Pokémon: Standing at the Silver Conference at the Beginning

Chapter 427: Team Galaxy attacks, Xiaozhi takes action

The morning light showed slightly the next day, and Xiaozhi barely felt tired. Just as he fell into sleep, Xiaoguang and Lila led Miss Joy to knock on the door hurriedly.

"Xiao Zhi, there is news from Junsha in Baidai City!"

After entering the door, Lila hurriedly explained the situation.

Xiaozhi was still confused at first, but it was not until Lila mentioned the adamantium soul that he woke up from a dream.

“Talking as we walk!”

He quickly put on his coat, woke up Pikachu, and walked towards the door.

It turns out that just now, Miss Joy received information from the Shenhe Town police.

Miss Junsha from Baidai City is piloting an airship to escort the museum’s diamond soul into the controlled airspace of Shenhe Town.

But before landing, they were approached by a UFO. The situation was urgent!

No need to guess, they must be those guys from Team Galaxy!

"Muck Eagle, the decision is yours!"

Xiaozhi jumped up, galloped out from the center, and flew towards the position designated by Miss Joy.

After a long period of tempering, the Muke eagle has become tall and majestic, almost as big as the Bi eagle.

It galloped in the air like a soaring jet fighter, and in an instant it reached the edge of Shenhe Town's airspace.

At this moment, a group of big-mouthed bats were hovering around the airship, blocking the escort's view.

Above the airship is a helicopter. As the hatch opens, Zhenxing appears from it!

"Go ahead, Poison Skull Frog!"

Okay, it’s all the rage now, right?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of what these guys had committed in the Water City, and he became furious!

"Muck Eagle, Divine Bird Slams!"

Muke let out a long cry with sharp eagle eyes, which frightened the big-mouthed bats surrounding the airship and subconsciously retreated away.

In the blink of an eye, the Muck Eagle was wrapped in blue flames and hit the Poison Skull Frog that just appeared on the top of the boat!

"It's you!"

Zhenxing recognized the man who suddenly appeared above the airship at a glance, and his face instantly became extremely ugly!

It was the same when I was in the Water City,

It was the same when I was in the city of curtains,

It seems that wherever they move, this man will definitely appear to thwart their plans.


Zhenxing gritted his teeth, looked at the action that was about to fail again, and clenched his fists.

"They say drinking can cause trouble. If I had known earlier, I should have brought Bi Diao and Gardevoir over!"

Xiaozhi stared at the Big Mouth Bats that were coming around again. Fighting in the air, the situation was not optimistic.

But obviously these stars were not clear about it, so he had to strike first, "Muke Ying, Yan Hui! Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"


The Muck Eagle heard the sound and moved. It made a beautiful big spin in the sky, driving away the large-mouthed bats that had gathered again.

Pikachu aimed at Team Galaxy's helicopter. Although the pilot tried his best to dodge by shaking the helicopter, half of the helicopter was eventually shattered by Pikachu's attack.

"Emergency retreat!"

Zhenxing ordered decisively.

Unable to maintain his usual stability, he grabbed a parachute bag and jumped without hesitation.

Seeing this, other members followed suit and jumped to escape.

Xiaozhi knew that these guys would never give up, and escorting the Adamantium Soul was the most important thing now.

"This Zhenxing is a troublesome guy, we have to send him in in advance!"

Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes. If he remembered correctly, their operation this time was not over yet.

"Thank you for your help, Detective Xiaozhi!"

After the airship arrived at its destination safely, Miss Junsha and a group of police officers saluted Xiaozhi gratefully.

"It's within the responsibilities, but I think those guys will come back, so I ask Miss Junsha to pay attention to the people who have been in and out of Shenhe Town recently!"

Being able to know the route of the convoy in advance and setting up an ambush was certainly not a temporary act.

In particular, Zhenxing is very cautious and steady, and is the most capable cadre in the Galaxy team.

Xiaozhi is thinking that with the influence of his own variables in this world, it may cause the butterfly effect to slowly break away from the plot he is familiar with.

So regarding the Galaxy Team matter, what may I need to do to prevent the Double Dragon incident on TV from becoming uncontrollable.

The best way is of course to let Chi Ri break off his arm first!

As long as the other party dares to continue to haunt Shenhe Town, he will definitely not let him go this time!

"The news for everyone now is a report on the capture of the diamond soul that occurred in the airspace of Shenhe Town early this morning!"

"As for the criminal group active in the Sinnoh region, based on the testimony provided by Miss Junsha at the scene, it has been determined that it is a secret organization called Team Galaxy!"

"It is understood that this organization is the initiator of the meteorite attack in Curtain City, but so far, it is not possible to know what their purpose is!"

"Fortunately, the great thing among misfortunes is that in this crisis, Shenhe Town received the help of Investigator Xiaozhi from the super-powerful generation and successfully averted the danger!"

"Now, the diamond jade soul from the Baidai City Museum has been successfully transported to the history museum in Shenhe Town to meet the white jade soul. However, due to the impact of this case, the vigilance against these two treasures has been strengthened!"

On the big screen in the center, Ms. Yujia was reporting on the airspace incident in real time.

"Ash is great!"

Xiaoguang raised his head with admiration on his face.

"But the situation is still not optimistic. It seems that these guys are really coming for the treasures of Sinnoh history!"

Lila's eyebrows were furrowed, and her expression was solemn.

The disaster that happened in Baiyang City was still vivid in their minds. What on earth did these people want to do by contacting the legendary Pokémon?

"So we need to go to the History Museum in Shenhe Town now!"

Xiaozhi walked straight into the center. "Shirona has sent me a message just now. There is a very important research going on there now!"


Xiaoguang and Lila hurriedly looked over and were relieved to see that he had no scars on his body.

"In other words, Miss Shirona is also in Shenhe Town?"

Xiaoguang reacted at this time and said excitedly.

"Because Shenhe Town is Shirona's hometown!"

Xiaozhi smiled and didn't explain too much. Now time waits for no one.

"Okay, I'll go borrow the communicator. Wait for me!"

After that, Xiaozhi ran in in a hurry and returned soon.

"It's decided to be you, Gardevoir!"

The Fairy Queen appeared. She hadn't seen Xiaozhi for a while and threw herself into Xiaozhi's arms.


"Okay, okay, now there are important things. I'll listen to everyone's current situation after it's over!"

Xiaozhi smiled and stroked Gardevoir's head, and then a blue light flashed in his eyes!

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