Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 370. Successful treatment, the next goal

At this time, Gengar and Dusknoir were very puzzled when they saw the sudden appearance of the King Kong gorilla.

This guy has two sticks and a stump drum.

Do you want to play a piece of rock music to heal yourself?

At this moment, Jiang Huai looked up and looked around.

With an embarrassed expression, he said:

"Well... this treatment room is still not good."

"Let's go to the battle arena.


"Huh? 99

"Are you playing with me?"

"How can there be a cure for a disease on the battlefield?"

Jiang Huai thinks that Alisha is really rude.

said directly:

"Gengar, Dusknoir."

"I have a way to cure you, come with me. 39

Then he turned and walked towards the battle arena.

Gengar and Dusknoir stared blankly at Alicia.

Alyssa said angrily:

"I want to see what this kid can do!

"Gengar, Boom King Kong, let's go!!""

Then Alisha followed in Jiang Huai's footsteps with Gengar and Dusknoir.

came to the battlefield.

At this point Gengar and Dusknoir are both very weak on the field.

He stared blankly at the very excited Bang Lei King Kong orangutan who was constantly beating his stump drum.

Alyssa said to Jiang Huai at this time:

"Whatever tricks you want to 20, hurry up.

"Wait a minute my appointment time is over!!99

Jiang Huai says:


"It's spacious enough here.

"Master Alyssa, you are looking forward to it.

At this time, Jiang Huai issued an order to the King Kong Gorilla:

"Boom King Kong Gorilla!

"Venom Contest Condition!!99

The King Kong Gorilla who got the order roared angrily.

The eyes burst out with bright red blood.

Thick, dark purple venom began to burst out from every pore on the body.

The dark purple venom quickly wrapped the entire body of the King Kong gorilla.

The venom dripped from time to time along the body of the King Kong gorilla.

Each drop of poison lands on the Ground with a hissing sound of corrosion.

Now Alisha finally understood why Jiang Huai came to the battle arena to treat Gengar and Dusknoir.

If you just let the King Kong Ape turn on this terrifying Contest Condition skill in the treatment room.

I'm afraid this terrifying venom can directly poison the floor of the treatment room.

And instantly increase the level of Attribute strength to 25.

Let the King Kong orangutan who entered the Venom Contest Condition at this moment burst into a shocking power.

Gengar, Dusknoir on the field.

And Alisha on the sidelines was taken aback by the power of the instant explosion of the King Kong gorilla.

Alyssa exclaimed:


"This banging gorilla..."

"How can such a powerful force suddenly burst out? 35

"This power is comparable to an Elite-level Pokémon!

At this time Jiang Huai said:

“Gengar, Dusknoir!”

"Now let the King Kong gorilla try to help you transfer the toxins out of your body."5

"You don't have to be afraid!"

Gengar and Dusknoir had just taken a fighting stance.

But they are all powerless.

At this point, they turned to look at their master, Eliza.

It means whether you can believe what Jiang Huai said.

Alicia was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Gengar and Dusknoir reassured and continued to turn their heads to look at the King Kong gorilla.

Jiang Huai gestured to the King Kong orangutan:

"Treat them."

Bang Lei King Kong orangutan nodded.

The entire body once again incarnates into a huge pool of fluid venom.

Go straight to Gengar and Dusknoir.

Wrap two Pokémon's bodies tightly in their own venom.

Started trying to control the toxins in the two Pokémons.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Both Alisha and Jiang Huai were nervously watching the situation on the field.

I saw that the fluid venom of the incarnation of the King Kong orangutan began to turn from the original dark purple to a shining gold.

Then from gold to a strange dark green.

At this time, the King Kong orangutan in the venom was also sweating profusely.

The toxins in Gengar and Dusknoir are more powerful than the toxins that open the venom Contest Condition.

With the poison control energy he practiced last night, the King Kong gorilla is trying to help Gengar and Dusknoir get rid of it little by little...

until half an hour later.

The venom on the King Kong orangutan turned into its original dark purple color.

The Venom Contest Condition is then lifted.

Boom King Goes directly into the Contest Condition to Exhaustion.

Falling to the ground unable to move.

And Gengar and Dusknoir are also on the ground.

Breathing heavily.

Jiang Huai and Alisha rushed forward immediately.

Observe the status of the respective Pokémon.

after observation.

Fortunately, the King Kong gorilla is still in a healthy Contest Condition.

Vital signs were also normal.

Just simply enter the Contest Condition to failure.

At this time, Alyssa was excited to find out.

Gengar and Dusknoir have changed dramatically.

Their eyes were blank and powerless.

It is now full of vitality and vitality.

Especially Dusknoir, who had always been very weak.

At this time, it was possible to start free activities.

And can float as much as you want.

And Gengar was full of energy and cheers.

It was as if all the fatigue and pain from before had been swept away.

Alyssa said excitedly:


"Like....they seem to be really cured!!!"

"I haven't seen them like this in a long time!!!

"Your banging gorilla..."

"What divine beast ability does he possess!!!"

At this time, after feeding the advanced recovery medicine to the King Kong Gorilla.

Jiang Huai put it back in the Poké Ball and had a good rest.

Then Jiang Huai came to Alyssa's side and smiled:

"Look at them."

"The toxins in the body should have been removed a lot by the King Kong gorilla. 35

"But just to be on the safe side."

"Master Alyssa, you should take them to Pokémon Hospital for a detailed examination."

Alyssa is excited to bring Gengar and Dusknoir back into the Poké Ball.

Holding Jiang Huai's hand tightly, he said:


"I'll go now!!"


"If anything happens, I will notify you immediately! 99

"Really are...."

“Thank you so much!!!”

Alisha bowed deeply to Jiang Huai.

He ran out of the gym immediately.

Rush to Pokémon Hospital to check on Gengar and Dusknoir.

Jiang Huai smiled slightly:


"It looks like we can go to the third gym."

this afternoon.

Jiang Huai received a call from Alisha:

"Hey!! ROY!! 35

"The test results are out!!

"The toxins in Gengar and Dusknoir have really been removed!!

"Even the doctors were shocked!!!"

"Thank you so much!!"

Jiang Huai laughed:

"You are Welcome."

"Then Master Eliza."

"The thing about us uniting against Organization X..."

On the other end of the phone came Alicia's firm voice:

"You helped me so much!!!

"I can't repay it, of course I have to join in!!99

"We plan well together!!

"Eradicate their headquarters in our beautiful country!!

Jiang Huai says:

"Okay, then you wait for my message.""

"I'll go and call another pavilion owner."9

After hanging up the phone.

Jiang Huai began to search for the next target.

After studying the map carefully.

Jiang Huai's next goal.

It is Aiken, the owner of the Ground Gym in Twisting Moon City.

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