Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 87. How did I become an Agu beast? (67 for subscription!)

The picture flowed, and a new scene appeared in front of Dratini's eyes:

A Digimon that looks exactly like BattleGreymon, but whose body is all black appeared.

It is the Dark Fighting Greymon.

At this moment, Dark Fighting Greymon stood in front of Agumon and Mikey and roared:

"Who are you! I have seen you!

And Agumon blocked Mikey from behind and said:

"Let me tell you one more time..."

At this time, the dark battle tyrannosaurus was ready to kill, and said:

"There's nothing more to say!"

At this moment, Mikey felt the danger, and the digital device and Agumon were instantly linked.

Ultimate evolution!

Battle Tyrannosaurus!

At this moment, one gold and one black, the BattleGreymon and the Dark BattleGreymon with exactly the same appearance stood on the field at the same time.

Facing the attacking Dark Fighting Greymon.

BattleGreymon instantly launched a counterattack.

during the battle.

Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus asked:

"Why are you protecting those two guys?

Mikey, standing behind the Fighting Tyrannosaurus, said:

"Because now he is the only one who can remove the dark seed! 99

"So you can't kill him!

Dark Fighting Greymon laughed:

"Then stop me with your strength!!"

Then Dark Fighting Greymon attacked again.

The two sharp-clawed arms once again fought against the battle tyrannosaurus.

Dratini on the side watched the exciting duel between the two fighting tyrannosaurs up close, and was very excited:


(Ah, the showdown of two Battle Greymons!)


(It's really exciting to do every move!)

During the dogfight, BattleGreymon said:


"Did you forget what I told you before?"

"We can be friends!

At this time, the dark battle tyrannosaurus began to gather energy.

A red flame continued to intensify in the claws.


Fighting Tyrannosaurus said suspiciously:


Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Roar:

"I don't want your sympathy!!!

Then a black Gaia energy cannon full of evil power bombarded towards the battle tyrannosaurus.

On the other hand, Battle Greymon uses the shield of courage behind him.

Block the powerful Black Gaia energy cannon of Dark Battle Greymon.

The two sides fought again.

And when BattleGreymon holds Dark BattleGreymon firmly above the snow:

"This is definitely not sympathy"~!99

"I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart!! 35

And the controlled Dark Fighting Greymon asked back:

"But I can't understand it!

"Why do you think so much for me, why! 99

Then suddenly kicked the belly of the fighting tyrannosaurus beast, kicking it under the snow mountain.

"The world doesn't need two battle tyrannosaurs! 35

"It's not you, it's me!

"Only one person can exist!"

Dark Fighting Greymon roared.

At this point Dratini said angrily:


(Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus is so abominable, it even killed it!)


(Battle Tyrannosaurus has been persuading you to release water on you, and you still treat it like this!!!)

In the end, Battle Greymon and Dark Battle Greymon had a decisive battle in the mid-air at sea.

Confront the obsessed Dark Fighting Greymon.

Battle Greymon also decided not to hold back.

The black Gaia energy cannon and the Gaia energy cannon are constantly bombarding.

Claws are constantly fighting.

In the end, with the help of the Emperor Dragon Armor.

Dark BattleGreymon was defeated by BattleGreymon.

The failed dark battle Tyrannosaurus fell to the ground, unable to move:

"Although it's two-on-one."

"But you can't necessarily beat me..."

"Since we are going to fight, I hope you can defeat me together."9

"If only I could disappear from this world like this..."

And Agumon, who was released from its ultimate evolutionary form, was sitting next to him, his back turned to nothing.

At this time, the words of Insect Beast and Agu Beast.

Let it find the meaning of life.


"You mean you want to die, don't you?"

"You've been looking for a stronger Rival.

"I'm afraid I don't want to end my life, but I want to defeat the opponent, right?

"As long as you die, there will be no worries.

"I won't let you die so easily. 99

"No more trouble, no more trouble!

"Because living is what it is all about!"

"No one can live happily ever after.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm worthless.

"You still have to Bide to survive.


"Life has its ups and downs.""

“But there is so much fun relative at the same time. 35

"Didn't you say you didn't know there was a reason for it.""

"I can only tell you.

"It is because I have gone through so many trials that I am who I am today!

Hearing these words, Dratini on the side couldn't help but wet his eyes.

It turned out that this is the meaning of life and existence.

I am living a life of nothing right now!

Agumon has gone through so many trials to have the strength of the ultimate evolved BattleGreymon!

This is the meaning of life!

At this moment, a force suddenly filled Dratini's body.

The scene in front of me quickly moved again.

For a moment, Dratini found that his body could move.

And in front of it is a field of snow.


'Can I move?'

"Why did you come to a snow field?"

Dratini, who was talking to himself, suddenly found out.

Your voice has changed.

And he can even speak human words.

Dratini was puzzled and was about to look around.

He was about to wriggle his body forward.

Suddenly I found that my body had changed!

His body actually grew arms and legs, and also had hard and sharp claws!

His original blue and white body.

At this point it turned all yellow.


"What's wrong with me!!!"

Dratini was startled.

How can I enter a comic world and my body has mutated??

At this moment, Dratini could see vaguely through the ice surface reflected by the sunlight under his feet.

He looks like a small dinosaur now.

"I...I became..."


While Dratini was shocked, the snow under his feet suddenly shook violently.

A bear-like Digimon whose whole body is composed of pure white snow suddenly appeared.

He was constantly waving his fists towards Dratini.

Dratini instantly recognized:

(Money's) "Snow... snowman beast."

Yetimon is a frozen Digimon whose whole body is covered in snow and ice.

The ultimate trick is the "Sheer Cold punch" that can freeze anything

At this moment, the Yeti Beast suddenly condensed a huge Snowball with both hands and came towards Dratini Fling.

Dratini was so frightened that he hurriedly ducked, his instinctive legs flexing at the same time.

He slid his body rapidly on the snow and ice to avoid this attack.

"Isn't Yetimon a very kind Digimon baby??

Dratini exclaimed.

But it only understood when it saw the black gear on the back of the Yeti.

It's the Black gear that makes the Yeti beast black.

Transformed into a grumpy killing Digimon Straight.

At this time, the Yeti Beast attacked Dratini again.

At this time, Dratini tried to use his only attacking skill, Wrap.

Wrap: Use your own body to wrap the Rival and cause damage.

But when Dratini was about to fight back.

It found itself unusable.

Depend on!

He is now the body of Agumon.

What do you take to wrap each other!

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