"The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus lost its fighting ability and the King of Leave won, so the winner is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

With the announcement of the referee uncle.

The scene was silent for a moment, and then burst into warm applause.

"How could it be possible? Daddy actually lost..."

Although Ah Xun knew that Xiaozhi was very powerful, the King of Leave was also very difficult.

But when he saw his most admired father defeated, he couldn't help but feel deeply shocked.

"Mr. Xianlang is already very powerful, but our Xiaozhi is even more powerful."

Xiaoguang said proudly with his hands on his hips.

"Xiao Guang..."

Lila smiled bitterly and pulled her.

If the blow continues, Ah Xun's color will turn gray-white.

"It's true that a hero comes out of a boy, Xiaozhi."

Xuan Lang also reacted at this time and took back the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus with a look of emotion on his face.

"Mr. Xianlang and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus are also very powerful."

Xiaozhi smiled and said words that were against his will.

Grandma Li's.

Those who have Kuailosaurus don't need it, just use the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus to fool me.

I can't beat you down.

"Anyway, I had a great time playing this game. Congratulations on winning."

Xuanlang chuckled.

Then he handed the trophy that symbolized the championship to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi: The problem is that I'm not having fun playing at all...

never mind.

Anyway, Futaba Town itself will definitely come again.

next time.

We must have a six-on-six all-out battle with this uncle.

My experience!

"Let's go, Xiaozhi, wait until night, it will be the bonfire party for the Futaba Festival."

Xiaoguang came over at this time and pulled Xiaozhi away.

After all, she finally returned to her hometown with her sweetheart, and she wanted Xiaozhi to know more about herself.

that's all.

Before night falls.

Xiaozhi and Lila Xiaoguang walked for a long time from the commercial street to the lake and back to the open space.

have to say.

Shuangye Town is definitely a good place for retirement.

During the party.

Mr. Julang found Xiaozhi again and chatted with him.

He also recommended him to go to the easternmost Lakeside Gym to challenge.

I heard that the trainers in the gym there are very good and they will definitely give him a thrilling feeling.

In response, Xiaozhi smiled and said that he had already decided to visit.

The target is not a gym.

But he knew that it was the hometown of Daye, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Sinnoh.


After staying in Futaba Town for several days, the Futaba Festival also concluded successfully.

The day we went to the research factory.

It was Runa's parents who drove here to pick up Ash.

on the way.

Xiaozhi learned about the factory's final research data in order to conduct it faster.

The baby ball exchange equipment has been set up inside the factory.

"Oh, Xiaozhi, you are finally here!"

As soon as they arrived at their destination, Dr. Gordon came up and hugged Xiaozhi with tears in his eyes.

Xiaozhi: Help me...

"Hahaha, Dr. Gordon said that if you don't come here again, he will go to Shuangye Town to kidnap you."

Dr. Ohki and Hanako walked over with a smile.

"I'm sorry, there were more things happening on the road than I thought, which delayed the trip a bit."

Xiaozhi smiled slightly.

Then he looked at the research factory behind them.

The endless walls on both sides and the factory roof erected in the center in the distance all reveal the vastness of this land.

This made Xiaozhi feel happy.

It seems that my backyard migration plan is on track.

"Hello, Aunt Hanako, I am Xiaoguang."

"I'm Lila."

The two girls were also very positive and polite and bowed to say hello to Hanako.

Even Lila, who had always been steady, couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this time.

"Ah la la, they are all cute children. If Xiaozhi bullies you, please tell me. I will educate him well."

Hanako stroked her face and said happily.

"Wherever, we are usually taken care of by Xiaozhi."

Xiaoguang's face turned red.

Great, Xiaozhi's mother seems to be a very easy to get along with.

Oops, which number is this?

Xiaozhi is really...

Hanako's eyebrows were a little sad.

Whether it was Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, or Xiaoxi who often came to visit when they were in Zhenxin Town, or the two little girls in front of them.

They all seem to be very nice girls.

For a while.

Hanako, who felt that her future mother-in-law was a bit stressed, couldn't help but glance at Xiaozhi who was chatting, leaving him confused.

"Okay, okay, Xiaozhi, let's start right away!"

Dr. Gordon couldn't wait to push Xiaozhi inside.

"Who should we start with? Charizard? Or Gardevoir? Pikachu can do it too."

Pikachu: Oh, wait, it's going to be really big again.

"Oh, Gordon, you should let the children have a good rest."

Dr. Oak followed up with a smile.

But judging from his behavior with his hands behind his back, he didn't mean to stop him at all.

Runa's parents smiled at each other and followed closely.

"Okay, they have to be busy with research. Come with me and sit in the courtyard."

Hanako smiled at Xiaoguang and the two girls.


Both women answered quickly.


that's all.

In the next two days, Xiaozhi transferred most of the old guys over in turn.

In the factory yard, the Gigantamax test began.

have to say.

Dr. Gordon is really a genius when it comes to inventions.

Through the Gigantamax Baby Ball he developed, not only can the effect of Gigantamax be freely switched, but basically every Pokémon can obtain Gigantamax.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the bond value is sufficient.

For example, Scorpio King and Bad Frog, who had been in the team for the shortest time, failed to succeed.

But this also made Xiaozhi happy for a while.

Because he found out.

After becoming Gigantamaxed, the Pokémon's skill power and defense can be increased by 5-10 times.

The specific increase depends on the bond value with the trainer and the qualifications of the Pokémon itself.

That is the so-called potential.

But for Pokémon with light blue and medium blue qualifications, the time and effect of maximizing will be relatively poor, and they will not last long.

On the contrary, people like Pikachu can keep doing this until their body's energy is completely exhausted.

of course.

Pikachu's race value itself is very low, and this data cannot be used as a reference.

After all, there is probably only one Pikachu with golden qualifications in the world.

This is the effect that Xiaozhi achieved by constantly developing and training Pikachu through his own ideas.

All in all, I am very satisfied.

"If you have this, then you will basically have enough confidence in the next incident."

Xiaozhi was very happy playing with the Gigantamax baby ball.

In appearance, it is no different from an ordinary baby ball.

The only thing that can be distinguished is that the Gigantamax baby ball has two buttons, a circular button in the middle, and a small button on top of the circular button.

I heard that what is stored there is the concentration of the main raw materials of the mysterious candy.

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