Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 29. Identification Results, Dratini! ! (45 Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!)

The staff carefully placed the blue Pokémon egg into the identification device.

Indicates to the operator on the computer side that the placement is complete.

The operator in front of the computer receives the instruction, starts to input the program, and the identification instrument starts to operate.

Through the transparent special glass of the instrument, the staff can clearly see the real-time situation of the Pokémon eggs inside during the identification.

I saw a gentle glow from the machine.

Scan this Pokémon egg in all directions.

This is the scanning part of the identification process, to see if the Pokémon eggs have reached maturity and hatchable Contest Condition.

And whether the Pokémon in the Pokémon egg has ever had the experience of confessing the Lord.

If not, Jiang Huai can hatch with sperm and blood after this Pokémon egg matures.

Become the owner of this Pokémon.

"The last time I saw a different-colored Pokémon egg was a few years ago."

The staff began to discuss.

"Oh, you remember, that Pokémon egg was pale green last time, right?"

"Yes, it was finally identified as Larvitar, which caused a sensation in the entire Aoki City."

"That Larvitar's trainer seems to have become an Elite-level trainer."

"Well, he also achieved good results in the Dragon Kingdom Pokémon competition."

"It's also because of him that he has attracted many trainers to explore the secret realm of Changlin."

"I didn't expect that in a few years, we would be able to see Pokémon eggs of different colors again."


While the two were discussing, the light from the identification instrument disappeared.

The results are sent from the computer and an electronic report is generated.

"Ah, not yet ripe, this Pokémon egg."

"But luckily for that trainer, this Pokémon egg hasn't claimed it yet!"

"Quickly identify the type, I'm looking forward to it!"

The results made the staff very excited.

The operator on the computer immediately enters the command, and the identification device emits light again, shining on the Pokémon egg.

Officially entering the identification process, the Attribute and type of Pokémon can be identified.

As the light continues to shine on the Pokémon eggs.

Data is also slowly starting to be generated.

"This.... turns out to be a dragon element!!"

The operator yelled.

"Dragon system?!!!"

"I knew this Pokémon egg was not easy!"

"This is a dragon-type Pokémon, and its rarity has exploded!"

"Could it be..."

The two stared nervously at the computer screen, waiting for the data to be transmitted.

After a few minutes, identify the hours of light in the instrument.

Identification is completed.

The two staff in front of the screen opened their mouths wide.

"Oh my God...."

"It turned out to be..."


A few minutes later, the door to the identification room opened.

Two staff members, unable to hide the excitement on their faces, walked out with a printed identification report.

Jiang Huai looked at the expression of the staff, and seemed to have guessed a little, and his mood became a little nervous.

The staff handed the report to Jiang Huai and said excitedly:

"Congratulations, young trainer..."

"You are so lucky..."

"This Pokémon egg is still not a mature Contest Condition..."

"So it still hasn't recognized the Lord's Contest Condition...."


"It's a dragon..."

"Extremely rare..."


"Here's a scan out of it's full profile, health..."

When Miss Guiding heard this, she immediately covered her mouth in surprise:

"My God! It's Dratini!"

"It's been a long time since our Pokémon Center had a dragon-type Pokémon egg!"

"You got such a rare Pokémon egg in the wild??"

"A Dratini's Pokémon egg costs nearly 10 million Chinese coins!!!"

"Are you Emperor Ou?"

"Another Pancham, and now another Dratini??"

"Classmate, you will become a champion trainer in the future, please don't forget me..."

Miss Guiding's words were instantly activated, and she started to fire machine guns on Jiang Huai non-stop.

After Jiang Huai learned that this Pokémon egg turned out to be Dratini, although he didn't show too much expression, he was very happy inside.

This is the dragon type.

In the Pokémon world, dragons are extremely domineering.

Any Pokémon, as long as it has something to do with dragons.

Strength cannot be underestimated.

Those Elite-level and champion-level trainers in the Dragon Kingdom all have one or two Dragon-type Pokémon.

Also, my own is Dratini.

Breeder it until it evolves into Dragonite.

That is a quasi-god-level existence.

That is the existence of Species Strength as high as 600!

It's the tough Pokémon that everyone in the entire Pokémon world dreams of owning.

Then the operator handed Dratini's Pokémon egg back to Jiang Huai, and instructed a lot of knowledge on how to protect and store it.

Later, under their introduction, Jiang Huai also purchased a Pokémon Egg Storage at the Pokémon Center.

Once the parameters are set in the storage, Pokémon eggs can be protected very well.

It can also speed up the growth of Pokémon in eggs and reach hatching standards sooner.

Even more exaggerated, Miss Guiding also told the top of the Pokémon Center about the situation.

The executives who got the news rushed down to find Jiang Huai.

Ask if this Dratini Pokémon Egg can be sold to the Pokémon Center.

And offered a high price of 1500W Huaxia coin.

When he heard the figure of 1500W, Jiang Huai admitted that he was a little moved.

If you don't mind, it's fake.

After all, before he became a trainer, the apprentice was embarrassed.

Being stretched thin, the days of eating and drawing cartoons are still vivid in my mind.

But after a few seconds, Jiang Huai chose to refuse.

Although he is not very rich now.

But it's also a surplus.

Also, Dratini is the Pokémon everyone wants.

After purchasing the Pokémon Center, it is nothing more than relying on its own channels.

Take this Pokémon egg directly to international auctions.

By that time, you will make a lot of money and make a fortune.

This kind of trick made the executives think they could deceive Jiang Huai, who had just graduated from high school.

So Jiang Huai put the Dratini Pokémon egg into the storage and walked out of the Pokémon Center with it.

To be unobtrusive, Jiang Huai turned the storage into stealth mode.

The transparent glass on all four sides of the storage can be turned into a hidden mode by setting.

Stealth mode is for the purpose of preventing the transport personnel from getting lost in the money and stealing Pokémon eggs when the storage is in transit.

After leaving the Pokémon Center, Jiang Huai was in a good mood and walked towards his home.

A few minutes later, Jiang Huai came to an alley.

This short cut can save several minutes, and Jiang Huai often crosses this alley.

Today is normal as usual, and the alleys are empty.

At this point Ralts came out of the Poké Ball and jumped into Jiang Huai's arms.

"Lalu... Lalu..."

As if expressing that he doesn't want to be in Poké Ball.

Jiang Huai smiled helplessly, and had no choice but to hold it and continue walking.

"Classmate, classmate, wait."

A voice came from behind Jiang Huai.

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