Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 62. The fourth Pokémon! (38 for subscription!)

At this time, Marowak wanted to get up and fight again.

It's almost insane for fighting Covet.

And today, there is a Rival who can easily defeat himself.

Unable to admit defeat, it wanted to pick up the Bone Club that fell aside and fight again.

But it was about to enter the near-death Contest Condition, and found that it was now unable to move.


(If only I was as strong as that big guy...)


(The big guy just now seems to have been fighting according to the instructions of its trainer....)


(If that trainer can train me, I will definitely be stronger than that big guy...)


(Isn't this the person I've been waiting for....)


(The one who can make me stronger....)

Thinking of this, Marowak managed to get up with his own perseverance.

Jiang Huai says:

"This Marowak is really strong.

Just when Jiang Huai was about to order again, Marowak turned around slowly.

He staggered toward a pile of rocks behind him.


"Is this an escape?""

Pan Yihao couldn't help but say.

It was the first time he saw the Marowak in battle, and the first time he showed the back to Rival.

When the two were puzzled, they saw Marowak rummaging through the rocks.

He then holds a red and white Poké Ball left on the capture field by someone unknown.

Slowly walked towards Jiang Huai.

"Poké Ball?!

"Is it?""

Pan Yihao said in shock.

Looking at Marowak approaching, Jiang Huai motioned Pangoro not to do it.

When Marowak walked up to Jiang Huai, he slowly dropped the Poké Ball.

"Quack... quack.

Then he pointed to himself.


When Pangoro heard Marowak's words, he seemed to be surprised and asked a few words.

Jiang Huai asked:

"Marowak, do you mean to let me subdue you and become your trainer? 35

Marowak nodded.

Then he pointed to himself, and then to Pangoro.

As if to say, I hope Jiang Huai can train it to be as strong as Pangoro.

"My God, it's been a long time since I lived"~!

Pan Yihao said in shock at this time.

The chief thorn in the capture field of Pokémon University, the boss of the bully.

Marowak, who was unwilling to be conquered by others even if defeated.

Today, he took the initiative to ask Jiang Huai to subdue himself and become his own trainer?!

Pangoro beat this rebellious Marowak with just two punches??

At this time, Pan Yihao couldn't help but give Jiang Huai a thumbs up and said a beep.

And Jiang Huai picked up the Poké Ball that Marowak brought with a smile, and said:

"Okay, starting from today, we are partners. 35

"I will train you well and make you stronger and stronger!"

Marowak nodded, then walked to the distance to retrieve his Bone Club, and came to Jiang Huai again.

Before Jiang Huai threw the Poké Ball, Marowak turned into a ray of red light and entered the ball.

Pan Yihao exclaimed:

"In such a hurry?

"It's too direct an act of loyalty!

Then Jiang Huai looked at the Poké Ball in his hand and entered the confirmation stage.




"Boom!!!" 5

Conquer successfully.

Marowak, became Jiang Huai's fourth Pokémon.

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in Jiang Huai's mind:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and subduing Marowak. 】

[Quest rewards are issued. 】

[Suitable for a Marowak comic book: "Death. Bai Yihu Biography"]

[The reward has been distributed to the storage space of the host system, and the host can take it out when needed. 】

The reward is good, I haven't drawn this comic book yet.

The system arranges it directly for itself.

Saved a lot of effort.

Jiang Huai thought.

At this moment Pan Yihao smiled and patted Jiang Huai's shoulder and said:

"As expected of God ROY, such a difficult thorn can be subdued.

Jiang Huai smiled and said:

"Teacher Pan, don't make fun of me."

Pan Yihao said:

"Hahaha, why is this a joke, Teacher believes that in the future, you must be the top trainer in the Dragon Kingdom, or even the top trainer in the world!

Jiang Huai says:

"By Teacher Ji Yan, I will try my best.

At this time, Pan Yihao looked around and said slowly:

"The thorn has been taken away, and this area can finally welcome a new Pokémon..."

"Oh yes, now you have 4 Pokémon, and one more is enough to count.

"Shall we continue?"

But Jiang Huai shook his head and said:

"Let's be here today, Teacher.""

"Winning Pokémon is a matter of fate. 55

Pan Yihao nodded and said:

"Go back to the base then."

"Hmm. 99

It was already evening when they returned to the special training base. After a brief meal in the cafeteria, Pan Yihao and Jiang Huai went back to their respective bedrooms to rest.

Seeing the students Pan Yihao and Jiang Huai eating together in the cafeteria, they all said in private:

"Look at that freshman, he was assigned to send something to Teacher Pan. 99

"You've climbed up the relationship with Teacher Pan so quickly, you're a newcomer. 35

"Hmph, anyway, when the school is selected, it will not be revealed."

"That's right, I really misunderstood Teacher Pan! I didn't expect him to be such a person."

The dormitory of the special training base is one for one person, with a large space and complete equipment.

Jiang Huai, who returned to the bedroom, released all the Pokémon.

Today we welcomed a new partner, and naturally we want everyone to get to know each other.

"Aw!" 5



Pangoro, Kirlia and Dratini were released.

And the last release was Marowak, who was just captured today.


Marowak, holding Bone Club, has resumed the Contest Condition at this point and is excited to watch the novel environment and Pokémon.

Jiang Huai said with a smile:

"This is our new partner, Marowak."




Pangoro, Kirlia and Dratini all welcomed each other.

Then Jiang Huai opened the introduction:

"Marowak, this is Pangoro, you played against each other today.""


(Hello, Marowak, please advise! (Qian De Zhao))

"Gah! More

(Pangoro, you are the first Pokémon to convince me, let's fight more in the future!)

"Marowak, this is Kirlia, and it makes delicious Pokémon food.


(Welcome to join us~ Marowak~)


(Hello hello! Excuse me, are you as strong as Pangoro? Have a chance for us to fight once?)


(Uh....are you hungry?)

"Marowak, this is Dratini, it's a new baby, you will take care of it in the future.


(Brother Marowak, how are you~)


(Little guy, called Uncle Kar!)


(It doesn't make you look old--)


(Looking at your appearance, you have no fighting ability at all, Uncle Karma will coach you in a few days!)

"Wow? 35


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