However, with Nika leading the way, Liang Ren naturally does not need to be so troublesome.

I have lived with the Clefairy group in Mt. Moon for seven or eight years. Nika is very familiar with the environment here.

The three pets of the two went seven turns and eight turns in the cave passage. Just when Liang Ren was about to turn faint, Nika finally stopped.

“The front is where Clefairy and I live.” Nika said.

“Finally here.” Liang Ren let out a deep breath.

Although Nika led the way, Zubat, Paras, and Sandshrew were not at all attacked by Wild Pokémon living in the cave.

But walking through the dimly lit Cave still makes Liang Ren, who is slightly claustrophobic, feel a little depressed.

“Here.” Nika took Liang Ren around a diminishing grotto, and the two immediately entered a huge stone chamber.

The stone cave seems to have formed naturally, the size of a Hiroshi field, and a huge stone is placed on the central platform of the stone cave.

The boulders are as dark as the night sky, but the sun shines through the hollow of the tiankeng above the grotto, and the boulders on the platform reflect a strange cold light.

“This is~” After thinking for a while, Liang Ren looked towards Nika beside him in shock and asked.

“You read that right, this whole piece is moonstone, and it is also the god of Clefairy.”

Nika looked at the huge moonstone in the stone chamber, his face There was a strange excitement on it, as if this giant moon stone was also his god.

“…” Looking at this super huge moonstone in the stone chamber, Liang Ren was silent for a moment.

He hadn’t noticed just now, he finally reacted when he saw the huge moon stone at the moment.

Isn’t this the plot that Ash, Brock, and Misty experienced when they traveled through Mt. Moon in the original book?

Because when he crossed over to Pokémon world, the timeline was very different from Ash.

When he got the initial Pokémon Pidgey here, Ash, as the protagonist of the original book, experienced a plot kill at the Kalos Alliance Conference last year.

In the first half of the year, Ash even got back the first Alliance Conference Champion in the Alola Islands.

Liang Ren, who knows that the timeline does not match, after crossing over, not at all to memorize the plot of the original Ash experience, but integrates into this World like an aboriginal and strives to learn knowledge.

Didn’t expect this time when he came to Mt. Moon, there was an intersection with the original plot.

Nika and Ash, after experiencing the attack on Clefairy and theft of the huge moonstone by the Team Rocket trio, decided to live with them.

And seven or eight years later, Liang Ren, who came to Mt. Moon to experience the pulse, met Nika who had lived with the Clefairy for seven or eight years.

“Although it is not a very important plot, there is still a very strange feeling.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“Clefairy, Pixie, it’s me, everyone, come out.” When Liang Ren fell into a sigh, Nika said suddenly.


Hearing a familiar voice, behind the stone platform where the huge moonstone is placed, a Clefairy sticks out a cute head.




As the first Clefairy appeared, it was empty In the lonely grotto, more and more Clefairy and Pixi came out.

Clefairy is a cute-looking Pokémon that walks upright on two legs. It has pink fur and a star-shaped body. It is chubby and very cute.

As for the evolutionary Pixi, its appearance is very similar to Clefairy, but it is taller and fatter than Clefairy.

It also has long pointed ears, dark ear tips, and there are still wrinkles beside Black’s little eyes.

There are still lovely curls on the head, the curled tail behind him, and the pair of wings have become even bigger.

This makes people wonder if it will fly with Pixi if its wings lightly flap.

“Beep~Beep~Beep Kexi…” Looking at Clefairy and Pixie who drilled out from behind the bumps in the grotto.

Nika’s mouth made sounds very similar to those of Clefairy, as if he could communicate with Clefairy and Picsy without barriers.

Liang Ren couldn’t help but look at him.

“Do you understand what he said?” Liang Ren asked Slowpoke in his arms curiously through the bond link.

“Ah duo——(´◔‸◔`) He said you are a good person, so that Clefairy and Pixie don’t have to be afraid.”

Slowpoke looked up at him, Use your mind to help him translate and explain.

“That’s it.” Liang Ren nodded.

Sure enough, after Nika’s explanation, Clefairy and Picsey, who were a little scared, immediately put down their guard.

“Beep Beep~”

A Clefairy hopped to Liang Ren, his dark eyes looked at Liang Ren curiously and was held in his arms Slowpoke.

But when looking at Lucario on his side, Clefairy couldn’t help showing a trace of fear in his eyes.

Fairy Type is restrained by Steel Type. It is not surprising that Clefairy is afraid of Lucario.

“Don’t be afraid, Lucario will not hurt you.” Liang Ren explained with a kind smile regardless of whether Clefairy could understand or not.

“Beep——” Looking up and looking at Liang Ren, Clefairy looked towards the side with a grin and smiled, and moved towards Lucario who was waving kindly.

Clefairy stared for a few seconds, a lovely smile appeared on his face again, and it seemed that it had put down its guard.

“Are Clefairy and Picsy cute?” Nika turned to look at Liang Ren and asked.

“Yeah, it’s really cute.” Liang Ren nodded, a cute pink thing like Clefairy, whether it’s a macho or a girl, will love it.

“Fairy Type Pokémon is still very rare in Kanto.” Liang Ren added in his heart.

The first Clefairy turned his head and waved his small paw to his companion behind him. With the trust in Nika, the Clefairy and Pixi in the grotto were no longer afraid of Liang Ren.

One by one pink cute creatures bounced back to their normal actions, and the silent grotto suddenly became lively.

“By the way~ Liang Ren, you came to Mt. Moon for special training this time. If the time is not tight, do you want to stay at night to join the Clefairy and Pixie Full Moon Ceremony.”


As if remembering something, Nika retracted his gaze focusing on Clefairy’s body, turned his head and looked towards Liang Ren.

“Full Moon Sacrifice?” Liang Ren was puzzled.

“At the full moon on the 15th of each month, Clefairy and Pixi will dance around the moonstone and hold a full moon sacrifice.”

“When the full moon sacrifices, the moon The stone will give Clefairy the power to evolve with sufficient strength.”

“Even if you don’t need to evolve, pray sincerely to the moon stone, the moon stone will also send blessings, let Clefairy and Pixi realize the new Ability. “

Seeing Liang Ren’s doubts, Nika explained with a smile.

“Gives the power of evolution, and at the same time allows Clefairy and Pixie to understand the new Ability!!!” Liang Ren was a little surprised.

He can understand Clefairy’s evolution, and Clefairy and Pixie can learn new abilities, which is a bit surprising.

“The evolution stone has the same power as an Ability learner.” Liang Ren stared at the huge moon stone placed in the center of the grotto, his tone full of surprise.

“No~ it’s not an evolution stone, it is the god of Clefairy and Pixie.” Nika raised a finger to correct.

“If Slowpoke also participates in the full moon festival at night, will the moon stone also bless you?” Liang Ren asked one of his most curious questions.

“Well…Although there is no such precedent before, I think it should be. After all,’God’ is emotional.”

“The’God’ blessed and understood Are Ability all Fairy Type?” Liang Ren asked.

“Most of the Fairy Types, but there are also ordinary Ability.” Nika recalled and said.

“How about it, do you want to stay to participate in the full moon festival?”

“Uh-hmm~ of course.” Liang Ren replied affirmatively.

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