

“The breakthrough Elite level has undergone a power transformation, and there is no downgrade phenomenon, but the level has skyrocketed.”

“And not yet It has skyrocketed by two Level 3, but it has skyrocketed by a full 10 levels. If this news goes to Alliance, I am afraid it will frighten a high level of Alliance.”

Holding the Slowpoke and riding Pidgeot to land, the clouds are flying fast. moved towards Backward, Liang Ren thought with a secret smile.

However, he also knew that this was Slowpoke’s luck. By chance, he entered the crown space and obtained the inheritance of a former King of the Saint Jard Empire.

“If it is a normal breakthrough, it is estimated that Slowpoke will at most surge Level 3 or Level 4 like Pidgeot.”

Liang Ren called Slowpoke’s Attribute panel and looked at it. Thought the above data.

【Slowpoke 】♂



Character: naughty, laid-back, black-belly < /p>

Characteristics: Oblivious, regenerative power

Will: [Wang’s Will·Wisdom King] (Note:…)

Physical Strength: 100 [B] Purple< /p>

Attack: 100【B】

Defense: 100【B】

Special attack: 120【B】

Special defense: 100【 B]

Speed: 100 [B]

Comprehensive: 620

Ability ———

「Wisdom King·Inheritance Ability」 : Divining the future, predicting the enemy’s first opportunity, intelligent prediction, Star Realm greater teleportation (Note:…)

“Attack”: Confusion, fraud, Dream Eater, Round, Moonburst, Shadow Ball, Spirit Disturbance, Psychic, Spirit Blade, Mind Headbutt, Flamethrower, Fairy Wind, Dazzling Gleam

“Prevention”: Light Screen, Protection, Half-Reflection, Safeguard, Mirror Coat

」: Yawn, Gravity, Hypnosis, Petrochemical Technique, Thunder Wave

「Supplement」: Amnesia, Teleport, Deception Space, Miracle Eye, Mind Transfer, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Heal Pulse


Looking at the Slowpoke data on the Attribute panel, Liang Ren couldn’t help sighing: “This is the bottom line!!”

After the breakthrough Elite level Level jumped to LV.60.

After being transformed by Ho-Oh with spiritual marrow beads and Perfection-level life laws, it surpassed the Illusory Beast-level innate talent and the luxurious and explosive Ability pool~

Slowpoke expertly After mastering one’s own strength, the Elite realm is stabilized.

With its current strength and heritage, even in the Elite level, it will be a first-class player.

After all, it is not an ordinary Elite Pokémon, it is also a super Illusory Beast in a Slowpoke coat.

“Slowpoke, which has the evolutionary branch of Hippo King, does have the potential to become a king. It is no wonder that it will be selected by the “Wisdom King” as the inheritance of the emperor’s will. “

Looking at the spirit willpower called [King’s Will·Wisdom King] behind the column of will on the Slowpoke Attribute panel, Liang Ren sighed in his heart.

In the St. Jades Empire In the glorious history of thousands of years, there have been thousands of kings, some of whom are cruel and virtuous.

The unruly king was written on the pillar of shame and later generations Reviled, and the wise and benevolent monarchs were written in textbooks by later generations to sing praises.

Among the thousands of kings in the St. Gard Empire, by comparison, the reign of the Kings really benefited the community. There are not many wise kings who are remembered by Good Fortune because of the great achievements of the people.

However, the “King of Wisdom” is one of the very wise and benevolent kings.

As the founder of the Saint-Jard Empire, that is, the eldest son of Saint-Jard, the first monarch of the founding of the country.

After the death of his father, the King of Wisdom St. Jade Chou expressed his ambitions when he succeeded to the throne of the St. Jades Empire.

Expressed the need: to establish a heart for Heaven and Earth, a life for the people, for the first king to follow the Absolute Art, and for peace for all generations! ! !

During his reign, he tried his best to teach the people to make nets for fishing and hunting, and to improve the production capacity of the people of the empire;

At the same time, the people were taught to domesticate wild beasts, so that the trainer is now the trainer. The emergence of occupations has greatly improved the people’s battle strength.

