“Quah!!” Skarmory let out a cry of exclamation.

I was hit by Vine Whip’s ankle just now. Even if it was wearing armor, it felt like he was about to fall apart at this moment.

The Leaf Tornado of the Ivy Snake turned into a twister and attacked. The Skarmory that was caught in it seemed to be thrown into the drum washing machine.

In the sharp vortex of flying leaves, Skarmory’s body is tilted, like a flat boat in the rain of Hurricane, which may capsize at any time.


Skarmory not at all persisted for too long, Twister crossed the border, and Skarmory, who was sucked into it, was thrown out and hit the ground heavily.

Skarmory’s sharp bird eyes turned into a dizzy spiral, and the sharp-toothed beak opened and closed unconsciously, uttering a “quack!!”

“hua hua~” Qingteng Snake twisted the snake’s body and returned to Liang Ren’s side, holding his head high and looked very proud.

Liang Ren nodded appreciatively, and praised: “Good job, Qingteng Snake.”

Hearing Liang Ren’s praise, Qingteng Snake also turned his head and happily’ si si’tweeted.

Ding, experience +240

Ding, picked up the attack Attribute value +1

Ding, picked up the defense Attribute value + 1

———— ———————

“Skarmory can’t fight. It is the Qingteng Snake who won the game.” When Liang Ren picked up Attribute coins, Wu Forrest on the sidelines announced the result of the game with a bright smile.


“…” The outside view trainer applauded thunderously.

There are three reasons why this game can be won—

One is that the swift as wind movement speed of the Qingteng snake, even Skarmory can’t catch up.

Secondly, the Attract Ability of the Qingvine Snake, which makes Skarmory fall into a state of fascination and dullness, leaving enough time for the Qingvine Snake to hit and hurt.

The third is also the most important point. Qingteng Snake has an incomparable innate talent in combat, and his cooperation with Liang Ren is unexpectedly tacit.

Pokémon competition, the importance of the tacit understanding between the trainer and Pokémon is self-evident.

Speed ​​and cooperation, it can be said that from the very beginning Liang Ren has an advantage here, instead of the Qingteng snake being at a disadvantage as the off-field audience said.

“Qingteng snake, can you still fight?” Liang Ren asked with a smile, looking at the Qingteng snake, which was getting more and more energetic.

“si si ~” Qingteng snake nodded, as if saying that he is in a very good state and that he can continue to fight.

Seeing Qingteng Snake so high-spirited, and today’s 3v3 is its debut battle, Liang Ren will not refute his interest.

Also, Liang Ren has always respected Pokémon’s wishes. “If this is the case, let’s continue fighting.”

After that, one person, one pet, one calm and one look in his eyes. Looking fiercely at the opposite boy.

“Thanks for your hard work, Skarmory, come back first.” Tieye bit his teeth and took back the Skarmory who had lost the combat capability.

At first, Snivy, who was despised by him, had already defeated his two Pokémon with evolution.

At this moment, Tetsuye’s mood is very complicated. Although he admits the name of the genius of Mega, as a child of Tetsu Gym Leader, Tetsu Ye still has his own pride in his heart.

Acknowledging that the other party is a genius, but he also subconsciously feels that he is equally good.

However, after two battles, the cold reality slapped him fiercely.

“Is there really such a big gap between me and him? Obviously I have one more year of trainer experience than him.

“And Qingteng Snake is not his Trump Card main force , It is just the weakest Pokémon in the opponent’s hand. “

The loss of the two games will smash the self-confidence of the arrogant iron field.

“Pokémon is a battle, winning or losing is common, you will not be because of a little Don’t dare to continue to challenge if you fail. “

Liang Ren looked at the expression of the young boy with an inch head, thinking that he has no deep hatred with each other, and thought about it for a while to enlighten him.

“嘁~” is called Tie Ye The boy’s face revealed disdain, and said stubbornly: “I won’t just give in. “

After finishing talking, the boy with an inch head threw the third Pokémon directly, “Magneton, this game is up to you.” “

“Keep 咿——”

The baby ball opened, and a Pokémon formed by the combination of three Magnemite appeared on the battlefield Sky.

Three Core, three eyes, three sets of red and blue horseshoe Magnet.

Looking at this Magneton on the field, Liang Ren’s expression gradually became serious. This Magneton has a strong breath.

“Magnemite needs at least level 30 to evolve into Magneton. It seems that the next game will be a hard fight. “

“si si ~” Feeling the powerful electromagnetic field around Magneton, the green vine snake also screamed si si on the field.

Twisting his body left and right, his expression looked a little restless Obviously, it also feels danger.

“The green vine snake has just evolved, and the level is estimated to be at level 18. Magneton must be at least level 30 to evolve from Magnemite. “

“The level difference between the two sides is more than ten levels. It seems that the small tie should be able to win the game smoothly. “

“Qingteng Snake has won two games in a row. As a debut game, this record has been very Contest. “

“Don’t be so negative, I am very confident in the Qingteng Snake, and does Magneton have any way to crack the Qingteng Snake’s Ability “Attract”? “

“I really don’t know whether to say you are innocent or ignorant. Magneton is a genderless Pokemon, plus it is a Magnet. The Attract Ability of Qingteng Snake has no effect at all. “

“It turns out that this is the case, and Liang Ren is really difficult to play on his side in this match. “



The venue is not big, and the discussion surrounding the audience clearly spread to the ears of the two parties on the field .

Learning that “Attract” Ability is not effective on Magneton, Tie Ye, who was just affected by depression, instantly dissipated the cloud on his face.

On Liang Ren’s side, although his expression is dignified, he is too flustered about the “Attract” Ability failure, not at all.

Forrest on the sidelines can’t bear this kind of atmosphere anymore. He raised his hand and decisively announced the start of the game: “The game has started!!”

With an order, he confronted the gunpowder piled up on the battlefield. The barrel was instantly ignited.

Tie Ye is here to take the lead. After losing two games in a row, he eagerly wants to get back one game, “Magneton, use Spark.”

“Qingteng snake, pay attention to move. Avoid it.” Liang Ren gave instructions in a timely manner.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”

At the stadium Sky, Magneton used magnetic Levitate.

The horseshoe-shaped Magnet is aimed at the ivy snake below, and a shallow yellow blade of light shoots at lightning speed.

“xiu ~pu! !”

During the crisis, the Qingteng Snake also broke out to its full potential, twisting and dodged Magneton’s attack dangerously.

The Light Blade failed, and then hit a solid field.

“Continue to attack.”

“Continue to avoid.”

In the arena, the trainers from both sides gave instructions almost in unison. If you don’t listen carefully, you may even think that both sides The instructions are the same.

In fact, one side is attacking and one side is dodging.

“xiu ~” in midair Magneton, turning the Magnet on his body, one after another the light blade swiftly attacked through the air.

The Qingvine Snake did not attack. At this moment, it focuses on dodge Magneton’s attack.

The body twists, like glide on the ground, once again showing its swift as wind speed.

“puff puff puff…” The light blade fell through, and the Spark hitting the field splashed a puff of dust.

The Ability of the electrical system is very fast, and as the fastest in the electrical system, Spark sacrifices part of its lethality.

However, under the huge level difference, Liang Ren really doubted that Magneton’s Spark could seriously injure the Qingteng snake.

“Magneton, continue to use Spark to attack.” Watching the Qingteng snake being driven to flee, Tieye became more and more high-spirited and vigorous.

However, Liang Ren smiled…

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