Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 39. About To Evolve, Start Preparing! (45 Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!)

And Jiang Huai is also very curious, what series of comics is suitable for Dratini.

It's best to choose a protagonist comic that focuses on physical attack, so that the learned moves are physical attack moves.

It fits its character well.

In the future, wait for it to evolve into Dragonair and even Dragonite.

The moves you learn will be more powerful.

Dragonite is a quasi-god with a Species Strength of 600.

The elite and champion trainers whose names in this Pokémon world are famous all over the world almost have a Dragonite.

The strength of each one is incomparably powerful, rivaling thousands of troops.

Both are reliable companions on their trainer's path.

Jiang Huai is also very confident to make his Dratini Breeder so powerful, even stronger with the help of the system.

But ten minutes later.


Dratini's tiny body emerged from among the stacks of comic books.

The expression is very confused.

"Hey, aren't there any comics you're interested in?"

Jiang Huai asked.


(What? You think these comics are boring, nothing appeals to you? Impossible?!)

Kirlia on the side also felt very strange.


Dratini nodded.

Although Jiang Huai was surprised, he didn't agree.

This is also a normal situation.

After the big deal, try to remember the anime you watched in the past life.

Draw a few more series.

Let Dratini pick and choose.

Even without the help of comics, Jiang Huai is confident.

Breeder up your own Dratini.

"Don't watch it if you're not interested, Dratini."

"In the future, we will cultivate together slowly."

Jiang Huai touched Dratini's head and said with a smile.


Dratini nodded and rubbed Jiang Huai.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded in Jiang Huai's mind:

【Ding! Detected that Pancham was watching the host comic "One Punch. The Legend of Silver Fang"]

[Learn to acquire, physical attack skills, Water Rock Shattering Fist (according to the strength of the Pokémon Attribute to use the ultimate defensive boxing method, block Rival's physical attacks and special attacks, and can accurately find Rival's flaws, throw a heavy punch to give Rival a high amount of money) harm.)】

[Additional effect of Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist: It can block special control skills such as Stun Spore and Hypnosis. 】

[Cultivation to obtain 89,587 experience rewards, Pancham level LV32 (415, 823/687, 811)]


Pancham, who returned to the real world, was very excited at this time, waving his hands constantly.

Even the outline of the muscles on the body has become clearer due to the different cultivation methods in the world of One Punch Manga.

Jiang Huai saw that Pancham had ended his training in the comic world Contest Condition, and immediately checked its data:

【Pancham (Fighting)】

[Strength: LV32 (Elite) (415, 823/687, 811)]

[Ability: Iron Fist (the power of using fist-type moves will increase)]

[Character: Naughty (+ Physical Defense, - Special Attack)]

[Skills: Tackle, Leer, Arm Thrust, Taunt, Circle Throw, Low Sweep, Slash, Eight-door Dunjia: Open the door, close the door, live the door, hurt the door. Table lotus, inside lotus. Flowing Water Rock Smashing Fist. 】

[Potential: Champion]

Jiang Huai said with a smile:

"Congratulations, Pancham! Just learned a new skill!"

Pancham patted his chest and excitedly shouted to Jiang Huai:


Then he simply threw a few punches and let Jiang Huai take a look.


While waving, Pancham noticed Dratini at Jiang Huai's feet.


(Is there a guest at home?)

Pancham asked in confusion.


(See there for yourself.)

Kirlia pointed in the direction of the reservoir.

Pancham looked around and saw that the original Pokémon eggs in the storage were now only a pile of eggshells.

Immediately understand, Dratini has just been successfully hatched.


Pancham was very excited and hugged Dratini to show his welcome.

And Dratini was very happy to see the enthusiastic Pancham.

Then Jiang Huai saw that his three Pokémon were getting along very well, and he opened his phone with a smile.

Open the Dragon Kingdom's Pokémon Item Trading Center APP.

The Pokémon Item Trading Center is the general online trading market of the Dragon Kingdom.

Every trainer can sell Pokémon-related items on it.

Down to a variety of Poké Balls, special flavored power cubes, rods for water Pokémon...

From Pokémon carry items, Pokémon evolution stones, even rare Pokémon eggs and Pokémon themselves...

Almost all trainers have an item trading center APP in their mobile phones.

"Look at the price of the Stone of Evil today..."

"Why is it still rising..."

"It's all 3 million Huaxia coins..."

Jiang Huai frowned slightly as he looked at the price of the Stone of Evil in the item trading center.

Pancham reached level 32 a few days ago.

This is the level condition to evolve into a bully panda.

And in this Pokémon world.

Pancham is not like a game, you can evolve if you have Dark Type Pokémon in your team.

Instead, it requires the inductive contact of the Stone of Evil, absorbs the Stone of Evil, and activates its own Dark Type in order to successfully evolve.

In the Soaring in the sky Stadium and the battle with Jin Sheng before, he earned more than 140 W Huaxia coins.

During the month, I bought some energy cubes for Pancham and Kirlia, as well as nutritious fruit and other items.

Plus a series of expenses such as seeing a doctor, buying Poké Balls, buying medicines, and daily necessities.

Now I have more than 120 W Huaxia coins left.

However, he beat Sakura and Xiaobang in the normal field last month, and he played three times in 20 consecutive games.

Make Pancham a Pokémon for everyone.

Causes Pancham's Pokémon Eggs or Pokémon to rise directly to sky-high numbers.

And the price of the evil stone required for Pancham evolution has also risen.

All the way up to today's 300W Huaxia currency.

After Pancham's level reached level 32 a few days ago, Jiang Huai was very excited to open the item trading center.

The originally excited expression instantly turned into surprise.

Jiang Huai, who originally wanted to wait a few days to see if he could lower the price, did not expect that the price of the Stone of Evil was still skyrocketing.

It seems that I have to find a way to make some money.

Is there a better option than Soaring in the sky Stadium?


Ask for a flower review ticket!

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