For these lovely classmates in his class, Liang Ren is also willing to be close to them.

However, there are still several hours before the evening dinner. Liang Ren is going to take a few Pokémon to the city Stadium to see.

At noon, on a whim, Cloyster suddenly asked to leave the team temporarily and asked Flora to take her to the Ice Island.

This happened too suddenly. Although they know that Cloyster is anxious for breakthrough Elite bottleneck, they are still a little upset and unhappy with Slowpoke.

And if you want to relieve the boredom in your heart, what else is more effective for fighting?

“si si ——” Hearing Liang Ren preparing to take them to the Stadium to play games, Qingteng Snake looked very excited.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario have all gone to the city Stadium to participate in official competitions, and this is the first time for Qingteng Snake.

Go to Mt. Moon to train for two and a half months, and insist on boring and tedious training every day, not to be able to compete on the brightly lit stage.

Now that the wish is finally fulfilled, Qingteng Snake should feel excited.

“Can’t wait? Then let’s set off.” Looking at the green vine snake full of excitement in its pupils, Liang Ren said with a smile.

“si si ——” Hearing the ridicule in Liang Ren’s words, Qingteng Snake was so shy that his cheeks blushed slightly.

“Beep Diao——Don’t worry, Xiaoqing, today you can show off boldly, and we will give you a lineup.”

“Ah Duo——Niao brother is right, There are a few of us here today, and I promise to let you ride the wind and break the waves.”

“ao 嗷—Yes, I will cheer for you too.”

“si si — —Thank you Pidgeot, Xiaodai, and Xiaolu.”



Two and a half months of experience, Qingteng Snake is already strong Completed the shedding body, exchanging bones, the strength has become much stronger.

[Qingteng Snake]♀



Character: Confident, Smart

Characteristics: Overgrow, antagonism

Stamina: 95[C]Blue

Attack: 60[C]

Defense: 70[C]< /p>

Special Attack: 71【C】

Special Defense: 70【C】

Speed: 100【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 461


“Tack”: Tackle, Vine Whip, Return, Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Leaf Tornado, Bubble’s aria

“Prevention”: Safeguard

“Control”: Tightening, Attract, Captivate, Petrochemical Power

“Auxiliary”: Growth

————— ———

LV.35 Level, this has reached the critical point of evolving into the final form, and it is more than enough to play in the City Stadium.

Next, before heading to the Orange Islands, he will stay in Saffron City for a period of time. The main task is to adapt the Qingvine Snake to the regular Stadium events.

Although he now adds Dragonite eggs, there are only six Pokémons in total, but he has two Elite Pokémons on hand, and he has the confidence to hit the five-star professional.

“Then take advantage of the opportunity to help Qingteng Snake as a Stadium, by the way, participate in a qualifying match every night, and score a professional five-star in 20 days.”

Only Pokémon rushed to Liang Ren in the city Stadium, planning silently in his heart.



[Saffron City · City Stadium ]

It has not yet reached seven o’clock in the evening, the battle at the main venue The night has not yet begun, the branch at this time in the afternoon is the busiest time of the day.

One is that there is no main venue to diversify, and the other is because there are many star-rated professional trainers who want to play games at the main venue at this time. At this time, they will also go to the branch to practice their hands.

A branch ticket of 200 Alliance currency can spend the value of the main venue ticket of 500 Alliance currency, so many viewers also like to come to the branch at this afternoon to watch the game.

The No. 1 branch, as the most weighted event venue, gathers a large number of Peak non-star trainers and many star trainers.

In the registration hall, you can feel the warm atmosphere of the venue just by watching the live broadcast of the game on the wall TV. The atmosphere at the No. 1 branch is particularly warm.

At the moment, the two trainers who are fighting on the No. 1 branch are a teenager with a short stab. He sent a Strength/Machamp.

His opponent is a tall and thin adult man, and the Pokémon he sent is an evolutionary Pidgeot of Kanto’s family bird.

From the Attribute point of view, the Pidgeot of the thin and tall man has a very large advantage, and the short-haired stabbing boy Strength/Machamp is very disadvantaged.

However, I don’t know whether it is arrogant or ignorant or other reasons. The short-haired stabbing boy on the disadvantaged side does not have the slightest worry on his face, but instead has a confident expression.

“Speaking of Pidgeot, I can’t beat Liang Ren’s perverted Pidgeot. As for this one is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.”

” Does Flying Type restrain Fighting Type? Oh, this Uncle’s Strength/Machamp specializes in Flying Type’s Pokémon.” The short-haired stabbing boy on the field squirmed his mouth and muttered to himself.

“Daisuke, come on!!”

“Let the other party see the Unique Ability of Strength/Machamp: the crow takes the plane.”

“Twister destroys the parking lot The field also let the other party see.”



Strength/Machamp’s trainer, the short hair stabbing boy Stadium in Saffron City is not low in popularity.

Although Attribute was on the disadvantaged side in this game, there were many people cheering for him on the field.

The game was officially started soon after the referee gave an order. The thin and tall man commanded Pidgeot to take off quickly, using Agility to increase the speed.

The short-haired thorn-headed young man made an order without hurriedly, first let Strength/Machamp use gather gas.

“Ni Cough—” Strength/Machamp on the court shouted in an imposing manner with piercing eyes and dantian anger.

The effect of Qi-gathering moves is to strengthen the probability of Strength/Machamp hitting the opponent key and making a critical strike.

If there is a Psychic who can see through at the moment, you can see Strength/Machamp’s limbs and limbs have a force like an air current moved towards its lower abdomen.

Pidgeot hovered in the Sky, patiently looking for an opportunity to attack, but the short-haired stabbing boy has issued a 2nd order.

“Strength/Machamp, since the opponent doesn’t dare to attack, then we will use Bulk Up.” The young man grinned confidently, without any weakness in his expression.

“Hey cough 咿!!” Strength/Machamp’s voice became even more energetic after gathering gas.

Then I saw this shape on the field is as strong as Mr. Bulk Up in humans.

Wearing only the muscle Strength/Machamp of a pair of Black briefs, moved towards Pidgeot in the sky and the off-site audience performed various Bulk Up actions.

Supporters of short-haired teenagers off the court, as well as some spectators who have no obvious standpoint, began to cheer loudly for Strength/Machamp.

[Front stretch of latissimus dorsi]

“Oh oh…”

“wu wu ……”

[Front stretch Biceps]

“ao 嗷……”


[Side chest muscles]


“Want to touch…”

[Latissimus dorsi]

“So wide…”

“So strong…”

[Extend biceps back]


“Oye…”< /p>

[Side stretch of triceps]


“Bump me…”

[Extension of the abdomen And thigh]

“I want…”


[Crab Show]

“roar roar……”

“I Gan……”

Strength/Machamp uses Bulk Up one by one, and the off-field audience shouts with excitement. Among them, the jeweled middle-aged Fat women are mostly.

Although Bulk Up is only an auxiliary ability to improve attack and physical defense, at the moment when it comes to Strength/Machamp use, it seems to be accompanied by a provocative effect.

Looking at the action of Strength/Machamp on the field, the eyes of Pidgeot hovering in the sky have been filled with anger.

“Dasuke this guy.” Liang Ren, who just walked into the registration hall of the event, stopped in front of the giant screen wall TV.

Looking at the No. 1 branch, like Tiger Tiger in the well-known children’s anime “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf”, doing the Strength/Machamp performance of Bulk Up, Liang Ren couldn’t help but smile.


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