and the commentator was excited. Yelled.

“The winner is divided. In this fierce Mega evolution battle, MegaPidgeot is even better.

“Let’s congratulate Liang Ren for his tenth game winning streak. Successfully promoted to professional three-star trainer. “

“At the same time, I would like to thank Liuqing players for bringing us three such wonderful matches. “

“Now, let’s cheer for Liang Ren players! ! “


“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

“Ahhhh, the squad leader won the squad leader~”

“The squad leader is mighty, now he is a professional three-star trainer. “



Cloyster vsScizor

Slowpoke vsAbsol

MegaPidgeot · MegaSalamence

In three games, Liang Ren won three games and three wins. This is a very Contest and exciting record in an important game like the promotion.

The winner is The king and the loser eat the dust, this is the eternal law of the Pokémon professional circle.

Although the narrator also said that the sound will also be given to the defeated blond boy, at this moment, there is no exception. Cheers for the winning Liang Ren.

Under the focus of the camera and lights, Liang Ren put Cloyster, Slowpoke, and Snivy and Lucario who did not participate in the battle together.

“si si ~”

Focused by the camera and lights, and in the center of the 50,000 audience cheering in the venue, Snivy seemed anxious.

“Slowly learn to get used to the attention of others and Cheers, one day this glory will be entirely yours. “

Liang Ren hugged Snivy to comfort him, but the cheers were too loud, and Liang Ren’s voice was completely covered up.

However, after nearly a month, Snivy has already established a tacit understanding with him over time.

“si si ~” Snivy nodded, it feels what Liang Ren wants to convey to it.

” Boom–“


After a brief moment of high light passed, Liang Ren took a few Pokémon and exited the stage on the lifting platform.

At the exit passage, the staff has been waiting for a long time with a small tray with brocade lining in their hands as usual.



< p>It belongs to his city Stadium record card. The translucent crystal card originally had only two gold stars in it, but now it has become three.

The tenth game of the 3v3 promotion match, Liang Ren’s first time Enjoy the treatment that belongs to professional three-star trainers, and a full 100W competition bonus!!!

The workplace is a pyramid. In the field of Pokémon professional trainers, the number of people going up is smaller.


A small number of people in cream of the crop own 70% or more of the resources of the entire professional field. This is the head effect.

No five-star professional, four-star professional Rarely, professional three-star trainers are already the core backbone of the city’s Stadium.

It is the most critical factor in determining the city’s Stadium’s seat rate, so every game whether it is lost or lost, professional three-star trainers can get it Very generous bonus.

Of course, Liang Ren can get 100W bonus in this competition because of his ten-game winning streak.

Under normal circumstances, there is no freedom to sign with the city Stadium. Professional trainer, a 3v3 win only has a 50W bonus, which is only 20W more than a professional two-star trainer.


At the end of the game, Liang Ren took a few Pokémon to the Pokémon Center Rehabilitation.

As Kanto’s metropolis and economic heart, Saffron City has a Pokémon center in the four districts of East, South, West, and North.

There is a Pokémon Center on campus in Saffron Middle School, which is the closed-door Alliance Human Incubation Base.

Saffron City Stadium, which is a business organization affiliated to Alliance, is because of the export The content is a Pokemon competition.

Every game has Pokémon who needs to recover their strength and heal their injuries, so there is also a Pokémon center in the city Stadium.

“Nurse Joy, my Pokémon will take care of you.”


The game is over, because other people in the class need Watching the game, Liang Ren did not leave and returned to school.

Today is Saturday. Tomorrow, I will ask for leave and leave school to go out to practice. At the end, it’s nice to relax at this time.


Stay at Saffron City Stadium to watch the game with everyone in the class, and go out for a supper until 11pm before returning to school.

Mu Mu Liang Ren VS Liu Qing, two geniuses met in the professional three-star promotion match, and the Mega evolution war broke out between the two sides.

In the end, Mu Mu Liang Ren won.

The audience’s circle of friends was posted, and soon the whole Saffron City Pokémon trainer circle knew about it.

And the Saffron Middle School students who go to the city Stadium to watch the game at night are obviously not limited to the privileged class.

Liang Ren They went back after eating supper in the food court. The news that he was promoted to a professional three-star is already known to all the teachers and students in the school.

——School Administration Building——

In the office, Sabrina glanced at the mobile phone circle of friends, and her cold face instantly burst into a beautiful smile.

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