"Fengyuan Champion?!"

Xiaoxi, Xiaoguang Lila were all stunned.

Is this something they can listen to?

"Stop joking, Mr. Genji."

Xiaozhi smiled bitterly.

"Hey, old man, do I look like the kind of person who likes to joke?"


It really doesn't look like it.

"I am already a remnant of the old era, and the new era belongs to you."

Genji said with serious eyes: "Fengyuan also needs a champion who can lead the new era.

If you are willing, you can make preparations with Xiaoxi in the past two years. You will be the champion and she will take my place. "

Xiaoxi: Grandpa, you want to take a vacation, right?

Xiaozhi: Why does it sound wrong?

Hikaru: Is this something I can listen to?

Lila: Hmm...Pikachu seems to have gained a little weight recently.

Pikachu:? ? ?

"About this, Sirona and Mr. Jindai also mentioned similar things to me."

Xiaozhi shrugged: "But I haven't fulfilled my dream of traveling yet. Maybe I won't consider it until I go to two more regions."


Give them a head start!

Why is that broken battle facility in Jindai joining in the fun?

"Okay, Grandpa, Xiaozhi and the others have just arrived and haven't had a good rest and eaten yet. Let's talk about this later."

Seeing that her grandfather still wanted to speak, Xiaoxi interrupted directly.

Don't look at my grandfather who usually looks very serious.

In fact, when dealing with others, they like to chatter endlessly.

"Mr. Genji!"

Suddenly, Miss Joy ran over in a panic.

"What's wrong? Miss Joy."

Xiaoxi looked over doubtfully.

"It's like this. There are a lot of rioting Pokémon near the flower fields in the town, and they are heading towards the town."

Miss Joy explained the situation anxiously.

"Miss Junsha and some trainers have gone over to help, but the situation doesn't seem optimistic."

Hear the words.

Everyone frowned.

It just happened to be at this juncture.

"Were there any suspicious people found nearby?"

Genji stood up from his position with a sharp look.

"There is no explanation for this."

Miss Joy shook her head.

"I'm going to go take a look, Xiaoxi. You guys should wait here with Xiaozhi and the others."

After Genji said that, he walked straight out, released a powerful violent salamander, and flew away in the direction of the flower field.

"Is it those guys?"

Xiaoxi's eyebrows were raised, obviously he was talking about the people from Team Galaxy.

"It's absolutely impossible for Pokémon to riot en masse for no reason."

Xiaozhi pinched his chin and said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid this is..."

A plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

"Little devil!"

At this time, a meow appeared at the door of the center. When it saw Xiaozhi and the others, it ran over crying.

"Who are you…"

Xiaoxi blinked and recognized it: "That meow from Team Rocket?"

"Please save Musashi and Kojiro."

Meowth covered her arms and asked for help.

"Let's deal with your situation first."

Xiaozhi took out the wound medicine spray, helped it deal with it, and asked: "What happened?"

"He's a fashionable person, meow."

Meow Meow said: "As usual, we are following you secretly, Meow Meow.

Then, while wandering in the forest in search of food.

We found Team Galaxy's helicopter, and where we chased it we found their base, Meow. "

while it was speaking.

Lila had already taken out the navigation device and started investigating.

"Judging from what you said and the direction, I think there are buildings nearby that meet the requirements..."

Lila stopped moving and put down the screen.

"Is this here? Tatara Iron Works."

Above is a photo of a very old factory that seems to be on the verge of being abandoned.

"This is it, nya."

Miaomiao said a little excitedly: "We lurked in at that time..."

"Then Musashi and Kojiro are folded in, right?"

Xiaozhi felt that there was no need to ask anymore, and he knew the follow-up.

It seems that what he thought was right.

The movement in the flower field must have been caused intentionally by Team Galaxy.

I just knew that Mr. Genji and the others were nearby, so I wanted to delay...

It seems that their plan has reached the final stage.

Everything should also be collected.

"How about it, do you want to come with us?"

After Xiaozhi bandaged it, he stood up.

"Of course I want to go with you, nya!"

Meowth replied immediately.

"Is that so?"

Xiaozhi was not surprised and smiled.

Then he looked at Xiaoxi and the others: "Okay, let's go out and defeat the bad guys. Get ready to fight, girls."

"You don't need to tell me, Xiaozhi, let me show you the progress of me and Violent Salamander!"

Xiaoxi said with a smile.


When everyone came outside the center, they released Pokémon that could fly.

Xiaozhi carried Meowth and rode on Latias.

Xiaoguang and Lila still chose to ride the Charizard.

Xiaoxi took out the violent newt.



However, as soon as they came out, the violent salamander and the fire-breathing dragon met their eyes, and sparks were produced from the collision.

"Ah la la, I've become a lot stronger."

Xiaozhi smiled slightly.

I don’t know how many battles Xiaoxi’s Salamander has experienced, but it has already reached level 70.

The two former rivals met again, and naturally they were eager to fight.

“After this is over, fight me again.”

Xiaoxi climbed onto the back of the Salamander and smiled at Xiaozhi.

“Of course, no problem.”

Xiaozhi smiled.

“Okay, let’s go!”

With Xiaozhi’s order, Latias took the lead and soared into the sky.

On the other side.

In the Tianguan Mountains not far from the Dodaro Iron Works, Haoxing and a group of Galaxy team members detected something.

“Aledo, use split!”


The rock collapsed with a sound, revealing the murals with strange patterns inside.

There was also a golden round object in the middle.

As a member of the Galaxy team opened the precious box.

The gun key inside emitted golden light and reacted with it.

“Lord Chiri, the target has been found!”

Haoxing’s eyes were wide open with excitement.

As the communication equipment was transmitted, Chi Ri, who was hidden in the aircraft carrier in the sky, also saw this scene.

"We finally found the gun column door."

Chi Ri's mouth corners rose: "Immediately block the surroundings and let it maintain the status quo!"


Huo Xing responded quickly and began to arrange.

At the same time.

Sui Xing in the Duoduo Iron Factory also received the news that the factory was attacked by outsiders.

"I see, it's there, meow!"

After crossing the valley, Xiaozhi and the others saw the factory with the top of the building exposed.

However, the next moment.

A large group of Zubat and Xbat flew up from the forest below and rushed towards them.

"Violent Salamander, spray fire!"

Xiaoxi shouted and took the lead.

A large area was swept away in one go.

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