Liang Ren is holding Slowpoke with Xiaotao who has just recovered completely from a leg injury.

Under the scorching gaze of the villagers playing torch, they landed on the dam where the villagers in the valley piled Pedro.

“Village chief grandfather, Uncle Hei Nan.”

As soon as her foot touched the ground, Xiao Tao ran towards the old man in Chu Sangguai.

After finally plucking up the courage to leave the village secretly, the innocent and innocent little girl thought that after climbing a mountain, she could see the father working in the mine.

However, reality makes little girl truly understand what cruelty is.

Living in a small mountain village since childhood, she has a clear concept of how big this World is not at all.

For the outside of the village, the other side of the mountain is full of infinite beautiful fantasy, the other side of the mountain is the sea, or it may be a beautiful forest full of fruits.

Today she secretly left the village, with boundless longing and beautiful dreams, she embarked on a journey to find father alone.

However, she suffered from untold hardships, her feet were cut, her hands were pulled by thorns and bleeding cuts, but she persisted with perseverance.

However, when she climbed over the mountain, she discovered that the other side of the mountain was not the mine where the father worked, and there was no beautiful sea and no endless fruit forest.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the scene behind the mountain is unobstructed.

Behind the mountain is still the mountain, and the heavy mountain behind the mountain has a green face, giving her a zero mark for her beautiful fantasy.

But life is not a fairy tale.

Rugged mountain roads, clumps of iron-toothed thorns, ferocious wild beasts…

Lost, chased by beasts, fell into the valley and injured his leg. Rattata gave the last dry food Snatch.

In the end, I was surrounded by a group of fierce beasts. If Liang Ren didn’t suddenly appear in the end, she would have become Zubat and Ariados food.

Xiaotao can still stay strong in front of Liang Ren, but now she returns to the mountain village where she grew up and sees her relatives.

Xiao Tao’s tears fell from her cheeks as big as Pearl.

However, looking at Xiaotao who was running towards him, the old man pestering Sangguai ignored her, and instead walked towards Liang Ren respectfully with expression.

“Respected master animal trainer, thank you for saving Xiaotao.”

The villagers with torch in the field saw that Xiaotao had been found, and every villager returned to Tianba. .

When everyone gathered around, they just saw the village chief saluting Liang Ren.

“Lao Zhang, you are welcome, I will see you in the moon during this period… I also happened to meet Xiaotao today in the cultivation of the Higori mountain range.”

Liang Ren waved his hand. With Slowpoke in his arms, he used Psychic to help the old man with rickets, hair and beard all white.

Liang Ren’s attitude is unexpectedly gentle, but Slowpoke’s hand makes the old man more respectful of him.

“Master the animal trainer saved the villagers of our Peach Origin Village, that is the great benefactor of our village…”

“Hmm~” Wiped away the tears, Xiao Tao also Looking at Liang Ren gratefully and nodding.

“The deserted villages can’t come up with any valuable items to thank the adults.

“So I implore the master trainer to enjoy the face and eat some meals in the cold house, and let the old man represent Peach Origin Village Do the friendship of the landlord. “

Peach Origin Village is located deep in the vein of Mt. Moon. Many generations of people have not been outside, and their speech and behavior are with ancient style and local accent.

After the Jin Daqi incident In the face of Liang Ren, a stranger from outside, the villagers can maintain such a kindness, which shows that the folk customs are simple and honest.

However, it is the villagers who are simple and kind, and have no intention of guarding against strangers. As a result, the young and middle-aged laborers in the village were deceived by Jin Daqi into black Miner.

“I don’t know where this wave of villagers are now, whether they are dead or alive. “Liang Ren sighed in his heart.



Liang Ren originally said that he would leave after sending Xiaotao back, but he was in the village Chang Putian and other villagers were very enthusiastically invited, Liang Ren had to stay for a while.

“The wild land in the mountain villages can’t come up with any good things to entertain the adults. This is a glutinous rice cake group made from new rice this year. Sweet wine fermented rice, rice crackers…”

The small mountain village is very closed and backward, and the living conditions are also very bad. The house where the village head Putian lives is also an adobe thatched house.

The villagers are crowded. In the small courtyard, Liang Ren was regarded as a distinguished guest. Putian, the village chief, took out all the fine food at home to entertain him.

The kindness and enthusiasm of the villagers made it only because of the compassion. Liang Ren is willing to be nosy.

More willing to help them find their relatives who were abducted by the black mine merchant Jin Daqi.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, although he is I can’t afford to have an early character, and at the same time I’m afraid of trouble and I’m not willing to bear any big responsibility.

However, some things are not too troublesome. He is still willing to do things within his power. After all, his nature is still He is a kind-hearted person.

Seeing the food brought by every household of the villagers, Liang Ren symbolically used some meals, and then took the initiative to talk about Jin Daqi.



The topic shifted to Jin Daqi, the village head of Putian and the villagers in the small courtyard of the farmhouse began to complain. .

Different from Xiaotao’s ignorance, other villagers still know very well that Jin Daqi is a liar who hides evil intentions. The youngsters in the village have been cheated away.

There is no news in three years. It is still unknown whether the youngsters who left with Jin Daqi are still alive.

They have lived in the mountains for generations, without the legal consciousness of citizens under the rule of Alliance outside. , The lives of the villagers should be a little bit lower in the hearts of the villagers.

In three years, the villagers have recognized that they have no hope of recovering these youngsters.

They have tried it, but unfortunately There are many fierce beasts in the Higori mountain range, and the villagers have not found them. Many people have lost their lives.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Zhang, the people who were abducted in your village , I will ask someone to help you find it. “

After listening to the villagers’ complaints, the pain and sorrow on everyone’s faces taking in the entire scene. At the end of the conversation, Liang Ren also expressed his willingness to do some meager efforts.

Although not I am sure that this wave of people is safe and sound, but they can do justice and punish the wicked.

Retrieving these mountain people who were abducted and sent for mining, Liang Ren thinks it is a great merit.

After all, as the saying goes, it’s good: saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda.

He who inspires to become a Pokémon trainer, the reason for his desire to gain strength is never to hurt , But for protection.

“Thank you, Master Tamer. “

“If my son can be found, the old woman is willing to set up a longevity tablet for her benefactor in the ancestral shrine and pray every day. “



Although Liang Ren is very young, he showed his Divine Ability skills when dropping from the sky just now. I have completely subdued the villagers.

At the beginning, Jin Daqi was chased and killed by a beast and entered the village by mistake, but the beast master in front of him came and went freely in this dangerous Higori mountain range. .

When Liang Ren agreed to help, the villagers had already believed in their hearts that their children who were kidnapped by Jin Daqi could be found back.

“Don’t do this, you guys get up quickly, Since I came across this matter, I will definitely help you find people back. “

“But some words have to be stated clearly in advance, although I am willing to help you find them.

“But for three years, no news came back. Please also prepare for the worst result.” Liang Ren said.

“Master Beast Tamer is willing to help us find people. No matter what the final result is, we at Peach Origin Village are grateful and have no other ideas.”

“Yes, yes. ……”

“I implore the adults to take action”



The village head Putian understands Liang Ren The implied meaning of his words, quickly led a group of villagers to express that they would never repay virtue with grievances.

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