
The Golden Triangle of “Kanto —Johto —Orange” Alliance has a very large development space. From the perspective of talent gap, it is best for Liang Ren to enter the Orange Alliance in the future.

However, from the perspective of the weight of members of the Golden Triangle, the later developed Orange Alliance has a much lower weight than the Kanto Johto Alliance.

And the champion of Johto Mt. Silver Alliance, Yulongdu to Indigo Alliance, can only take the position of Elite Four.

From this point alone, we can see that the power center of the future golden triangle should be the Indigo Alliance.

The Elite Four has two vacancies, and the Region champion is vacant. He is also a Kanto man with a strong roots, from the cradle of Kanto Alliance talent incubation: Saffron Middle School.

The highest weight, the huge talent gap, the least difficulty in rising, the highest ceiling, and the chance to be the champion.

As long as you are not a fool, you will choose to enter the Kanto Alliance in the future. In the second half of the year, your eldest brother Momoa will also enter the Kanto Alliance after graduation.

When the time comes brother, he is united and profitable. Indigo Alliance is his best home. He won’t join other Alliances just to stay away from home, try to be fresh and so on.

With his talent, wouldn’t it be good to be the champion of the Indigo Alliance in the future? Must run other regions as an Elite.

Rather than kneeling and licking Shirona and Diantha, it is better to be a champion yourself, when the time comes on an equal footing with each other.

The problem that has plagued the villagers of Peach Origin Village for three years can be easily solved by Shiba with a phone call.

And this has nothing to do with personal strength and connections. This is the strength of the Alliance Elite position. Power is sometimes much more useful than personal strength.

“Of course, improving personal strength will never go wrong.” Liang Ren exclaimed.

Sheba just said that if Jin Daqi is still in Tetsu City, news will come back in half an hour.

In fact, the efficiency of Shiba’s search team and Jenny of Tetsu City is higher than Liang Ren imagined.

Just after dinner, before the bowl and chopsticks could be put down, Shiba’s cell phone rang aside.

“Master Shiba, the suspect Jin Daqi has been caught, and we are about to take him back to the police station for interrogation.” A member of the search team reported on the phone.

“Okay, I get it.” Shiba nodded with satisfaction, “Interrogate the black mine site as soon as possible, and then rescue the abducted villagers.”

“Yes— —”

Getting instructions from Shiba, a man in a black tactical suit replied to his mobile phone in a police car that had just driven away from the villas in the wealthy area of ​​Tetsu.

In the prisoner’s compartment behind the police car, a middle-aged man with a fat body and a white suit accompanied by a white suit sits desperately on his face.

Large gold necklaces, finger-filled gemstone rings, luxurious diamond-encrusted gold watches…

However, the cold touch from the metal handcuffs on the wrist makes this Tetsu city The real estate tycoon felt cold all over.

Looking at the precious jewelry that he usually uses to show off his wealth, Jin Daqi can’t take any interest at this moment, because he knows he’s finished.

Being able to accumulate today’s strong wealth, he still has some connections in Alliance, but compared to Elite Four Hiba, his connections in Alliance are nothing.

“Everything is gone.” Jin Daqi sighed, lowered his head and gently touched the cold handcuffs with his forehead, his eyes darkened and desperate.

Tetsu City Police Department mobilized all the police force, and the trainer under Shiba, Jin Daqi’s arrest went smoothly.

After knowing that I couldn’t turn around, Jin Daqi didn’t have any Struggle during the interrogation. All the details about the Peach Origin Village abduction case were told to Jenny.

Three years ago, Jin Daqi bought a piece of news about a mineral vein in the depths of the Mt. Moon vein from a black market trainer.

After secret exploration was confirmed, Jin Daqi personally led his men to the mine to make further valuation preparations.

Didn’t expect was attacked by a powerful Wild Pokémon when he was approaching the mineral vein, and finally hit and ran into Peach Origin Village by mistake.

What happened later Liang Ren has already understood clearly from the villagers of Peach Origin Village.

More than 30 young and middle-aged people in the village who dreamed of making a fortune were tricked into mining in a mine by a gold tool. Not only did they not need to start money, they also squeezed their orders like cattle.

The dream of getting rich has turned into a nightmare. Peach Origin Village is isolated from the world. The outside world has no idea that there is such a hidden small mountain village deep in Mt. Moon.

The villagers in the village have a simple personality, hardworking and hard-working, and they have no sense of law. They don’t have to be afraid of injuries and deaths during the mining process.

According to Jindaqi at first’s plan, in order not to expose him to open a black mine privately, if no new veins are discovered after the mine is emptied.

This group of barbaric mountain people, not only will he not put the opponent back, but will also directly deal with it.

However, since the crimes of Jin Daqi were mastered by Alliance because of Liang Ren, the nightmare of the people of Peach Origin Village should be awakened.


After dinner, Liang Ren talked with Xiba about Lucario’s training, and the next plan has been made.

Before he rested, he really waited for a call from the Tetsu city police, and the black mine opened by Jindaqi was discovered in a col a few kilometers behind Yangjiaofeng.

“The people from the search team and Jenny Joy have rushed into the mountain overnight to join us, but the main culprit, Jin Daqi, is now arrested.”

“I’m worried It involves the interests of some people and forces, in order to prevent them from whispering and eliminating evidence.”

“We will rush to the black mine to save people.” Shiba looked at the address sent by Jenny, expression said to Liang Ren seriously.

“Okay, no problem.” Liang Ren nodded.

Since the villagers of Peach Origin Village have promised to help them rescue the people, he didn’t think that after throwing the matter to Shiba, he didn’t care about anything.

Liang Ren, a life-critical matter, he even dare not be vague.

“Okay, let’s set off now.”


After that, Shiba pinched his fingers and blew a whistle. A huge Skarmory swooped down from the night sky.

After two or three days of getting along, it was the first time that Liang Ren saw Shiba other Pokémon besides the five main players in his hands.

However, it is also possible that it is simply the pokémon tamed by the Alliance. Now he is rushing to the black mine to save people. Liang Ren did not ask much.

“Pidgeot, let’s set off.” Liang Ren yelled. Under the support of Slowpoke’s Psychic, one person and four pets landed smoothly on Pidgeot’s generous back.


“Beep Eagle——”

Skarmory carried Shiba into the air, Pidgeot did not fall in the wind, and the wings were straight Riding the wind and soaring to the sky.

When Liang Ren came back from Peach Origin Village, the sky was already dark, and the night sky was now full of bright moon and stars.

In a hurry, the leader of Skarmory flew fast, and Shiba sat cross-legged on Skarmory’s back like a clock.

The wind in the valley swept across the Yangjiao Peak and made weird whimper-like sound waves, even if they had deliberately avoided it, and there was also Slowpoke’s Psychic shield.

Under the weird and weird sound waves of Yangjiaofeng, Liang Ren also felt a little unwell.

For the 30-odd people in Peach Origin Village, they were deceived into the black mines by the rhetoric of goldsmiths to squeeze them like cattle and dig mines for three years.

Originally, as an outsider, he was only a little embarrassed and sympathetic, but now he really feels sad for their experience.

Living in a mountain village completely isolated from the outside world, no one outside knows their existence.

The relatives are abducted but they are helpless. No one outside knows what happened to them, and no one can help the villagers save their lives.

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