“Magneton, use a spiral ball.” At the other end of the field, Teeno yelled.

Unfortunately, after entering Liang Ren’s playing rhythm, it is not so easy to get out of it.

“Petrochemical Gong interrupted and continued to throw me.” The more anxious Tie Ye was, the calmer Liang Ren was.

“si si ~” The Qingteng snake twisted its body, rushing at a high speed with the inertial force of pulling, just like letting a kite take off.

However, in the next step, the’Magneton Kite’ that was dragged up did not fly high in the air, but was dragged fiercely by the Qingvine Snake to the battlefield.


The body of Magnet, which was haunting the electric current, slammed heavily on the field, splashing a cloud of dust.

The thick pulse was beating, and a reaction force was exerted on Magneton’s body, causing it to disorder its magnetic field and suffer great damage.

All things grow and restrain each other, and Ground Type just restrains Steel Type and Electric Type.



Strongly control the Ability petrochemical skill to interrupt, and then Vine Whip dragged it to the field.

Liang Ren’s tactics are very simple, but Tieye’s side is difficult to crack.

Previously, Magneton had a large-scale output of electricity, and at this moment, the electricity within the body is seriously insufficient.

In addition, the Qingteng snake relies on the Attribute to resist, using Vine Whip and its body as a ground wire, leading most of the power into the ground.

The sine vine snake that has adapted to Thunder Shock’s offensive, Magneton is already very difficult to threaten the sine vine snake.

With Vine Whip shaking + petrochemical interruption, Magneton can’t make an effective counterattack at all.

The body was dragged and smashed into the opposing battlefield. From the comparison of the injuries of the two sides, Magneton’s injuries have surpassed the Qingteng snake.

Although Qingteng Snake is not feeling well now, it is undoubtedly much better than Magneton.


“si si……” Once Magneton smashed onto the field, Qingteng Snake became extremely excited.

The opposite Tieye has given up resisting, and the trainer of the appearance match has also stopped talking, each with his mouth open and staring at the scene.

The two sides clearly have such a big power gap, and then in the end it turned out that the optimistic Qingteng Snake has the upper hand.

For the entire battle, everyone has been watching, how Liang Ren reversed the situation, they didn’t even know for a while.

Advantages need to be managed, and once this thing is formed, it will produce a very amazing increase and blessing.

The so-called time comes Heaven and Earth are all in the same force, the general situation is strong, the gods and ghosts are hard to beat——-


……Boom! !

Magneton was dragged fiercely by Vine Whip and hit the field fiercely. Six red and blue pole horseshoe Magnets hung loosely with a bang.

The single eyes of the three’Magnemite’ bodies in the Core Center turned into dizzy mosquito coils and passed out.

“Magneton can’t fight, this game was won by Mumu Liang Ren’s Qingteng Snake!!”

Seeing Magneton fainting and losing the combat capability, Forrest on the sidelines looked ecstatic. The result of the game was announced loudly.

“pa pa pa……”

“Qingteng snake…Qingteng snake…”

“Qingteng snake…Qingteng snake… …”

One wear three! ! !

The Snivy in Liang Ren’s hand first defeated Aron to complete the evolution, and then defeated Tieye’s Skarmory and Magneton one after another.

In the first stage debut, the performance of Qingteng Snakes can be said to be amazing.

“si si ~” The Qingteng Snake opened a snake kiss and panted implicitly.

After three games, it has also reached its limit, but it has been strong with persistence until now.

In the first battle of his debut, Qingteng Snake hopes that he can do his best without leaving any regrets.

Obviously it’s done–

“si si ~” outside the field of view focused on it, for the onlookers applauded warmly, Qingteng Snake felt very much Inspire.

“Finally—I also became the protagonist on the battlefield.” Qingteng Snake was extremely excited.

“Can you see the old frog in the sky? Now I have become stronger, and I have also evolved into a sine vine snake…”

The sine vine snake looks up at the sky , Li red Snake pupil burst into tears of sadness.

Liang Ren, who sensed the emotional change of the Qingteng Snake, also put his smile on his face and stepped into the field, squatting down in front of the Qingteng Snake.

“Qingteng Snake, you performed very well in today’s battle. The old frog will be proud of you after seeing your battle in the sky.”

Liang Ren Hug Holding the Qingteng Snake, let it rest its head on his shoulder, and then warmly comforted and encouraged.

“si si ~”

The Qingteng snake poked its tail and wiped the teardrops, and solemnly nodded.

“bang bang bang bang…” The field-viewing trainers watched the warm interaction between Liang Ren and Qingteng Snake and kept applauding.

They all know the tragic life experience of Qingteng Snake.

Seeing that it can have a trainer like Liang Ren and able to achieve such results, they are really happy for Qingteng Snake.

Ding, experience +310

Ding, pick up defense Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up special attack innate talent value +1

——— —

After comforting Qingteng Snake and seeing Magneton donating an innate talent red coin to him, Liang Ren was immediately overjoyed.

But seeing Liang Ren staring at Magneton with a smile, he frowned at the panel-inch young man, “hmph~”

“You are very strong, but next time I will win again. I’m back.” Tie Ye said unwillingly to Liang Ren.

“I look forward to playing with you next time.” Liang Ren nodded, always humble and polite.

Not to mention the contribution of an innate talent red coin, which allowed Snivy to evolve into a green vine snake, which deserves Liang Ren’s gratitude.

“I will be stronger next time I meet.” Seeing Liang Ren’s politeness, Tie Ye’s cheeks blushed, holding Magneton, who had lost the combat capability, turned and left.

Liang Ren slightly smiled, the idea communication system backpack, and give the Qingteng Snake the red coin of special attack innate talent that he just picked up.

After all, it is taking the path of the spell assassin, which requires very high abilities in terms of special attack and speed.

“Liang Ren~Congratulations, Snivy not only evolved into a green vine snake, but also defeated Tie Ye in three wears.”

See Tie Ye holding Magneton and leaving, On the sidelines Wu Forrest ran over excitedly, and said with a smile while climbing on Liang Ren’s shoulders.

“Then do I have to congratulate you too, I don’t have to go to Tetsu Gym to clean up.” Liang Ren glanced at Wu Forrest and said.

“Liang Ren, brother Liang Ren~ I’m really wrong, I won’t use you as a shield next time…ying ying ying!!!”

Wu Forrest said sorry, but Liang Ren ignored him and walked towards a girl with reddish-brown hair on the sidelines.

“That, please~” Liang Ren smiled and greeted the girl who was looking at the phone.

“Ah!!!” The girl was startled when she heard Liang Ren’s voice, her cheeks suddenly turned red when she lifted the head and saw that it was Liang Ren.

“Hello, I am Mumu Liang Ren. I saw you have been using mobile phone recordings during the battle just now.”

“Can I ask you for a video file? The battle just now was the debut of Qingteng Snakes, which is very memorable.”

“I want to post the video to Weibo.” Liang Ren politely asked the girl.

He was not at all because the other party was taking pictures of his Pokémon, so he showed arrogance, as it should be by rights.

“When…Of course you can.” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the student girl in a mini skirt responded with a lovely red cheek.

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