Pokémon: Standing at the Silver Conference at the Beginning

Chapter 445: New Rival, Tsundere Girl Ulala

"Okay, everyone, let's take a rest."

The training lasted until noon, when Xiaozhi stopped training. Even the Pokémon looked like they were still unfinished.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, it shouldn't take so long for Xiaoguang and Lila to sign up."

Xiaozhi put his hands on his hips and looked at the beach fence behind him.


Seeing this, Pikachu patted Ash on the shoulder and pointed at his wrist.

Yes, Pokémon Watch!

"So that's it. We didn't send them the specific location, so they couldn't find us."

Xiaozhi smiled bitterly after reading the message sent by Xiaoguang above.


Pikachu spread his hands with an expression that I had already guessed.

"Okay, everyone, come back. Xiaoguang and the others are waiting for us near the Pokémon Center."

With that said, Xiaozhi took everyone back their treasure balls and prepared to join the two girls.

The other side.

Because Xiaozhi could not be found for a long time, the two women released their Pokémon in the backyard of the center and had just finished training.

"Okay, it's snack time!"

Xiaoguang took out the homemade noodles he was proud of and decided to reward everyone.

Immediately, the foodies gathered around me happily.

Even Lila's Sun Elf and Negative Electric Paipai came to join in the fun.

"Sun Elf, do you want some negative electricity claps too?"

Xiaoguang was happy but also worried. She knew she should have made more.

"The two of them also like the noodle treasures made by Xiao Guang."

Lila said with a smile.

Suddenly, with a movement of his wrist, he saw the message from Xiaozhi.

"That's it. In that case, everyone, line up, line up, and get them in order."

Xiaoguang took out a noodle treasure from the package and started to organize it.

But unexpectedly, she forgot that there was a big foodie in the team.

The long-haired pig, who had been impatient for a long time, stood out from the crowd of Pokémon and directly knocked Xiaoguang away with the package. Amidst Xiaoguang's scream, the former swallowed the flying noodle treasure wholeheartedly.


Lila was startled, and just as she was about to go up to help, a figure passed by her.

I saw Xiaozhi arriving just in time, and directly held Xiaoguang in his arms with a princess hug.

"It seems that the next homework is how to tame the Pokémon that does not obey commands after evolution."

Xiaozhi looked at the girl in his arms with a smile in his eyes.

The long-haired pig evolved before coming to Mutong Town. Judging from the current situation, if Xiaoguang is not reminded, she will probably make the same mistakes as in the original book.

"Scared me…"

Xiaoguang felt the temperature on Xiaozhi's body, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief, "Thank you, Xiaozhi."

"You're welcome, it's the problem with the long-haired pig. Its level itself is very high. After the Mutong Conference is over, you'd better pay more attention to it."

Xiaozhi thought for a while and continued: "If you leave it alone, when it evolves into an ivory pig, it may really not listen to your instructions at all."

"Well, okay, I understand."

Xiaoguang naturally noticed the changes after the evolution of the long-haired pig.

Then he nodded and took this matter to heart.

Because she was actively preparing for the gorgeous competition with Bogaman and the others, she did not take the little wild boar for too much training and guidance after it joined the team. Therefore, as a trainer, she has the main responsibility.


And without the noodle treasure, Pachilitz and the others were particularly disappointed.

"Don't worry, I will make something for you again."

Xiaoguang came to everyone and squatted down, speaking to comfort them.

However, her words received no response from the Pokémon.

After all, they had been training all morning and were now ravenous.

Just when Xiaozhi was about to take out the noodle treasure he made for emergency use, Pachlitz suddenly discovered the noodle treasure that had fallen far away and escaped death.

The little guy immediately became happy and walked over.

Just when it was about to pick up the noodle treasure and enjoy it, a shadow enveloped it, extinguishing its last hope.


Looking up, he saw a sharp-toothed land shark with an arrogant expression.

The little guy's face darkened suddenly, and his cheeks began to flash with electric light.

"Fangtooth Land Shark, what's wrong?"

A girl in a princess dress walked up to her. She must be the trainer of this sharp-toothed land shark.


Xiaoguang shouted and ran over, wanting to comfort the little guy.

Unexpectedly, Pachlitz, who was obsessed with food, couldn't hear Xiaoguang's voice at all. He jumped up angrily and hit the fanged land shark's fin with his extended front teeth!

"He even used his front teeth in anger. It seems he is really angry."

Xiaozhi smiled slightly, which made him think of Xiaoyao.

Food resentment is terrible.

"What did this Pachiriz do to my Pokémon?"

The girl asked aloud.

"Pachlitz, you can't do this."

Xiaoguang successfully picked up the little guy at this time, but it was obvious that it had not calmed down yet, and it released lightning as if to vent its anger, instantly ruining Xiaoguang's hairstyle.

"Oh my, you are really an uneducated Pachlitz."

The girl hid with a look of disgust.

"Actually, regarding this, you should look at the soles of your fang land shark's feet."

Lila stood up at this time and defended.

"The sole of the foot?" The girl was stunned, and then asked the fang land shark to lift its foot, with the noodle treasure broken into seven or eight petals stuck to it.

In an instant, the girl seemed to have seen something unacceptable. She covered her face and shouted, "It's disgusting! My fang land shark was stained by this thing!"

"That's Patchlitz's favorite food, so..."

Just as Xiaoguang was about to explain, he saw the girl saying with an air of dignity: "It turns out that you like to eat noodles, so I can share some of what I made with you."

As she spoke, she took out a piece of the noodle treasure in her arms and handed it to Pachilitz.

He said triumphantly: "No matter what kind of Pokémon it is, it will be swallowed in one bite. Come on, eat!"

Unfortunately, Pachlitz didn't appreciate it at all. He just sniffed it with his nose and turned his head aside unceremoniously.


The girl's face changed, and she suddenly became embarrassed.

"Ah, sorry."

Xiao Guang tried to give the other party a step and said: "Maybe everyone uses different formulas, so it doesn't suit this child's taste."


Bogaman also echoed.

This immediately caught the girl's attention.

She stared at Bogaman for a while, and then asked Xiaoguang: "Hey, let me ask you, did you participate in the Mi Keli Cup?"

"Are you Miss Urala? I saw you during the Michaeli Cup."

Xiaozhi came from the side, causing the girl's eyes to widen.

"You are, Mr. Xiaozhi of the gorgeous master!"

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