Since the first trainer started to quote, the venue suddenly became chaotic, and the quotations continued.

“110 thousand.”


“Fuck ~ I will pay 130,000.”

” 130,000 is nothing, I will give 150,000.” A young trainer roared blushing.

However, the price of 150,000 yuan is obviously not the highest. A fierce, bald tattooed robust man stood up.

“××, I pay 200,000 yuan, who dares to grab it with me.”

“I will grab it with you, I will pay 230,000.”

< p>“…”


Through the glass wall, Liang Ren looked at the trainers who were bidding frantically below. Liang Ren couldn’t help but shook the head .

He didn’t laugh at each other, but felt that these social trainers were not easy.

Like Heaven’s Chosen Child who is a privileged class of Saffron Middle School, they enjoy various precious resources allocated by the school and Kanto Alliance.

All they need to do is to learn theoretical knowledge at ease, and then train Pokémon with at least the elite Teacher Professional Coaching.

And these ordinary trainers in society have to spend a lot of time, energy and money to obtain the resources for Pokémon to improve.

The comparison between the two sides, and looking at the red-faced trainers below, Liang Ren felt sad for these people.

Rare Candy is the work of a breeder. It seems to be able to increase Pokémon’s level, but it will actually make Pokémon’s foundation weak, and it will be more difficult to break through bottleneck later.

At this moment, Liang Ren has no intention of bidding at all, nor did they sell wooden sweaters. There are no trainers in the 20 private rooms on the third floor and the VIP position on the second floor.

All the bidding for Rare Candy are trainers on the first floor.

Five pieces of Rare Candy, although only valid for Pokemon below level 30, they sold 420,000 in the end.

“The second auction item, “HP, attack, defense, special attack, special defense, speed” three sets of high-quality enhancers. “

“There are 10 sets of each single product in each set, and the three sets of enhancers are auctioned separately. The starting price of each set is 50W, and the price increase cannot be less than 5000. Start now——”

< p>Things that enhance the power of Pokémon are highly priced no matter where they are.

Unlike Rare Candy, the use of Rare Candy will make Pokémon’s foundation vain, while the enhancer is an enhancement Pokémon is a tonic.

The average price of a low-quality enhancer on the market is around 3000.

The intermediate rank quality enhancer is 6000, and the Top Rank quality enhancer is as high as 9000 one. There is no market, and there is no market.

“HP, attack…” There are 10 sets of each single product, and a set is 60 sets. According to the market average price, it should be 540,000.

The auction hall gave a low price of 500,000 yuan, and the hall suddenly became restless.

“High-quality enhancement supplements, this is a valuable and unmarketable treasure, this time I must take a set.”

“Such a set of enhancers is enough for me My Pokémon has been using it for a year.”

“With such a set of enhancers, my Pokémon making a breakthrough will become easier.”

“…”< /p>


Off the field, the social trainers were short of breath and looked at the three sets of enhancement supplements on the auction booth with red eyes, wishing to rush forward Go take it away.







In the face of this precious tonic that can enhance Pokémon’s strength and enhance Pokémon’s foundation.

This time not only the trainer on the first floor, but also the trainer on the VIP seat on the second floor began to participate in the auction.

A set of enhancement supplements with an average market price of 540,000, the price has been pushed all the way to 860,000.

The competition for the next two sets of enhancement supplements was equally fierce, and they were photographed by the trainer on the second floor with high prices of 890,000 and 930,000.

No one was bidding in a row of private rooms on the third floor. Liang Ren and the others were also very calm.

High-quality enhancement supplements are not available in the market, and quotas in the official Alliance pharmacy are also very scarce, and even a trusteeship reservation is required.

However, as a talent incubation base for Kanto, students in the privileged class of Saffron Middle School, they can receive five high-quality supplements for free every month.

Therefore, Liang Ren in the private room did not have much reaction to the enhancer that was fiercely bid by a group of trainers off the court.

After the three sets of enhancers are delivered to the buyer by the staff.

The old man in the toga cleared his throat, loudly said: “Next, the third item is a set of “Insect Perfume, Silver Perfume, Gold Perfume”. “


The silk cloth is opened, and there are three bottles of perfume in an opened delicate box.

The perfume bottle is not big, only half the length of the bento chopsticks, from the left On the right are cyan-green, silver-gray, and gold-yellow.

“Fuck, it turned out to be a rare Pokémon attractant perfume in the wild, as well as its upgraded version silver perfume and gold perfume! ! “

“This is a treasure that can’t be bought outside. “

“Indeed, I even listened to a senior in the circle talking about worm perfume, let alone silver perfume and gold perfume. “

“The Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild is really great generosity, such treasures have appeared. “



For the trainer, the importance of Pokémon does not need to be explained. It can attract rare in the wild. The emergence of Pokémon’s worm-catching perfume.

This time not only the social trainer on the first floor and the VIP seat trainer on the second floor, but also the private rooms on the third floor.

” Now the bidding starts, the starting price is 60W, and each increase cannot be less than 1W. “The old man in the robes looked around and took a deep breath loudly said.

The meeting hall was silent for a moment.

“I paid 650,000. “After a middle age person in the social training home on the first floor made a bid, the meeting hall quickly became lively.



” 810,000″



In order to prepare for this autumn auction, the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild has prepared a lot of treasures .

The VIPs in the private rooms on the third floor are mostly for the “Air Blasting” Ability Learner, the final lot.

However, in the face of the rare and precious product of Yinworm perfume, one by one began to participate in the auction.

The price of a set of Yinworm perfume kept pushing up, and soon broke one million. In the private room, Liang Ren moved his butt and watched the trainer bidding intently.

“It’s really hard to buy Yinworm perfume on the market, but I am very familiar with Elise Jia Young Lady of Rainbow Gym.”

“If you need it, Liang Ren, I Please ask her to help you deploy.”

Seeing Liang Ren shifting his position, thinking he wanted to bid off the court, Casey couldn’t help but speak.

“No, I don’t have any needs for Yinworm perfume.” Liang Ren shook the head.

He who possesses the Pokémon innate talent cheat that can be acquired, he is not too cold for the so-called rare Pokémon.

He conquered Pokémon and valued the temperament and ability positioning, not necessarily the rare Pokémon or Quasi-Legendary.

In the private room, Liang Ren and the others talked, and the off-site worm perfume was successfully photographed by a trainer on the second floor for 1.17 million.

Although the trainer in the private room on the third floor participated in the bidding halfway through.

However, considering that the “Air Blasting” Ability learner, which was to be the finale of the competition, did not continue to die after seeing the price broke one million.

Liang Ren’s mentality is relatively relaxed, not at all, he said that he will bid for the air blast in the end, and he held his wallet in front of him and did not intend to shoot.

It’s just that there’s nothing that interests him that’s all yet.

However, Liang Ren’s eyes lit up when he saw the fourth lot on stage by the staff.

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