Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 34. How Could I Let The Master Lose! (45 Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!)


The Metang landed, and two sturdy Oreburgh arms slammed into the Ground.

At the same time, he let out a fierce roar.

In the Poké Ball just now, it has seen the scene where two of its teammates are killed by the Kirlia in front of him.

At this point, the Metang is already very Rage.

Due to his strong strength, Haunter, who is level 26, and Metang, who is one level higher than him, consider himself a big brother on weekdays.

Bring them into Soaring in the sky Stadium, field training, or play against other trainers at the training ground.

Both Haunter and Metang Normal can crush Rival, and there is no need for it to be the big brother.

And whenever the Metang shot, the two younger brothers kept cheering for it.

But I didn't expect that my two younger brothers would be instantly killed by other Pokémon today.

If I don't help my two little brothers to avenge this.

How will it be the big brother in the future?

And as soon as it came out, it burst out with a very high fighting spirit and a powerful momentum.

"Okay, that's it, Metang!"

Jin Sheng saw that Metang burst into such a momentum as soon as he appeared, and his originally surprised heart began to regain a little confidence.


In the face of Metang, which is two levels higher than his own level, and has an Attribute suppressed by Metang.

Kirlia, who wore two Pokémons in a row, had just begun to gain confidence in her fighting ability.

But for a while, it seemed to return to the secret forest.

The scene where I'm being chased by that brown Pokémon...

The terrifying scenes in my heart reappeared.

Kirlia's body suddenly took two steps back.

The body began to tremble violently involuntarily.

See how Kirlia behaves.

Jin Sheng thought, is this Kirlia still fighting with the same fear?

Just now, it was only a momentary rise, and this short-lived power broke out?

Now facing the Metang suppressed by Attribute, is he starting to get sick again?


"Let me tell you, there's no way you can get rid of your Kirlia fear of fighting!"

"You really don't know how to train Pokémon, so just admit defeat!"

Jin Sheng laughed.

The people on the sidelines were very puzzled when they saw Kirlia's appearance, and after hearing Jin Sheng's mockery, they all agreed:

"The first time I see a Pokémon coming to the training ground, I'm scared like this!"

"Even if you're frightened by a Pokémon with the "Intimidate" ability, you don't act like this!"

"Just now I thought this Kirlia had a lot of beer, but it turned out to be a flash in the pan."

"Such a rare Pokémon Breeder is like this, it can be hit once in battle and can't be hit."

"This trainer is really incompetent."


Jiang Huai ignored everyone's sarcasm and asked with concern:

"Kirlia, are you okay?"

"It's scary now, isn't it?"

Kirlia turned her head slowly, shaking her head slowly.


Kirlia had thought Jiang Huai would be very disappointed.

Disappointed that he didn't have the ability to protect him to the end.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Huai said:

"If that's the case, let's admit defeat."

"Your performance has been very good just now."

"Thank you, Kirlia."

Then Jiang Huai smiled and touched Kirlia's head.


(Master, he didn't even blame me....)


(Instead of caring about my situation first...)


(Me, how could I let the master lose!!!)


(The owner is my beloved one!!!)

At this time, the red horn on Kirlia's head once again glowed dazzlingly.

The trembling body gradually stabilized.

The fearful eyes were full of incomparable fighting spirit at this time.


Kirlia waved at Jiang Huai, indicating that he can fight?

Seeing that Kirlia's fighting spirit seemed to be rekindled, Jiang Huai asked in surprise:

"Kirlia, do you mean you can keep fighting?"

Kirlia nodded.

The trainer off the court just now, and Jin Sheng's mocking words resurfaced in Kirlia's mind.


(How dare you mock and insult my master so relentlessly!)


(I will never let you go!!)

At this time, Kirlia, because Jiang Huai was taunted again, Attribute's strength increased by 2 levels again.

Attribute's strength has reached level 35.

Watching Kirlia rekindle his fighting spirit.

"Okay, then please, Kirlia!"

Jiang Huai said.

"The round begins!!!"

The referee saw Kirlia's fighting spirit rekindled and immediately ordered the game to begin.

"I can't believe it, you coward can beat my Metang!"

"Metang! Bullet Punch!"

Bullet Punch: A quick and hard fist attack like Rival's bullet, sure to preempt the attack.

One of the metal arms of the Metang who received the order suddenly rose from the ground.

It exploded at the speed of a bullet and blasted towards Kirlia.


In the face of such a fast and domineering attack, Jiang Huai also issued an order in an instant.

When the iron-armed fist from Metang was just a stone's throw away from Kirlia.

A burst of pink mental energy abruptly stopped Metang's iron arm and stopped in mid-air.

In the face of such a quick attack, normal Pokémon simply cannot dodge.

But Kirlia is a timid + agile character.

In the real Pokémon world, the speed of reaction and the speed of skill release have been blessed.

So relying on his super energy skills, he successfully blocked the steel skills that restrained him.

Outside audience:

"I thought this Kirlia only had that physical attack skill."

"How is it possible, my natural skills can definitely be mastered!"

"I just didn't expect that its Confusion could directly block the Metang's Bullet Punch."

"Fuck you, this trainer really seems to have something."


Metang, whose skills were blocked, was even more furious. He didn't expect that Kirlia, who had just looked so timid, had such strength.

With his Confusion, he can completely block his skills without taking any damage.

And Jin Sheng is also very surprised, didn't he just start to get sick again?

It suddenly turned into the outrageous Contest Condition just now?

Jin Sheng, who did not believe in evil, ordered again and decided to attack with Metang's more powerful steel skills:

"Metang, use the Flash Cannon!!"


After receiving the order, Metang immediately began to gather energy, ready to unleash his trump card.

I saw countless rays of light began to condense between Metang's arms, gradually converging into a huge light group.

People outside:

"Jin Shao, this is a direct enlargement move!"

"Flash Cannon, a powerful steel-type skill, can definitely kill the restrained Fairy-type Kirlia in seconds."

"If Kirlia can't dodge this move, the outcome will be the outcome."

"The range of Flash Cannon is so big that Kirlia shouldn't be able to dodge it!"



See the opponent's Metang start Focus Energy, ready to unleash powerful skills.

The power is even more than that of the original Sawarang.

But Kirlia was no longer trembling, choosing instead to face her fear.

At this time, the red horn on its head glowed, sending out induction to Jiang Huai.

It has to face this attack head on.

It, to face this fear.

"Kirlia, I got it!"

Jiang Huai said.

“Big fragrant feet!!!!”

Jiang Huai ordered.

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