Change marriage uniforms and increase the population of the empire;

Create simplified characters to facilitate the inheritance and spread of civilization; create a system of prefectures and states, and stabilize the rule of the St. Garde Empire …

If the founding monarch of St. Jader relied on military force and the art of war, he gathered all the Primal tribes to end the chaos and establish a unified St. Jader Empire.

Then the King of Wisdom·S.Jade·Zhou.

It is to completely stabilize the foundation of the Great Empire laid down by father and lay a solid foundation for the glorious inheritance of thousands of years.

The Wisdom King St. Jade Chou is a wise man full of wisdom, and he is also a powerful Psychic.

This is also the confidence he can tame the’wild beast’ and create the profession of a beast trainer.

According to the existing historical records, the first Pokémon conquered by the Wisdom King St. Jade Chou was a hippo king.

The second Pokémon is now Unova Region. It claims to be able to use Psychic to distort the surrounding space. The projection Universe Starry Sky is called Gothitelle of the celestial Pokémon.

The second Pokémon, the King of Wisdom, also achieved his last feat in his later years.

He pioneered astrology, predicting and avoiding natural disasters and misfortunes by observing astrological signs.

As the eldest son of St. Jader, the second king of St. Jader’s empire, the Wisdom King St. Jade Chou is not only a wise man and a virtuous king.

In Liang Ren’s view, he is more of a Legendary, an extraordinary and refined, shaking the old illuminating the new Mega powerhouse.

It’s a pity that in the Emperor Qi cloud in the Holy Crown, it is mainly the kingly inheritance of the Wisdom King Saint Jade Universe.

The power inheritance of Wisdom King Astrology and Psychic cultivation is only a very small part.

If Slowpoke inherits the inheritance of Wisdom King Astrology and Psychic cultivation, it might not be as simple as raising the level by 10.

But looking at the new Will and Ability on the Attribute panel, Liang Ren is also very satisfied.

“Although it is a kingly inheritance, it is not without astrology.” Liang Ren laughed.



Will: [Wang’s Will·Wisdom King]

(Remarks: King’s Will , The non-king Pokémon has different levels of suppression effect according to the strength, the maximum is 100%.

*The Wisdom King exclusive King’s Will effect, doubles the suppression effect on the Psychic Type non-king Pokémon.

Enjoy a 50% damage reduction effect when attacked by a Psychic Type, and a 50% damage increase effect when attacking a Psychic Type Pokémon.

Under the will of the exclusive king of the wisdom king, the wisdom king inheritance when playing Ability “Intelligent Foresight” immediately takes effect automatically.

*Intelligent Foresight: Increases the total Attribute value by 400 points when you play, and the buff effect of the opponent’s arbitrary action on itself will be automatically copied by our side.)


The above is the effect of the spirit willpower that Slowpoke inherited and comprehended from the Emperor Qi cloud, [Wang Zhizhi·Wisdom King].

Compared with Pidgeot’s will [Burning Zhi Zhi Zhi], after normal and Mega evolve, 50%→100% defense reduction, 100%→200% attack increase effect.

Slowpoke inherits the comprehension of the spirit willpower [king’s will·wisdom king], just like its name, full of the king’s hegemonic suppression of civilians.

Especially the non-king Psychic Type Pokémon will not only be doubled down.

The damage of Slowpoke’s attack is directly reduced by half, and if it is hit by Slowpoke’s attack, the damage is directly increased by 50%.

“From now on, Slowpoke is simply a Psychic Type Pokémon Nemesis.” Liang Ren immediately corrected after saying, “It shouldn’t be said to be the king of Psychic Type Pokémon.”

Among the several major Alliance champions in Pokémon world, Hoenn Alliance, Zvozi Steven and Kalos Alliance champions Karunai’s Trump Card.

Metagross and Gardevoir of Psychic Type.

Liang Ren has now joined the Kanto Alliance. If he can sit on the Alliance champion in the future, he will be at the same level as Steven and Karun.

When the time comes, if the two sides meet in a Pokémon world championship or championship, Liang Ren’s Slowpoke might rub the other side on the floor.

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