In a short while, the female staff outside the box walked into the box with a beautiful Decorate box.

“Excuse me…”

“I took it.” Liang Ren raised his hand for a sign, and then handed it to a bank savings card.

“Okay—” The female staff member smiled, and then took out a poss machine from behind.

“All the auctions in this auction are provided by our Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild, so there is no need to worry about quality issues.”

See him open the box and take out two Flutes Watching over and over in his hands, the staff said with a confident smile on their faces.

“I just have some curiosity about this Item. As the gold-level Bounty Hunter of the guild, I still trust the Hunter’s Guild.”

I have some misunderstandings. Liang Ren also raised his head with a bright smile on his face and briefly explained.

However, Liang Ren tone barely fell, and took the savings card that Liang Ren handed over, and the female staff member who was inserting it into the POSS machine acted.

“Sir, are you a gold member of our guild!!!” The female staff looked surprised, and at the same time they were a little closer than before.

“Hmm—what’s the problem?” Liang Ren thought to communicate that the system backpack took out the identity card that he had just obtained the afternoon before and showed it to the staff.

“Yes, of course there are questions.”

“Will it be convenient for me to verify the identity of the Member Card?”

The female staff did not answer immediately Liang Ren’s question, but respectfully asked.

“Okay, no problem.” Liang Ren handed over the identity crystal card and said.


The female staff took out a handheld terminal like a mobile phone from her pocket.

Insert the identity crystal card handed by Liang Ren into the machine, and all Liang Ren’s information is displayed.

“Mr. Liang Ren, as a distinguished gold member of this guild, you can enjoy a 30% discount as long as it is a self-operated product of the guild regardless of the channel.”

Female The smiles on the staff’s faces are more natural and closer than the previous professionalism, as if they treat themselves.

“Just now you said that the auction auction was provided by the guild itself, so…” Hearing what the staff said, Liang Ren also showed a smile.

“Yes, except for the finale “Air Blasting” Ability Learning Device, which was commissioned by Master Kusumoto in this auction, you will only need 70% of the price of all the lots, Mr. Liang Ren. “

“The final transaction price of this black and white Flute is 200W, Mr. Liang Ren, you only need to pay 140W. “

The female staff member smiled and explained.



I originally had to pay 200W, Suddenly only 140W is needed, saving a full 60W. Liang Ren immediately feels elated.

The city Stadium’s record card can be discounted in the official store of Alliance.

Bounty Hunter’s Guild ranks, you can also enjoy certain discounts when buying self-operated goods.

This is a talent attraction strategy, in order to tie the trainer and the organization At the same time, as a good citizen who abides by laws and regulations, Liang Ren enjoys this bonus.

If you want to be treated kindly by society and the world, it is best to be a good person.



When the staff sent the black and white Flute to Liang Ren’s box, the off-court auction continued.

“PP Max ×20”

“Timer Ball, Repeat Ball”

“A complete set of evolution stones”

“Azalea Town orange fruit ball production master, made by steel A set of orange fruit balls”



Drug supplements, rare Poké Ball, evolution stone, TM, Pokemon Items ……

This time, in order to use the heat of air blasting to maximize the publicity effect, the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild also took out a lot of rarely seen treasures on the market.

Although they can enjoy a 30% discount, Liang Ren actually participated in the auction of “Black and White Flute” during the whole process.

Many things are useless to him.

Furthermore, as his Bounty Hunter ranks upgrade, he has unlocked the purchasing authority for many products in the guild intranet mall, and he can usually buy directly in the mall when necessary.

After all, this 30% discount is not a holiday event, but his permanent enjoyment as a guild gold-level Bounty Hunter.


However, Liang Ren still underestimated the vigor of the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild.

As time goes by, the auction is approaching its end. Unfortunately, unlike some performances, the auction becomes more boring towards the end.

On the auction, the more precious the auction is, the more precious it is, when everyone is looking forward to the finale “Air Blast” Ability learner.

Under the sign of Auctioneer, the staff brought up a small wooden box with a big palm.

“The 27th auction item is also the third auction item tonight.” Auctioneer opened the wooden box and displayed the lot.

This is a round bead the size of a golden Yellow pigeon egg.

“”Light Ball”, booster items, Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu will increase their attacks and special attacks after wearing them, and the formidable power of this system will double. “

This time, Auctioneer on the stage did not use Contest words to mobilize the enthusiasm of the trainers off the field, but made an introduction very simply and plainly.

But that’s it, the whole The auction house still caused a sensation.


“My dear~”

“Pokémon Items, and they are also items of battle strength increase type. ! ! “

“great generosity, this time it is really great generosity. “



Looking at the Saffron beads that magnified the projection, heated discussions broke out throughout the auction field.< /p>

is also Pokémon Items. The “Light Ball” that increases battle strength is not the same as the black and white Flute of the previous chicken rib auxiliary Items.

The two are almost one in the sky and the other in the ground. If the former is a gem, the latter is rubble.

With the appearance of “Light Ball”, the atmosphere of the entire auction hall became frenzied.

One by one stared fiercely at the Light Ball on the auction stage, wishing to rush up and snatch it away.

But most of them know this is unrealistic. This is the Hunter’s Guild branch of the bounty. No one dares to be presumptuous here.

But in the face of such precious Pokémon Items, no matter whether it is military force or financial resources, they are not qualified to have it.

“For such treasures, I am afraid that only the trainers in the VIP rooms on the third floor are eligible to bid.”

A crowd of social trainers looked at the row on the third floor. Box.

“Have you finally played?” In box 6 on the third floor.

On the sofa, a saffron-haired, burly and tall robust man with explosive muscles in his arms twisted his neck, revealing a smile that is bound to come.

And in Box 10, when the Hunter’s Guild, the bounty bounty Hunter’s Guild, took out precious items like “Light Ball” for auction, Liang Ren opened his mouth in surprise.

In previous games, Light Ball is Pikachu’s exclusive Items, but in reality, Light Ball is actually Pikachu’s entire series of exclusive Items.

Whether it is the degenerate Pichu or the final evolved Raichu, you can wear the “Light Ball” and enjoy the increase.

Moreover, it is different from other items with a 20% formidable power increase for Ability moves.

Light Ball, as the exclusive Items of the Pikachu series, whether it is physical attack or special attack to Ability, you can enjoy the doubled increase of formidable power after wearing it.

In the original game, the setting is that the double attack has been enhanced, and the ability to perform Ability formidable power is doubled, and there is no Attribute limit, but the reality is that the Ability of the electrical department enjoys the increase.

This is the second point of divergence between the original work and reality after Pichu and Raichu can be worn.

But no matter how the reality is different from the original, the fact that Items “Light Ball” is a Divine Artifact of the Pikachu series is not at all changed.

“I must photograph this Light Ball.” Liang Ren made up his mind.

Because in his opinion, whether it is “Black and White Flute” or “Light Ball”, it is more valuable than the finale air blasting.

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