Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 373. The Existence of God (The Finale)

Aiken and Leonard looked at each other.

After the two pondered for a long time.

He shook his head at Jiang Huai and said:

"Since Mr. ROY, you have taken out the Snowmelt Badge.

"We will not have any doubts about your strength.

"We have also hated the X organization for a long time, and we have long wanted to eradicate them!

"We decided to join!!

At first glance, Jiang Huai saved the link of discussing with the two to prove his strength.


"Thanks to the owner of Aiken~ and Mr. Leonard."

Got Aiken.

Didn't expect to add one more - a Leonard.

This greatly increased the strength of Jiang Huai's team.

in the following days.

Jiang Huai also found Justin, the owner of the Fire Gym, and Thompson, the owner of the Rock Gym.

Justin is a fighting fanatic.

When Jiang Huai visited.

Without a word, Justin had a battle with Jiang Huai.

Defeated by Jiang Huai's Bang Bang and Dragonite.

Only then did he listen carefully to Jiang Huai's plan.

He agreed immediately.

And Thompson is a food lover.

Jiang Huai brought Thompson a Chinese hot pot when he went to the Rock Department Gym.

Directly eat Thompson's eyes.

also agreed.

So far.

All the gym owners in the beautiful country Twisted Moon City have all assembled.

Then Jiang Huai called everyone to Pete's Fighting Gym to discuss the plan.

Everyone has provided their own information.

Successfully located the headquarters of the X organization in Twisted Moon City.

Afterwards, each gym owner summoned several powerful Trainers.

They are all preparing to fight against the X organization.

And Leonard later sent a number of special equipment that can enhance the power of Pokémon.

Greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the team.

Finally after three days.

Onslaught on Organization X!

Jiang Huai's Pangoro, Gardevoir, Marowak, Dragonite, Greninja, King Kong Gorilla, and Onion Rangers all joined the battle.

Take the lead in directly attacking the members of the X organization.

Then under the efforts of everyone.

Defense through the layers of the X organization.

Successfully destroyed the headquarters of Organization X.

All the senior members of the X organization stationed in the headquarters were killed.

And the members of the X organization scattered all over the world got the news that the headquarters and the high-level were destroyed.

Riots started.

But they were chased by guards from all over the country and then completely cleared.

The leader of this battle, ROY's name.

resounding throughout the world again.

After returning to the Dragon Kingdom.

Jiang Huai continued to challenge the remaining gym owners.

All were victorious without exception.

Got eight gym badges.

Obtained the qualification to challenge the highest secret realm of the Dragon Kingdom.

Jiang Huai entered the highest secret realm.

Discover that any wild Pokémon in the High Rift has reached the quasi-Elite level.

The hidden treasures are also countless.

Very happy, he directly carried out training for two years in the highest secret realm.

in these two years.

Jiang Huai's Pokémon have high-intensity battle training during the day.

Entering the comic world at night to continue practicing.

Every day is increasing his strength at an extremely fast rate.

Two years later.

Pokémon's stats have changed dramatically:

First up is Pangoro.

under constant hard work.

The Eight Gates Dunjia finally achieved the level of all eight gates.

Become the number one blue beast in the Pokémon world!

Unparalleled strength:

【Pangoro (Fighting, Evil)】

[Strength: LV80 (Champion)]

[Ability: Iron Fist (the power of using fist-type moves will increase)]

[Character: Lotte (+ Physical Defense, - Special Defense)]

[Skills: Night Slash, Arm Thrust, Leer, Bullet Punch, Tackle, Taunt, Circle Throw, Low Sweep, Work Up, Slash, Vital Throw, Crunch, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Focus Blast, Stone Edge, Parting Shot, Arm hammer. Eight Doors Dunjia: Open Door, Shun Door, Shengmen, Injury Door, Dumen, Jingmen, Jingmen, and Death. Table lotus, inside lotus. Flowing Water Rock Smashing Fist. 】

[Potential: Champion]

And Gardevoir is constantly improving in the process of protecting Jiang Huai.

The strength is greatly enhanced.

Become the first empress of the Pokémon world:

【Gardevoir (Psychic, Fairy)】

[Strength: LV80 (Champion)]

[Ability: Copy (Copy Rival's Ability, become the same Ability)]

[Character: Timid (+ Agility, - Physical Attack)]

[Skills: Dazzling Gleam, Confusion, Disarming Voice, Growl, Charm, Moonblast, Healing Wish, Misty Terrain, Double Team, Hypnosis, Draining Kiss, Teleport, Psybeam, Life Dew, Wish, Calm Mind, Psychic, Heal Pulse, Dream Eater , Future Sight. Big aromatic feet. 】

[Potential: Champion]

The battle maniac Marowak has realized the power of the mask.

Every move can shake the entire secret realm.

