“2200…million…three…times,…successful…to pay!!!”

Seeing Maqishi until the auction hammer slammed and did not make any more offers, the old man in the toga finally Give up.

“Congratulations to the VIP box No. 10 for auctioning for 22 million. The Light Ball will be delivered to you soon.”


“Private Room No. 10 on the 3rd Floor”

Seeing that there was no further increase in the price of Maqishi and the girl in Box No. 4, the Light Ball was successfully won by him for 22 million.


Liang Ren let out a deep breath on the sofa.

“Liang Ren took this Light Ball, is it for Little Lei?” Seeing Liang Ren’s relieved expression, Casey couldn’t help but ask.

“Hmm–” Liang Ren nodded.

Yuan Jingxiang and the others were surprised to learn that Liang Ren took this Light Ball for his younger sister.

at first, they thought Liang Ren was going to take a Pichu or Pikachu to cultivate it.

“Little Lei took the route of specializing in the electrical department. She has always wanted to subdue a Pikachu.”

“The Pikachu series is really cute, but the battle strength is It’s hard to describe in a word, but after wearing the exclusive equipment Light Ball, this problem can be solved perfectly.”

Liang Ren smiled and said, he is not keen on Pikachu, unless it is the skin god of Ash.

In the electrical department of Pokémon, if you really like it, it is probably Zeraora.

“I really envy Little Lei, if I also have a big brother like you, the monitor.” Yuan Shizuka said with envy, encircling Anbeli’s waist.

“Deduction~” The staff knocked on the door of the private room, and after receiving a response, she opened the door and walked in.

The female staff member who sent the black and white Flute before, now she is holding a small wooden box in her hand.

“Mr. Liang Ren, this is the Light Ball you photographed.” The staff handed the box to Liang Ren and said.

“The Light Ball is also a lot provided by the guild itself, so you still only need to pay 70% of the price, Mr. Liang Ren.”

“Thank you,” Liang Ren slightly smiled , Hand the bank card to the other party.

22 million × 70% = 15.4 million, saving 6.6 million all at once, I have to say that Hunter’s Guild is very generous for my own bounty.


“The next lot is the second auction last tonight.”

The staff delivered the Light Ball When Liang Ren was in the box, a new auction had already begun.

I just sold a precious Pokémon Items “Light Ball”. At this moment, the trainers are looking forward to the next auction.

Before the finale of the “Air Blast” Ability learner comes on stage, the last auction does not know what rare treasures the official has prepared.

Being able to be auctioned behind the Light Ball, it is reasonable to say that the value is higher than that of the Light Ball.

“The last second lot enhances the Ghost Type power. After wearing it, the Ghost Type Ability formidable power increases the precious Items “Spell Tag” by 20%. “

“Fuck you…”

“Spell Tag, turned out to be the Ghost Type increase Items Spell Tag. “

“It’s the battle strength increase Items again, and it’s not the increase Items that require Pokemon wearing like Light Ball, my dear~”



One stone stirred up a thousand waves, the Auctioneer tone barely fell on the stage, and the whole hall fell into a carnival again.

This autumn auction, In order to take advantage of the popularity of the “Air Blasting” Ability learner for publicity, the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild actually took out three items.

The black and white Flute sub is the normal items that are functional and tasteless. Light Ball also has the limitations of the Pikachu series.

But “Spell Tag” is the top grade Pokemon Items in the true sense.

And because Ghost Type is a very powerful Attribute, the value of Spell Tag is much higher than that of Poison Sting, Hard Rock, and Miracle Seed.

“shua ——”

Seeing the Spell Tag of the holographic projection in the sky of the venue, Yuan Shizuka, who was sitting lazily on the sofa in the No. 10 room, jumped up.

“Xiaoli, Casey, Weiyang, as well as Yingcaijun, Daifujun, Shenyijun, I am afraid I have to ask you for help this time.”

Gen Shizuka Shallow Purple Eyes, staring fiercely at the Spell Tag from the projection outside.

As a Ghost Type specialist trainer, the Spell Tag that can enhance the power of Ghost Type Pokémon is fatal to Gen Shizuka.

“Don’t worry, we will try our best to help you.” The auction has come to an end, and they confidently promised the wooden sweaters who didn’t end up bidding much in the middle.

“Thank you~” Yuan Jingxiang suppressed the emotions in her heart, and sincerely thanked everyone.

Spell Tag is the top grade item. There are definitely more trainers in this auction than in the last Light Ball auction.


“”Spell Tag”, the starting price is 700W, and each increase cannot be less than 50,000. Now the bidding starts. “In front of the auction stage, the old man in the toga shouted loudly.

“7.1 million~”

“7.5 million~”

“8 million~”


“9 million~”



This time the trainer did not look like the above Trainers who are so quiet and financially capable have participated in the bidding.

Even in a row of boxes on the third floor, the trainers who originally came for the “Air Blasting” Ability learner are all at this moment. Participate in the auction.

The “Air Blast” Ability learner is a gimmick. Whether the above Ability is true is not certain, and whether Pokémon can learn the above Ability is another question.

It is unwise to spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions to bet on such an uncertain TM.

After so many calm reflections on auctions, except for Yandai in Box 6, most people’s determination was shaken.

At this moment, the appearance of “Spell Tag” seems to be the last thrust, and all trainers whose determination has been shaken have joined the bidding here.

The price of Items “Spell Tag” soared all the way, when the price broke through ten million.

Social trainers with weak financial resources on the first floor can only wait and see, and the trainers in the VIP position on the second floor also gave up the competition.

The battlefield has become a wealth competition for the VIPs on the third floor.



“The value of Spell Tag is not comparable to Light Ball. The final transaction price is estimated to be 30 million Count down.”

“Before you don’t increase the price little by little, increase the price by a large margin to show determination and courage, so that other competitors can retreat and achieve the effect of quick clearance.”

In the private room No. 10, Liang Ren and his father participated in the charity auction party with his father before and gave out wooden sweaters to advise Yuan Shizuka.

“Okay, 15 million~” After Yuan Shizuka replied complied, she increased the price by 3 million without blinking, making the competitors in the other boxes heartbeat.

The richer people are more sensible about spending money, except for Pokémon trainers who have a certain mentality.

Among other ordinary persons who participated in the bidding for the purpose of collecting, holding the quoter in their hands at the moment is not as decisive as at first.

A row of twenty boxes, Yuan Shizuka raised the price abruptly, persuading many competitors to retreat, and most of the others were hesitant.

“20 million~” But there are still people bidding.

“25 ​​million ~” Yuan Shizuka quoted again to keep up, not giving up at all.

The two price increases directly increased by 10 million. Those who were still hesitating just now directly put down the quotation device in their hands.

“27 million ~” There are still people competing, but the price increase is obviously Minimize, obviously the price has reached the limit that they can accept and bear.

“30 million~” With the financial support of friends, Yuan Shizuka, who didn’t take the money this time, didn’t have the slightest timidity, and continued to throw money on the attack.

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