“haha, Lucario has successfully mastered the power of Mega evolution, let’s take a group photo.”

“Beep Eagle——”

“Ya Duo——”


“si si ——”

Take out a digital camera from the system backpack and throw it into the air. Slowpoke skillfully supports it with Confusion.

Every time his Pokémon evolves or has a major breakthrough in strength, Liang Ren habitually takes pictures and records it.

Lucario masters the power of Mega evolution. Such a thing happened, obviously worth remembering.

“ka-cha ——”

Pushing MegaLucario to the middle C position, Liang Ren also has Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Qingteng snake.

Climbing, hugging, or hugging… Lucario was surrounded by each other and took a group photo with five pets.

Next, everyone took a photo with Lucario alone, and then Lucario took photos in various poses alone.

Among the nearly 900 kinds of Pokemon known in Pokémon world, Lucario’s original appearance can be ranked in the forefront.

Now that Mega has evolved, it has become increasingly heroic and handsome.



Take a picture, and several Pokémons return to their training places to start their exercises.

The improvement of your companion’s strength should indeed be happy for the other party, but there must be a certain sense of urgency.

After all, the team is secretly vying with each other, if they can, no one wants to fall behind.

“This morning, Lucario, you will keep the Mega evolution state for training, and strive to master this power in the shortest time.”

“The time has passed since next year’s Miki P1world Fighting Championship We are getting closer, so we must not relax.”

“In the next few days, when you are thoroughly familiar with the power of Mega evolution, we will start the training program for the First Rank segment: “Aura Development “. “

“Do you know? “Liang Ren looked at Lucario, his expression solemnly exhorted.

“ao~” MegaLucario nodded, there is a vague fighting spirit in the dark red eyes.

“Then take it. Come down and start training, and feel the power of Mega. “

“Next, all abilities in the Ability pool will be used again, with all their strength! ! “

“ao~” Lucario grinned, waved his fist and began to use Ability.

After completing the “fist, knee and elbow” phase training, Liang Ren began to consciously deepen Lucario’s Ability Pool.

After completing the “Ability Mastery” training, in accordance with the plan formulated by Liang Ren, Lucario completed the “left and right stroke” training with different abilities simultaneously with both hands under Shiba’s Coaching.

The Pidgeot breakthrough Elite level is currently the biggest gain, but Lucario’s progress is also not small.

It can be said that letting go of impetuosity and sinking heart to train, every Pokémon has gained considerable improvement in strength during this time.



Lucario innate talent is very high. Coupled with a solid foundation, the Mega evolution is not only completed safely and smoothly, but also has skyrocketed after Mega’s evolution. The power was completely mastered in only half a day.

Other Pokémon follow the training plan, step by step, and train step by step.

On Liang Ren’s side, Lucario started to develop Aura.


“Aura is a measure of spiritual strength. It can be said that there is Aura in everything.

“This is the same Very powerful, but not everyone has the innate talent to perceive and use this power.

“But fortunately, you, Lucario, you are born with the ability to perceive Aura and manipulate Aura. This is the Present God gave you and your race.

” ……”

“Before proceeding with the in-depth development of Aura, we must first understand the functions of the Aura brigade:

① Mental measurement and telepathy.

The former can perceive people’s emotional changes and find out whether the other party has good intentions or Malice, while the latter can communicate without barriers through the spirit strength of Aura.

②Feel the Aura of others.

This can be used to investigate the environment, as well as to feel and see through objects. It is a very useful ability in life or in actual combat.

③Projection’s own Aura.

Aura is essentially a measure of spiritual strength. Only through the projection transformation of the reality in the individual’s mind can it create barriers or attacks.

Aura Sphere is one way of presentation.

④Transfer Aura to other creatures to activate the body’s instinct for healthy and orderly operation of the object from the mind.

This ability has a non-Normal healing effect for vegetative people, or for other existences that cause the body to lose the ability to move due to mental reasons.

I found a secret in an ancient document in the library.

There was once a brave named Aura and his partner Lucario, who used this method to save the World Tree which was running out of order.

But this method is very dangerous, and it is easy to take your own life.

⑤Make the flower of time activate the reaction.

⑥The air is released to blow the animal body, which is the cause of the wind of Aura. “



Help Lucario develop Aura Force in depth, this is Liang Ren’s idea after he got the Lucario egg .

Since then, Liang Ren has been making preparations in this regard, through various channels, whether it is the library access to materials, or through the channel of the bounty Hunter’s Guild.

Contact Trainers with Lucario, Togetic, and Clawitzer, and then get Aura-related information from the other party for a fee.

With sufficient in-depth understanding of Aura and sufficient theoretical support, Liang Ren dare Implement a series of plans developed by Aura.

As for how to develop in depth, naturally start with the ability of Aura itself. After all, development does not mean create something from nothing.

“ao 嗷— —”

Sitting cross-legged on the big rock that was cut flat with Air Slash before Pidgeot, listening to Liang Ren’s account, Lucario nodded in response.

The longer we get along, Lucario The more I discover Liang Ren’s erudition, there seems to be nothing he doesn’t know about Pokemon’s breeding and training.

It’s precisely because of this that not only Lucario, but also Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster and Qingteng Snake .

Deep in one’s heart has an almost blind and fanatical sense of worship for Liang Ren.

Early wisdom, maturity, self-discipline, tenacious, kind but not Holy Mother, black -belly has a bottom line…

After following Liang Ren, all of them are open to Liang Ren, and Liang Ren’s life is left to them.

They change all the time. Strong, Liang Ren is also growing all the time.

Genius, evildoer, gold-level Bounty Hunter, city Stadium professional three-star trainer, 13-year-old breed Pokémon with Elite level strength.

While Pidgeot and Lucario are proud of themselves, they are also proud of Liang Ren’s achievements.

Looking at their experience after following Liang Ren, they can only use the protagonist. Describe Liang Ren .

Yes, if you really want to say how they are different from other Pokémon trainers in the society, it is:

“They always believe that their trainer is the protagonist of the world !!!”

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