Pokémon World's No. 1 Grim Reaper, has descended:


[Strength: LV85 (Champion)]

[Ability: Hard Head (Even if you use a move that will be damaged by the reaction force, your HP will not be reduced)]

[Character: Stubborn (+ Physical Attack, - Special Attack)]

[Skills: Mud Slap, Growl, Tail Whip, False Swipe, Headbutt, Retaliate, Fling, Stomping Tantrum, Bone Rush, Focus Energy, Endeavor, Mega Kick, Thrash, Double Edge. Crescent Moon Sky Chong, Black Crescent Moon Sky Chong, Shunbu, Complete Blindness. Bull Tau Form, Void Flash, Super Speed ​​Regeneration (Open Full Blind. Bull Head Form can be used). 】

[Potential: Champion]

Dragonite is needless to say.

under repeated practice.

Successfully become the most powerful dragon Totem:

【Dragonite(Dragon, Flying)】

[Strength: LV85 (Champion)]

[Ability: Spiritual Power (by training the spirit, you will not be cowed by Rival's attack)]

[Character: Stubborn (+ Physical Attack, - Special Attack)]

【Skills: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Extreme Speed, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Wrap, Leer, Twister, Thunder Wave, Dragon Tail, Agility, Slam, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance, Outrage , Hyper Beam. Small Flame, Giant Flame, Ultimate Destruction Cannon, Ultimate Evolution Form (Gaia Energy Cannon, Battle Twister, Brave Shield). 】

[Potential: Champion]

Attack Kaleidoscope Greninja.

Completely penetrated his own ninja.

Learned the earth and wood ninjutsu again.

Now it has reached the level of being a god:

【Greninja (water, evil)】

[Strength: LV85 (Champion)]

[Ability: Torrent (when HP decreases, the power of Water Type's moves will increase), exclusive Attribute: Wild Flame (Fire Type moves can be used, and will not be injured when attacked by Fire Type, but will recover)]

[Character: Naive (+Agility, -Special Defense)]

【Skills: Water Shuriken, Night Slash, Haze, Role Play, Pound, Growl, Bubble, Quick Attack, Lick, Water Pulse, Smokescreen, Shadow Sneak, Sprinkle, Feint Attack, Substitute, Extrasensory, Double Team, Hydro Pump, Haze , Night Slash]. Huo Dun. Arrogant Fire Ball Technique, Huo Dun. Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique, Huo Dun. Arrogant Fire Extinguishing, Lei Dun. Leiqie, Lei Dun. Chidori Flow, Lei Dun․ Kirin, Feng Dun. Spiral Pill, Feng Dun. Spiral Shuriken, Feng Dun. Super Jade Spiral Pill. Water escape. Big burst of water waves, water escape. Rain four sharks, water escape. The technique of big shark bombs. Soil Dun. Sandstone barriers, Soil Dun. Ground cracking. Wooden Dun. Ten thousand Buddhas return to their ancestors, Wooden Dun. Forest of all phenomena. 】

[Potential: Champion]

And the first swordsman in this Pokémon world.

Is holding three knives.

The onion wanderer who slashes everything in anger!


[Strength: LV80 (Champion)]

[Ability: Unyielding Heart (every time you shrink, the unyielding heart will ignite and the speed will increase)]

[Character: Stubborn (+ Physical Attack, - Special Attack)]

[Skills: Iron Defense, Fury Cutter, Peck, Leer, First Impression, Sand Punch, Rock Smash, Dancing, Detect, Superpower, Knock Off, Defog, Brick Break, Sword Dance, Slam, Leaf Blade, Final Gambit, Fierce Bird Attack, Meteor Assault. Three Swords Stream · Ghost Slash, Three Swords Stream. Tiger Hunting, Three Swords Stream. Beautiful Demon. Sleepless Night. . Tiger Hunt, Three Swords Stream, Sword Wolf Stream, Three Swords Stream. Thousand Eighty Troubled Phoenix.... 】

[Potential: Champion]

And Jiang Huai's Roaring King Kong orangutan.

Also became the king of the forest:

【Booming King Kong Gorilla (Grass, Poison)】

[Strength: LV80 (Champion)]

[Ability: Grassy Maker (Grassy Terrain will be used directly when starting a battle)]

[Character: Stubborn (+ Physical Attack, - Special Attack)]

[Skills: Knock, Double Hit, Grab, Grassy Terrain, Growl, Branch Poke, Taunt, Noble Roar, Drum Beating, Razor Leaf, Screech, Knock Off, Slam, Uproar, Grassy Glide, Wood Hammer, Endeavor, Boomburst. Blood Ghost Technique. Space Transformation, Blood Ghost Technique. Shadow Ghost Claw. Venom Contest Condition (Poison Tunnel, Poison Dragon, Poison Giant Soldier. Judgement of Hell.)...]

[Potential: Champion]

When Jiang Huai came out of the highest secret realm.

The Pokémon world has never been a trainer before and never since.

It's finally here!

Jiang Huai with seven championship-level Pokémons.

in the next World Series.

They have won championships.

Whether it is a gym owner.

Still a powerful genius.

Jiang Huai can easily defeat them one by one.

At the top of this Pokémon world!

Become a god of existence.

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