Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 7. Flying Is Restraint? (710 Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!)

"Scyther, Double Team!"

Scyther's wings spread, and his body wobbled rapidly.

In an instant, five different clones were differentiated.

This is a trick to confuse the enemy and achieve a powerful skill.


And Pancham suddenly became very excited.

Isn't this the shadow clone technique they use in the comic world?


After years of training in Taijutsu, it is finally time for Ninjutsu!

And Jiang Huai smiled slightly, he also seemed to feel Pancham's excitement.

Then we can't lose our momentum.

"Pancham, Leer!"

Pancham's eyes were as sharp as Normal, and his mental energy burst out.

Leer: Use sharp eyes to frighten Rival, thereby lowering Rival's defense.

At this time, Pancham's eyes seemed to be lit with fire Normal.

Just like the eyes of Kaihuang that burn youth!


Scyther suddenly felt a chill, and his body began to tremble a little.

It was Leer who made the hit.

"How about lowering Scyther's defense, one move can solve you!"

"Scyther, don't be afraid, Wing Attack!"

Scyther regained his fighting spirit, and the five clones flew into the air.

At the moment of Flying, the wings glow with energy, and it seems to be coated with a layer of Oreburgh.

Attack towards Pancham.

Once this move hits Pancham, it does double damage.

Coupled with Scyther's Skill Master Ability, it will also increase some damage.

And the five avatars together Beat Up can't Flying Pancham.

The Bangguo trainer felt that this round was bound to be won.

At this time, Jiang Huai did not have any worries.

"Pancham, meet with Arm Thrust."

Seeing that Pancham did not shy away from the spot, he attacked on the spot.

The Bangguo trainer laughed and said:

"Hahaha, you must be a novice."

"Five avatars, can you tell which one is the real one?"

"I'm sure to win!"

At this point, Pancham on the field closed his eyes.

seems to be waiting quietly...

The Bangguo trainer wondered:

"What is it doing???"

Just as the Wing Attack of the five clones of Scyther was about to hit Pancham.

I saw Pancham's eyes open and his palms slammed out.

Bombarded the wings of one of the clones behind him.


The other four clones disappeared suddenly, leaving only Scyther's body on the field.

and Pancham who blocked the Scyther Wing Attack with both palms.

"how is this possible!!!"

The Bangguo trainer shouted in disbelief.

Not to mention how Pancham identified Scyther's clone.

A Fighting department, Pancham of the common field.

How could it be hard to restrain the Fighting-type Flying-type skills.

This unscientific! !

Scyther then quickly pulled away, keeping his distance from Pancham.

It can be seen that both sides have some pain, but it is not serious.

Jiang Huai continued to chase:

"Pancham, Taunt!"

I saw that Pancham stretched out his small hand, round Doduo, towards Scyther, making an international gesture.

Then he stuck out his tongue again, expressing disdain.


Scyther was hit, and slashed at Pancham with his scythe.

Taunt: Use Rival Rage to do damage.

"Scyther, don't get caught!"

The Bangguo trainer knew that Jiang Huai wanted Pancham and Scyther to get closer.

Otherwise, it will not be possible to attack Scyther in mid-air.

But Scyther was hit by Taunt, already on the head.

Pancham uses Arm Thrust again as the two Pokémon approach.

Scramble with Scyther.

After fighting for a moment, the two sides were in a dilemma.

Although Pancham has been working out in the comics world for a long time.

Physical fitness has been greatly improved.

But Attribute restraint plus level suppression.

In the face of the constant attacks of Flying skills, it was a little bit laborious for a while.

Looking at Pancham who was gradually struggling, Jiang Huai ordered again.

"Pancham, shut the door, open!"

Pancham, who received the order, roared, and the muscles around his body swelled again!

The fighting spirit surged like a mountain.

At this time, the strength of Pancham opened two doors.

Attribute's strength has reached level 30.


The sudden burst of momentum made Scyther who was fighting close to him startled.

Instantly flew out of a few positions.

"What? This is the trick again??"

Jiang Huai looked at each other coldly.

"Don't waste your time with you."

"Pancham, watch the lotus flower!"


Pancham's legs were slightly bent, and in an instant, he rushed out like a cannonball Normal.

The speed was so fast that an afterimage was left on the way.

Pancham rushed under Scyther.

Scyther couldn't dodge at all.

Exploding Normal's kick directly kicked Scyther into the air.

Immediately, he kicked his legs and jumped to Scyther Sky, who was kicked into the air.

The bandages in Pancham's hands began to spill.

But was thrown out by Pancham.

Tie Scyther tightly.


Scyther tried to break free, but found that he couldn't break free at all!

"That bandage..."

The Bangguo trainer who mocked Pancham's bandages just now was even more surprised at this moment.

Pancham hugged Scyther and slammed into Ground!


The smoke cleared, a pit, and Scyther left in the pit.

has been incapacitated.

Stadium system broadcast:

"round2, user ROY wins."

"round3, please prepare..."

The Bangguo trainer was completely stunned.

yourself... lose? ?

What just happened?

What skill did that Pancham use? ?

How could your Flying-type Scyther lose to a Fighting-type Pancham?


At this time, Soaring in the viewing room of the sky Stadium.

A Dragon Country Trainer saved the video of the battle.

Unexpectedly, when I was idle and bored, Solaceon opened a battle room for dinner.

To be able to see such a terrifying, irrational Pancham.

Why doesn't this save?

Upload it to Bib, Douyin, and you will definitely get millions of likes!

Is this really a Pancham?

What is this skill? ? ?

Haven't seen it!


Kneeling and begging for a flower evaluation ticket! Nothing to worry about~

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