Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 83. We are not afraid of things (27 for subscription!)

At this time, Su Muqing encouraged Dratini to say:

"Dratini, this is the power of MEGA evolution!

"Train well, and you'll have the same power under your master's Breeder!

Pokémon such as Pangoro on the side also inspired this little slacker:



(Yeah, Dratini, stop being lazy, look at how strong the Dragon Pokémon evolved from MEGA!)


Shanai. "


(The little slacker trains well, you can be so strong in the future, everyone needs your strength to protect the master well.)



(Little one!! You are shocked by the power of MEGA evolution! It is a dragon and you are also a dragon, you are no worse than it!!!)

Dratini then said:


(Well...MEGA evolution is very strong, yes~)


(But for MEGA evolution, I prefer to evolve it to the extreme~)

People are puzzled:

Su Muqing: "Ultimate evolution? What are you talking about, little guy?



(I have only heard of evolution, MEGA evolution, what is ultimate evolution?)


"Shanai. 99

(Have you lost your sleep, you little brat?)



(Where did you learn this weird stuff??)

Seeing the confusion, Dratini explained:

"837 woooo??

(You don't know the ultimate evolution??)


(That's the "Digital. Battle Greymon"! Have you never read it!)


(The BattleGreymon inside is evolved from Agumon through the ultimate~~~)

"Wow! 35

(Battle Greymon is awesome! That Gaia energy cannon is more powerful than the skill used by the MEGA-evolved dragon-type Pokémon just now!)


(Besides, BattleGreymon will also fight Twister!! Easily kill Oreburgh Seadragon!)


(Compared to the ultimate evolution, I think MEGA evolution is still not good!)


(So ​​I have been looking forward to my own ultimate evolution, who wants this kind of ordinary evolution~)


(So ​​what is the training? It's fine for me to maintain the Earl Dervish form like Agumon all the time~~hee hee~~)

Looking at Dratini who was talking eloquently, he kept talking about the ultimate evolution.

Su Muqing, who only understands Dratini language, can't help frowning:

"This little guy is stunned by the comics, and it's over."

"Even watching the evolution of Dragon-type Pokémon MEGA can't inspire its strong fighting spirit (cafe).

"It seems that only some corporal punishment can be used.

After speaking, he turned to look at Jiang Huai beside him.

Without the "power of dragon scales" and unable to understand Dratini's language, Jiang Huai only thinks that Dratini's fighting spirit has not been stimulated.

He could only hate Su Muqing with a bitter smile on his face.

At this time, Salamence, who had changed back to his normal form, heard the conversation between Dratini and Pangoro with his keen hearing.

Although it doesn't understand what Ultimate Evolution is, which Pokémon is called Agumon.

But it heard.

MEGA evolution is not as good as ultimate evolution.

What that kid meant.

Do you mean your own food?

How can this be endured?

I saw Salamence slowly walk in front of Dratini, staring at Dratini coldly.

The power of the Elite-level Pokémon instantly overwhelmed him.

Salamence spoke slowly:


(Little guy, you just said that.)

"Whoop?? 35

(MEGA evolution is not as good as what is the ultimate evolution??)


(Although the old man doesn't know what the hell you mean by the ultimate evolution.)


(But do you mean to say that the old man is not as good as those ultra-evolved Pokémon?)

Facing the pressure of Salamence Elite-level Pokémon, Dratini, who was only level 3, was a little scared.

Quickly hide behind Pangoro's generous back, revealing a head.

But even the gigantic Pangoro was in front of Salamence's larger body.

It doesn't seem to have any obvious effect either.

But what's wrong with Dratini, it's just a baby who can't lie yet.


(Hmm.... you really seem to be no match for the ultimate evolved BattleGreymon~)


(I would like to call it the World's Mightiest, the Battle-Greymon known as the Dragon Beast Buster~)


(Like you're also a dragon, or an old dragon, the Fighting Tyrannosaurus likes to beat up a Pokémon like you.)

As soon as this statement came out, Pokémon such as Pangoro were taken aback:


(Little guy, your head is so iron?)


(Children shouldn't have any bad intentions....)


(I think I'm crazy, but I'm not as crazy as you!)

At this time Salamence heard that this very weak little guy could be so rude.

In this world, how many battles have I accompanied my master Su Zhanfei to fight.

How many Rivals have you defeated with your own strength?

When the other Pokémon saw him, they all trembled with fear.

Today, a little guy, dare to be so mad in front of him?

Salamence glanced at it coldly and said slowly:


(The ignorant little guy.)


(The old man can defeat you small beings with a single blow.)


(Even if it is an extremely evolved Pokémon, the old man can easily solve it.)

Then he made a very disdainful look at Pokémon such as Dratini and Pangoro.

But Jiang Huai's four Pokémon, are they just scary?



(Old man, I admit that you are very strong, but don't think we dare not fuck you!)



(It will bully children, right? Us brothers and sisters can bear your old bones?!)



(Oops you old guy!!! You think you can evolve MEGA is amazing, right, I'm coming to fight with you??)



(I tell you! If my three big brothers and big sisters go together, you are not necessarily Rival!!!)

Salamence heard laughter and said:


(Hit you four little devils.)


(The old man doesn't even need to use MEGA evolution!!! Easily crush you!!!)

Hearing this, Marowak couldn't sit still.


(Ouch I'm so temperamental.)

Picking up his Bone Club, he walked directly towards Salamence, ready to open his half-faced form.

The belligerent self has long wanted to fight this old guy who can only evolve from MEGA.

Doesn't his half-faced form have the power to fight it?

Even if I can't beat myself, there are Pangoro and Gardevoir.

They all bullied us on our heads, is this not acceptable?

We are not afraid of things.

At this time, watching his Salamence and Jiang Huai's Pokémon are arguing and arguing, they are about to fight.

Su Zhanfei, who was puzzled at first, stepped forward quickly.

Shout out to Salamence for Salamence to back off.

The puzzled Jiang Huai also held back the excited Marowak.

Dude, your own Pokémon is really good.

Don't bother arguing with such a powerful dragon-type Pokémon.

Still fighting.

I came to ask Su Zhanfei for help, so I couldn't be so rude.

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