Pokémon: Standing at the Silver Conference at the Beginning

$ Chapter 434 The Four Heavenly Kings, A Liu

While Miss Junsha was talking endlessly, Aliu's public performance also came to an end.

The girls who came specially to watch immediately swarmed up and started asking for autographs, shaking hands and taking pictures.

"The popularity is really high!"

Xiaoguang said in surprise.

Fortunately, there was no one next to her now, otherwise she would have been overwhelmed by the blank stares.

After all, these are the Four Heavenly Kings themselves, and not everyone can follow Xiaozhi. While seeing the Four Heavenly Kings without any duplicates, they can also often watch master-level battles!


Xiaozhi smiled helplessly.

A Liu's fans are much more qualified than his. Basically, after getting autographs, they bow with satisfaction and leave.

There was no such thing as "hitting someone with the ball" or "hairy hands".

It wasn't until all the fans were sent away that Aliu noticed Xiaozhi and others sitting in the corner. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked over from the stage.

"Mr. A Liu, nice to meet you."

Xiaozhi looked at the young man in front of him who was similar in height to him and greeted him with a smile.

In terms of age, A Liu is undoubtedly the youngest among the Four Heavenly Kings he has met.

"Xiao Zhi, I have long admired your name."

Aliu's hearty laughter echoed in the air, obviously very happy with Xiaozhi's arrival, "I finally met the trainer that Mr. Gosatsu and Miss Sirona highly recommend!"

"Sure enough, when trainers look at each other, it's a signal for battle!"

Xiaoguang and Lila looked at each other and smiled, and they could already feel the fighting spirit starting to radiate from the two of them.

"Although I also want to start fighting with you as soon as possible, but before that, do you want to visit my training center?"

Aliu suddenly extended an invitation, "It's an honor for Miss Sirona's friends to come and visit."

This is also a rare opportunity, and Xiaozhi will naturally not refuse it.

It just so happens that he will start construction on his manor soon, and training venues and facilities will definitely be indispensable by then.

Being able to visit the training center of the Four Heavenly Kings must be of good reference value.

As for the funds to build the manor, after the launch of Dynamax, he is still afraid that he will not be able to make money from this patent?

“What a beautiful, great place!”

Xiaoguang was leaning against the railing of the corridor, seeing the beauty of nature wherever he looked.

Lila was also intoxicated. In front of the honeycomb-shaped training center, the rippling blue lake and the green lawn complemented each other, forming a beautiful picture.

Not to mention insect-type Pokémon, even Pikachu can't help but play on the lawn and enjoy the breath of nature!

"It seems that Mr. A Liu has put in a lot of effort!"

If the land deed location given by Mr. Konkenstein is similar to this, Xiaozhi feels that he can directly plan according to this format.

"The equipment here was perfected after I became the Four Heavenly Kings!"

A Liu smiled proudly and said,

There are sparkling waves on the lake, and wild Pokémon can be faintly seen in the woods. Everything looks so peaceful and beautiful.

"For the Pokémon in the forest, it's a paradise!"

Lila clearly loves this place.

Afterwards, everyone released the Pokémon and enjoyed the happy time together.

“Everyone’s Pokémon are being raised very well!”

A Liu could tell at a glance what was extraordinary about Xiao Zhi and his Pokémon.

Especially the Pikachu who defeated Mr. Gomatsu's trump card in the video doesn't look as simple as it seems.

"Speaking of which, the challenge will start soon. If you fight with me, will it affect the competition?"

After all, in this fight, if the injury is serious, it will not take a while to return to peak condition.

However, A Liu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. If it's just one-on-one or three-on-three, then it's not a big problem. Besides, I still have Pokmon in the cultivation stage, so I can take this opportunity to give them some exercise!"

Okay, are you trying to use your feelings as a whetstone?

Xiaozhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly and couldn't help but laugh angrily.

I've always been the only one who troubles others, how can anyone try to hurt me?

But since the other party didn't plan to send an ace to compete, he didn't have to replace the Pokémon from the research institute.

It just so happens that Hackron and the others need this opportunity.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Aliu, Xiaozhi and others visited many facilities inside the training center.

In addition to those for Pokémon, there are also ones exclusive to trainers.

In A Liu's words, "Trainers must also train themselves in real time, otherwise they will be laughed at by their own Pokémon!"

This point of view was immediately recognized by Xiaozhi. This is the awareness of pursuing higher goals as a trainer!

Not to mention anything else, Xiaoguang and Lila now occasionally accompany Xiaozhi to exercise, but compared to Xiaozhi's abnormal physical fitness, there are not many exercise programs that they can participate in.

Just when Xiaozhi and Aliu were having a great conversation, Xiaoguang's eyes were attracted by a picture frame on the wall. "Huh? This is... Spinytail. Is this also Mr. Aliu's Pokémon?"

she asked curiously.

Because Xiaoguang was deeply impressed by Huang Yanhui when Xiaoyao was hunting swallowtails during the Mi Keli Cup, so she later learned more about this insect-type Pokémon.

"That was the first Pokémon I ever collected in my life."

A Liu walked over and took off the photo frame, recalling in his eyes, "When I was a child, I lived in this town and often ran to play in the wilderness and forest."

Therefore, Aliu has been familiar with this forest since he was a child. No wonder he can understand the meaning of Pokémon expressions like Lila.

"There was a towering tree deep in the forest. I tried my best to climb to the top of the tree to get a closer look, but..."

I climbed selflessly, but when I came down, I found that I was afraid of heights, right?

Xiaozhi smiled and could imagine that scene. No matter which world he was in, almost every boy had this experience when he was a child.

“We quickly became close and often played together in the nearby forest!”

A Liu took out photos of getting along with spiny tailed insects, and he looked very happy in every one of them.

This reminded Xiaozhi of his own green caterpillar. In a real sense, this was the first Pokémon he had conquered.

But now he is not with Xiaozhi, because he has found his ideal partner, and I believe he is happily traveling around the world.

"So, it seems like we haven't seen Mr. A Liu's spiny tail yet?"

Xiaoguang said, looking around, as if he had not seen that figure while following Mr. A Liu to the training center.

"About this..."

Hearing this, A Liu's expression suddenly became regretful, and then he told the story of him and the Spinytail Insect.

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