Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 79. Dratini: Okay, I'm waiting here (57 for subscription!)

Garchomp Jiang Huai has seen it before.

Shelgon and Sliggoo appearing now are the first time Su Muqing has released them.

Shelgon is surrounded by white armor, only showing his eyes and limbs.

The shell is white, and the protruding part on the upper part is like the head pattern of the original treasure ~ Beilong.

The shell is divided into six lobes, each of the same size, enclosing the Shelgon as a whole.


[Strength: LV45 (Elite – Elite)]

[Ability: Hard Head (Even if you use a move that will be damaged by the reaction force, your HP will not be reduced)]

[Character: Afraid of loneliness (+ physical attack, physical defense)]

[Skills: Protect, Ember, Leer, Bite, Dragon Breath, Head Hammer, Scary Face, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Mind Hammer. 】

[Potential: Quasi Elite]

Sliggoo resembles a snail, with longer tentacles on its head, green eyes, and small, pale green spots on its cheeks.

The main color of the body is purple, and the lower part is dark purple. Its hands grow in the lower part, and a round object similar to a shell is carried on its back.


[Strength: LV44 (Elite)]

[Ability: Wet Body (Status Condition will heal when it rains)]

[Character: Introverted (+ Special Attack, - Physical Attack)]

[Skills: Acid Spray, Tackle, Absorb, Water Gun, Dragon Breath, Protect, Flail, Water Pulse, Rain Dance, Dragon Pulse, Curse. 】

[Potential: Quasi Elite]

Jiang Huai couldn't help but sigh.

Two perfect Dragon Pokémon.

Not to mention that Shelgon and Sliggoo have a lot of power right now.

When Shelgon evolved into Salamence, Sliggoo evolved into Goodra.

Everyone is extremely powerful.

No wonder Su Muqing is recognized as the first genius of Pokémon University in the magic capital.

The reserved contestants for the main competition in the school.

This kind of strength can enter the domestic selection or even represent the Dragon Kingdom in the World Pokémon University Championship.

At this moment, Su Muqing said to Dratini:

"Dratini, next, take a good look at the moves they use.

Dratini blinked his purple eyes and nodded:


(Okay, okay, I can watch the show~~)

Su Muqing ordered Garchomp, Shelgon and Nianmeier:

"Garchomp, use Dragon Claw on Rock!"

Garchomp ordered, strong legs high Splash.

With a roar, the energy gathered in the mid-air above the right claw, and an incomparably strong king's momentum erupted.

Then the right paw slashed towards a huge Rock, and violent blue light and shadow erupted during the slashing process, accompanied by bursts of dragon sounds.

A huge Rock was instantly shattered.


(So ​​handsome and strong!!! This skill!!!)

Dratini couldn't help shouting.

The power and the powerful Dragon Claw that Garchomp burst out also surprised Jiang Huai.

Sure enough, it is a dragon-type Pokémon comparable to a quasi-god.

If Pangoro, who had opened the Contest Condition of the Eight Gates, had used his full strength, the degree of shattering of this Rock would only be a bit stronger than the current level 45 Garchomp.

Then Su Muqing continued to order:

"Shelgon, throw a mind hammer on Rock!"

"Sliggoo, use Dragon Pulse on the trunk!

I saw Shelgon's body began to charge forward. Although the speed was not very fast, the power that erupted with each step made people feel extremely calm.

At the same time, spiritual energy continued to condense on Shelgon's head, emitting a violent purple light.


With a loud bang, a huge Rock also shattered.

The power is only inferior to the Dragon Claw of Garchomp just now.

As for Nianmeier, her eyes glowed with blue light, and countless energies began to gather in her abdomen.

With a roar, Sliggoo burst out with a huge dragon-type spiritual force, converging into a powerful energy wave that directly smashed the sturdy tree trunk.

At this time, Dratini looked at the very exciting scene and kept applauding:


(Sure enough, our dragon-type Pokémon is the most handsome!!!)


(These brothers and sisters are really strong, so envious~~~)

Jiang Huai speculated at this time that this should be the first step for Su Muqing to train Dratini.

Show Dratini the power of the mighty Dragon Pokémon to inspire his fighting spirit.

Afterwards, Su Muqing took Garchomp back.



"Do battle training yourself! 35

When Su Muqing gave orders, she did not have the gentleness and sweetness she had when speaking with Jiang Huai.

Instead, she is like a heroic and valiant female general, Normal, decisive and high-spirited.

years of training.

Self-play training is a training method they have long been accustomed to.

Su Muqing did not give any instructions.

Let them use their own thinking in the battle to improve their reaction ability.

Instead of blindly relying on the instructions issued by the trainer.

Under the condition of obeying the order, it is also necessary to think about whether there is a better choice besides the order.

··0 Flowers

Moreover, the Attribute of Dragon is a very special existence.

Different from other Attribute restraint.

Dragon type Pokémon, can restrain the same dragon type Pokémon.

But the dragon system can only restrain the dragon system.

So train in this high intensity and suppressed situation.

Su Muqing's dragon-type Pokémon have become very powerful now.

Shelgon and Sliggoo, who were instructed, walked skillfully into the field.

"Training begins!"

Su Muqing gave a simple order and stopped talking.

Good at physical attack, Shelgon is constantly using physical skills such as Dragon Claw and Mind Hammer to launch a strong attack on Sliggoo.

Special attacker Sliggoo uses special skills such as Dragon Pulse and Water Pulse to fight with Shelgon.

The strength and powerful dragon skills shown by the two dragon-type Pokémon.

Let Jiang Huai and Dratini enjoy a bloody and exciting Dragon Pokémon battle.

In the end, Sliggoo had a slight advantage, and Shelgon won.

Su Muqing took back the two Pokémon and said to Dratini:

"Dratini, do you feel the power of Dragon Pokémon?

Dratini nodded:


(My sister's dragon-type Pokémon are all very strong, the battle is really good!)

Su Muqing smiled and said:

"Then do you want to be as strong as them?"


(Of course I do! I think about it every day!)

At this moment, Su Muqing smiled and prepared to take out the Poké Ball with Axew, and said:

"Then let's start training~"

"After the training of my sister, you can be as strong as them~"

Dratini's face was startled.

I thought to myself:


Didn't you take me to the show today??

Okay, waiting for me here.

Training is impossible to train.

It is impossible to train in this lifetime.

Uncle Kar made me run two laps a few days ago, almost killing me.

The family is still a baby.

slip away...

At this moment Dratini said to Su Muqing:


(Ah~~Sister, I suddenly feel a little sick~~~)


(a little dizzy~~~)


(I'm about to faint, I have to rest~~)

Then he turned into a ray of red light and quickly slipped into the Poké Ball around Jiang Huai's waist.

Su Muqing:

Jiang Huai:

"As expected..." Guang.

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