Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 97. Exclusive Ability Activation! (27 for subscription!)

If it is not supported by the strong will of his own practice of ninjutsu.

And the persistence of countless Ninja guardian beliefs in the comic world.

Froakie's confidence may have begun to crumble.

After the water ninjutsu and wind ninjutsu both failed to practice.

Froakie spent nearly a month practicing Thunder Dun, Wood Dun and Earth Dun Ninjutsu.

Without exception, except for the Carr who can feel those promises in the body.

Froakie was still unable to use any ninjutsu.

Now, only fire escape ninjutsu is left.

But as a water-type Pokémon himself.

How is it possible to learn fire escape ninjutsu?

Froakie sighed.


Just give up?

But the strong will of the Ninjas reappeared in his mind.

Even if there is still a chance.

Try it yourself too!

The pictures flowed, and countless pictures of flames were presented in front of Froakie:

The two incomparably handsome men with sword eyebrows and star eyes were already covered in scars.

One was dressed in white, and his skin was covered with Black curse marks.

A black and red robe, his eyes are unusually cold and steady.

At this time, they were quickly tying the seal, urging their own Carr.

Attack the blood brothers in front of you.

"Fire Escape. Howling Fire Ball Technique!!!

At the same time, both of them Spit Up a powerful fiery fireball.

The two fireballs erupted with a mighty power that seemed to burn the air out.

Straight at each other!

It is the famous scene, Uchiha Sasuke VS Uchiha Itachi!

"Quack quack!

(A duel between two brothers!!)


(What a mighty power!)

"Quack quack."

(The power of fire ninjutsu is no less than that of other ninjutsu.)

The picture flowed again, and it was still the figure of Itachi.

"Fire Escape. Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

I saw that Itachi had completed the seal, and Carr was surging.

Open your mouth Spit Up countless bursts of fire with fiery high temperature.

Countless flame bombs spread out like a phoenix.

A downpour of flaming feathers.

He rushed towards Kakashi who was attacking.

Countless fire bombs have a huge range.

A single hit will inflict scorching burns.


(The ninjutsu just now was a single burst!)


(This ninjutsu is a group attack!)

At this time, the screen flows again.

A long hair is flowing, and there are several cracks on the skin.

He was still handsome, but bloodless.

His eyes have turned red.

Above the eyes, there are three black hook jade shapes.

He asked those around him:

"Have you... seen my heyday?"

The people around you replied:

"No, so now, please let me see.

"The Legendary Power of Uchiha. 55

The legend of Uchiha.

Uchiha Madara!

I saw Madara Uchiha jumped down and faced the countless Ninja army.

After just a simple knot print.

"Fire escape. The arrogant fire is extinguished!

Immediately, a powerful Carr spewed out of his body.

A terrifying wave of flames erupted from Madara Uchiha's mouth.

The wave of flames seemed to be overwhelming, and Normal rushed towards the Ninja.

great power.

very wide range.

Let the countless Ninja army facing Madara tremble!

Compared with the first two techniques, Fire Escape. The power of arrogance to extinguish the fire completely shocked Froakie and obsessed:

"Quack!" 5

(This move is too powerful!!)


(Almost the power to destroy the world!)

With the continuous flow of the screen.

Gradually, Froakie felt that his body, in the comic world, began to become hot.

It originally liked wet conditions.

Now it seems to like the high temperature and heat brought by this flame more.

At this time, it is learning to seal in the screen.

Suddenly, I found that the Carr in my body began to gather.

"Quack?! 35

(Isn't it?!)

"Quack?!" 5

(Can I use fire escape ninjutsu??!)

Froakie began to regain his confidence.

Keep practicing.

Watching the outbreak of fire escape ninjutsu.

He kept trying to let his cold and wet body habitually burst out with scorching flame energy.

Gradually, it found that it could successfully condense and use the Carr in its body.

A tiny flame of flames began to erupt.


(I will definitely learn ninjutsu....)


(I will definitely learn these fire escape ninjutsu...)

Froakie began to practice fire ninjutsu day in and day out in the manga world.

Even Jiang Huai in the real world felt the moment of entering the Contest Condition.

Froakie's looming flame power burst out.

Time passed by minute by minute.

three hours later.

Froakie finally ended the Contest Condition.

Its body was already dripping with sweat.

It's all thanks to Jiang Huai who has been helping it clean by beside it.

The moment when Froakie returns to reality.

The body quickly emits a dazzling light from the inside out.

Its shape began to change.

Jiang Huai said in surprise:

"This is....evolved?

At this point, the system prompt sounds:

[Ding! Detected the end of Froakie's "Blaise Ninja" comic world practice. 】

【Froakie gained 127,258 experience and level up to LV28 (141,251/165,859)】

[Acquired skills: Huo Dun. Courageous Fire Ball, Huo Dun. Fengxian Fire Technique, Huo Dun. Huo Huo Extinguishing]

[Special reward activation: Froakie gets exclusive Ability: Wild Flame (Can use Fire Type moves, will not be injured when attacked by Fire Type, but will recover)]

Instantly rise to level 28! Successful evolution!

Learn 3 Ninjutsu skills! It's Fire Type's Ninjutsu skills!!

Originally Jiang Huai thought that what Froakie learned should be the ninjutsu of Water Type.

Now there are 3 Fire Type Ninjutsu directly.

Also activated such a powerful exclusive Ability!!

Jiang Huai couldn't help but think.

The closest time Zhiye was to the championship.

The famous scene where his own Greninja was blown up by a Water Storage Ability Charizard.

How strong is Froakie's will to practice ninjutsu.

To get such a huge reward!

Jiang Huai couldn't help but be very shocked.

And Froakie at this time.

Has evolved into a first-order form, Frogadier.

Compared with Froakie, Frogadier's body color has changed, and his body has become taller and slender.

Two long arms, a raised part on the head, and two white spots on the nose.

Like Froakie, the neck is still wrapped by Bubble, which looks like a white scarf Normal.

It has been practiced in the comic world for nearly two years (money is good).

Open your eyes slowly.

Seeing its owner again.

At this time Jiang Huai hugged Frogadier excitedly and said:

"`Froakie, oh no, Frogadier.

"You have fulfilled your dream!"

At this time, Frogadier, who returned to reality, felt his powerful power.

The same excited hug Jiang Huai.

It's Jiang Huai.

Let it learn the ninjutsu that it dreams of.

It's Jiang Huai.

Make it a Ninja with a will.

The Frogadier data at this time appeared in front of Jiang Huai:

【 Frogadier (water)】

[Strength: LV28 (Normal)]

[Ability: Torrent (when HP decreases, the power of Water Type's moves will increase), Exclusive Ability: Wild Flame (You can use Fire Type moves, you will not be injured when attacked by Fire Type, but will recover)]

[Character: Naive (+Agility, -Special Defense)]

[Skills: Pound, Growl, Bubble, Quick Attack, Lick, Water Pulse, Smokescreen, Round, Fling. Huo Dun. Hao Fire Ball Technique, Huo Dun. Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique, Huo Dun. Hao Huo Extinguishing. 】

[Potential: Elite level].

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