

“hu hu ——”

One person and one pet stand up and ride on the back of a huge Pidgeot, The giant wings with a wingspan of three meters slammed.

The wind stays at the intersection, Gust is here.

The medicine ingredients shed at home is placed in Mu Village in the southern suburb of Celadon City.

It is the wilderness area of ​​Mareep and Tauros that can be seen when taking the high-speed rail.

My family used to live in Mu Village in Ting. Liang Ren is naturally very familiar with this place.

If time and space are reversed and travel back to Earth again, with the terror of China’s infrastructure speed, I am afraid that the road to the old hometown will no longer be remembered.

Compared with the previous life, this life is more important in his heart.


“My name is Mumu Liang Ren, and I come from an ordinary family of five in Celadon City. My father is Mumu Yiren and mother is Liangzi.”

“I also have a brother-controlled elder brother named Mu Mu Taoya, and a brother-controlled cute younger sister named Mu Mu Lei.”

“My family is small, but very Warm, it’s been almost fourteen years, and I’ve gotten used to life in Pokémon world.”

“Also…I love everything here!!!”


The autumn is high and fresh, and there are a few white clouds floating on the empty sky.

Goshawk soars in the sky. If there are children on the ground, use a high-power Telescope to watch it.

You will be surprised to find that there is a handsome boy in a white linen shirt sitting cross-legged on the back of the goshawk, and a Lucario who is reaching out to catch the cloud.

Look down and look down, cattle and sheep flock in the field.

Tauros running is like a yellow-brown blanket fluttering around in a strong wind; while the Mareep group is like white dumplings one after another Rollout.

The farmer is working in the field, while the shepherd boy is holding a piccolo and riding a gentle-tempered Tauros wandering leisurely in the wilderness.


Liang Ren used to be a shepherd boy before his family moved to Celadon City.

Every day father Mother works in the fields. He wears a small straw hat and a short shirt, and rides Tauros to observe Wild Pokémon in the wilderness.

The eldest brother Momoya was the king of children in the village at that time. He led a group of wild children all day in Ueno. Fried cow dung was their main entertainment.

And now Mu Mu Lei, who is addicted to video games, was also very simple and cute when she was a child. She often led a group of girls of the same age to pick wild flowers and mushrooms in the wilderness with bamboo baskets.

Siblings spent most of their childhood in this field of hope below.

Blue sky, flocks of cattle and sheep, brilliant wild flowers, and the laughter of friends chasing and playing.


“This time I go to Mt. Moon for penance, Pidgeot, you are the protagonist.

In the inheritance of the senior champion of “Eagle”, about breakthrough You have already absorbed and comprehend the experience of Elite level. This time you have to strive for success and break through to Elite level. “

Under Castelia, the strong wind blows Liang Ren’s hair continuously.

Liang Ren stroked Pidgeot’s neck, telling his expectations.

“Beep carving–“

Hearing the sound, Pidgeot opened his mouth and let out a long, clear, high-pitched cry. It was full of confidence in the breakthrough to Elite Pidgeot.

” It’s good to have fighting spirit. “Liang Ren touched Pidgeot’s dancing feather crest.

“ao 嗷—” Lucario yelled happily next to him, looking at Liang Ren expectantly.

Looking at this little expression, it seems to be saying, “What about me?”

“Xiaolu, in your Ability pool, there are 13 tricks that Ability has not been promoted to the Top Rank, so your next time The main training task is to strive to improve Ability proficiency. “

Liang Ren touched Lucario’s head and smiled and said.

After Riolu evolved into Lucario, it has already indicated that its body is fully mature.

< p> Like the original claws were not strong enough, the proficiency of the “alloy claws” has not been able to improve to the next First Rank. This kind of thing will not happen again now.

Nowadays, no matter what Ability, you can safely and boldly exercise.

Like Iron Defense, Endure, Detect, Crushed Rock, Final Gambit, Calm Mind, Sword Dance ——

Ice Punch, Reversal, Refresh, Raster Cannon, Swift, Bone Rush .

These abilities are quite practical in actual combat.

In the second half of the semester, Liang Ren is preparing to challenge the Orange Alliance · Southern Cross. Lucario, who has reached level 40, can act as the main battle strength.

Miki will hold the “P1world Fighting Championship” in Kalos early next year. Lucario will compete with him.

It is only 1st Step to increase the existing Ability proficiency in the Ability pool to the Top Rank. Next:

⒈Learn and master various boxing and kicking skills

⒉Left and right hands simultaneously use different abilities, such as Thunder Punch on the left, Ice Punch on the right…)

⒊Fully master Mega evolution

⒋Explore the potential of developing Aura

——(As the Psychic Aura Force of the cream of the crop in Pokémon world, it is more than just searching, detecting and perceiving Malice…


Aura Sphere is believed to be just one of the ways Aura Force is presented. As long as he is willing to dig, Lucario’s battle strength will be greatly improved.)



There is still time before next year’s P1Fighting tournament. Liang Ren is confident that Lucario will become a powerful battle strength.

When the time comes, I believe he will amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.


In the planting shed of Mu Village medicine ingredients in Ting, a group of farmers are cautiously harvesting medicine ingredients.

The medicine ingredients company that rented the village land before, finally went bankrupt and found some insolvent debts. Under negotiation, the medicine ingredients planted in the land were used to mortgage the rent owed.

Liang Ren’s 15 acres of land are planted with the highest value of Energy Root, this kind of precious medicine ingredients with high prices on the market.

It seems to be a combination of ginseng and burdock. The ground part is like ginseng. There is only one leaf on the top of the stem, and the leaf is divided into three leaflets. The common name is “three flowers”.

The part buried in the soil is not like ginseng, like reed head with many roots, but like burdock and yam, it is a long, straight and thick thick root.

Compared with burdock yam, the roots of Energy Root buried in the soil are only the length of chopsticks and the thickness of the thumb.

“Righteous man, Liang Ren of your family is also promising now. I saw him in the TV news a while ago.”

Medicine ingredients In the greenhouse, a peasant woman with a sallow face He straightened up to wipe his sweat, glanced at Mu Mu Yiren who was busy with them and said.

“Sophon, what you said is wrong, not only in the news, Liang Ren is still like Celebrity, helping some companies to shoot product advertisements.”

“Watching TV last night , Seeing Liang Ren appearing in TV commercials, my mother-in-law and I were shocked, and several children in the family clamored to buy snacks endorsed by Liang Ren.”

“Yes, yes Ah, I saw this advertisement the day before yesterday.”

“Liang Ren, the kid has a good life, and the people in our entire village follow suit. After going out to boasting, I will blow it up.”



Liang Ren’s family used to be in poor conditions, because they had three children, so life was tight.

The old man Mu Mu Yiren is honest and timid, and didn’t expect that after the family walked out of the village, they slowly gained a foothold in Celadon City.

Nowadays, not only is it developed, but the two children are very promising, which makes the people in the same village envy.


Outside the medicine ingredients greenhouse, Pidgeot spread its wings and swooped down, and several large gray and black dogs barked around.

“You guys, I forgot who subdued you.”

Looking at two Mightyenas and three Poochyenas, Liang Ren twitched the corners of his mouth, and said somewhat irritably .

“hu hu ~”

“ao ao~ ”

Hearing Liang Ren’s voice, a few Pokémons sniffed the scent, and stopped alert for a moment. shaking its head and wagging its tail happily greeted it.

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