Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 85. Comic World Trainer Qualification! (47 for subscription!)

Early the next morning, Jiang Huai and Su Muqing decided to return to the special training base.

Although there is still one day left in the two-day vacation.

But since the MEGA plan has not been able to inspire Dratini's determination.

Jiang Huai stopped bothering too much.

Before leaving, Jiang Huai got into the car first, while Su Muqing was pulled aside by Su Zhanfei.

Su Zhanfei, with a kind smile on his face, said:

"Qingqing, come on, Dad is waiting for the day when you represent our Dragon Kingdom in the World University Championships.

Su Muqing smiled and said:

"I will work hard, Dad, don't worry."

Su Zhanfei suddenly changed to a more playful expression at this time.

When he learned about Jiang Huai Pokémon's strength yesterday, he said:

"Jiang Huai, this young man..."

"Not only is he handsome, but he is humble and polite.

"The most important thing is that there is such an outstanding talent and powerful strength."

"A real young talent."

"Although he is a year or two younger than you."

"840" "But you are also at an age where you can fall in love.""

"Why don't you think about him..."

"Dad is very happy with him!

Yesterday, Su Zhanfei was worried that his little padded jacket was taken away by others.

At this time, he even started to encourage his daughter.

Su Muqing's pretty face blushed, she smacked Su Zhanfei's chest, and said shyly:


"What nonsense are you talking about, people..."

"People just want to study hard now and keep getting stronger...

Su Zhanfei smiled and said:

"Oh, you mean you don't like him?"

"In all these years, it's the first time Dad sees a boy you take the initiative to talk to.

"It's a pity, since that's the case, I'll go and talk to him.

"Tell him not to think anything about my daughter...

Su Zhanfei, with a smirk, pretended to walk towards Jiang Huai in the car.

Su Muqing was taken aback and grabbed Su Zhanfei:




Seeing Su Muqing's shy and eager look, Su Zhanfei's heart was already like a mirror, Normal said:

"Okay, Dad got it."

"Dad hopes to see you bring him back next time."

"Let's go back.""

Su Muqing glared at Su Zhanfei angrily, and got into the car after saying goodbye.

Return to the special training base with Jiang Huai.

It was almost noon when we returned to the special training base.

Jiang Huai returned to his bedroom after saying goodbye to Su Muqing.

Before Jiang Huai could make any move, Dratini jumped out of the Poké Ball by himself.

Jiang Huai was very puzzled.

Usually at this time, this little guy is still sound asleep.

Why is the sun coming out in the west today?

Then Dratini kept whining at Jiang Huai and pointed at Jiang Huai's waist with his tail.

Tell Jiang Huai to release the other Pokémon quickly.

Although Jiang Huai didn't understand what Dratini was doing, he liked to let everyone out when he was in the bedroom on weekdays.

Let everyone do what they like.

Jiang Huai released Pangoro and the others, and picked up the Breeder textbook from the special training class.

Learn on your own what you learned from yesterday's absence from class.

Dratini looked at the three Pokémon that appeared and asked:


(Brother Pangoro, Sister Gardevoir, Uncle Karma.)


(You all told me before that watching the master's comic book can enter into the comic world to cultivate and become stronger.)


(But why no matter how I look at it, I don't have the feeling you said.)


(What kind of feeling is that?)

The three Pokémon looked at each other and thought for a moment.


"Ah ah ah ah.

(How to say that feeling, like an attraction.)

"Ah ah ah ah.

(When you look at the content and pictures in the comics, you will feel the pull of an inexplicable space force, bringing you into that world.)


Shanai. "


(In the world of comics, you can follow the characters in the comics to practice her moves day after day.)


(And you don't feel fatigued, or pain from training, etc., and it's only been a while in reality, but you're actually getting stronger.)



(I think so.)


(When you have a goal or your own ideas, the master's comics will have the power to attract you.)

Each of the three Pokémon shares their experience with the world of comics to Dratini.

Dratini listened very carefully.

Keep it firmly in mind.

At this point Pangoro said:

"Ah ah ah ah."

(Why did you become interested in this today? Listen so seriously.)

Dratini said firmly:


(I decide from today.)


(I have to become as strong as BattleGreymon.)


(Be the one who can protect you!)

But when Dratini said that, all three Pokémon laughed..0

Similar slogans, they have been heard countless times by Dratini.

It must have been when Salamence showed MEGA yesterday, let it be hot for one hour and three minutes.



(Ok, we'll wait~~~)



(Little guy, you have to do what you say. Uncle Karma has heard this slogan many times.)

Faced with the questioning of the three Pokémons, Dratini couldn't refute it either.

After all, that's exactly what he did before.

But now it has completely made up its mind.

Immediately plunge into the pile of comics.

Dig out the book "Digital. Battle Greymon".

I have to become as strong as the Battle Greymon...

I have to become as strong as a battle tyrannosaurus..

I have to become as strong as the Battle Greymon...

Dratini began to read "Digital. Battle Greymon".

Difficulties ahead.

As long as you have the courage to go forward, there is no need to be afraid.

Shield of Courage, Gaia Energy Cannon.

The strongest dragon humanoid warrior.

Defeat powerful enemies and protect Mikey.

The power of ultimate evolution is the most powerful courage in the world.

In Dratini's heart, once again, he firmly believed in the guardianship.

Suddenly, a force.

From "Digital. Battle Greymon".

It's an inexplicable attraction.


Enter Manga World 5.4.

Dratini, who successfully entered the world of comics, entered the Contest Condition.

And the body began to slowly emit light blue Pokémon energy.

The three Pokémon were surprised at the same time:


(Dratini succeeded???)


(This little guy actually entered the comic world?!)


(Hahahahaha!! This little devil can actually enter the world of comics!!)

At this time, Jiang Huai, who was studying in the room, heard the long-lost system prompt again in his mind:

[Ding! Detected that Dratini entered the comic world of "Digital. Battle Tyrannosaurus". 】

【Special Rewards Activated!】

[The host has obtained the qualification of a trainer in the comic world of "Digital. Battle Tyrannosaurus". 】

[The host can accompany Dratini into the comic world to practice together, and Dratini can get random rewards when his abilities are improved. 】

Jiang Huai was shocked.

Can you enter the world of manga yourself?

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