
The powerful dragon's breath trick tears apart the barrier.

Ash took Pikachu and Latias and flew directly out of the valley where Team Galaxy was.

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar came from far away.

Ash took a closer look and saw that it was Charizard.

It seems that after Xiaoguang and the others were teleported away, it rushed to Tianguan Mountain as agreed.

Not far away, Xiaoxi and Mr. Genji were each riding a violent salamander, bombing Team Galaxy's base.

"Did the creek lead you here?"

Xiaozhi smiled and touched its wings.

Then the waveguide is fully opened, covering the area near the valley.


Xiaozhi's eyes fell on the gray area.

It should be there.

"let's go!"


Forbidden place.

At the foot of the volcano, a huge aircraft carrier rested on the ground.

There are all kinds of explosives and machinery around.

"Is everything ready?"

Mio took a deep breath and stared at the crater ahead, eyes flashing with coldness.

So many years.

She had prepared so much just for this moment.

"Everything is ready, Lord J!"

Tanoshi said with a smile.

It's about to start.

It's about to start.

When you capture the Lord of Heaven's Crown, it's time for you to step down.

j! ! !


Mio glanced at it, then nodded lightly.

"Okay, prepare the first round of explosives!"

Tanoshita shouted loudly, then raised his arm suddenly: "Start!"


Members from across the base of the mountain responded via walkie-talkies, each pressing a button.

Immediately afterwards.

A terrifying explosion shot into the sky, and the machinery in the front row started immediately, unfolding the barrier.

The billowing smoke surged toward the sky like black dragons.

It immediately attracted Xiaozhi who entered the forest.

"Latias, Charizard, right there!"


"hold head high!"

And just as Xiaozhi rushed towards the crater, the volcano in front erupted under the repeated bombardment of explosives!


The crimson magma, accompanied by black smoke, broke through the clouds and shot straight into the sky.

The next one fell.

Just bursts of lava rain, starting to ignite the forest!

"Latias, use Pray for Rain!"

Xiaozhi frowned and quickly gave the order.

after all.

Celebi may not be able to help him in this crisis.

If a horrific forest fire breaks out, the terrain of Tianguan Mountain will cause an irreparable blow to millions of Pokémon.

Waveguide sharing!

The blue light instantly connected Ash's power to Latias.

With a long cry, a blue light beam penetrated into the sky.

Soon it started to rain heavily.

“It’s great, it’s raining!”

Tanoshi laughed loudly: "Sure enough, the god of luck favors!"

so close.

I almost let it slip.

"Prepare for the second round of bombing!"

Mio finished speaking indifferently, turned her head to look at the blue light beam in the distance, and her eyes flickered.


"Hey, do you have Dako?"

After Tianshi gave the order, he ran to the side, covered the walkie-talkie with his hand, and asked loudly.

Because the explosion is still continuing, the sound is difficult to transmit.

"Damn it, what's going on with this guy?"

After contacting him several times to no avail, Tanoshi's expression immediately dropped.

These Galaxy teams are really careless, and they are about to reach a critical point!

do not care.

First prepare to control J's people.

Think about it.

Tanoshi waved his hand, and soon a member with his head lowered came over.

At this time, the second round of bombing also ended.

"Notify everyone to be ready to control J's manpower at any time. As soon as the Volcano Emperor gets his hands on it, take action immediately!"

"Yes, Tanoshi...sir."

The man bent down and responded.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.


at this time.

A deafening roar erupted from the gushing magma.

A dark murderer wrapped in black smoke sprang out and stood in the crater.

Ling Lie's eyes flashed with dangerous light, looking down like an emperor.

"Dark Volcano Emperor!"

Tanoshi's face was full of surprise and his eyes were full of enthusiasm. He walked forward slowly and opened his arms.


So mighty!

This is the Pokémon I have dreamed of!

"Do it!"

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

However, compared to when she was a child, Mio is relatively calm now.

There was no choice to rush forward recklessly.

Instead I chose...

Use technology!

I saw that most of the barrier machinery was closed, revealing things that looked like lightning rods.

"The first round of confinement starts!"

Tanoshi couldn't wait any longer and gave the order directly.

As his voice fell.

A series of petrified beams were instantly launched from all directions, heading towards the crater.


As if sensing the danger, the Dark Flame Emperor roared angrily.

The terrifying pressure was accompanied by the black energy, and it actually blocked the incoming beam of light.

After a fierce collision for a long time, the black energy barrier suddenly expanded again, shaking all the light beams.

"Preparation plan!"

Mio didn't plan to give the other party a chance to breathe.

She knew that it would be difficult to deal with this guy with just one or two rounds of attack.

She had already prepared for a protracted war before she came.

"Second round of confinement, start!"

Tanxia waved his hand.

This time it was a super electromagnetic compression beam!

The Dark Flame Emperor wanted to fight back with the same method as before.

Unexpectedly, after those beams hit the barrier, they actually began to devour the barrier, and the dense electric currents reversely wrapped the dark barrier, forming an electromagnetic ball.

"Hahaha! Success!"

Tanxia laughed wildly, and the joy in his eyes could not be suppressed.

Now basically, as long as the Dark Flame Emperor is constantly consumed by electromagnetic energy, and finally re-sends a petrification beam, then it will have no chance to fight back.


Tanxia's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly attacked.

"Everyone, take J down for me!!!"

The shouts that were almost roaring echoed.


Time passed second by second, and no one responded to his movements.

The expression on Tanashita's face slowly changed, and he looked around in surprise.

I saw a big man taking off his hat and walking over.

"Hehe, you failed at the last hurdle, Tanashita..."


Tanashita's pupils widened, and he pointed at the other party in disbelief.

He clearly remembered that in the operation to capture Regichikas, he pushed the other party to the police!

How could he appear here?

"Useless thing."

Murakami looked at him indifferently and spit.

"After you became the captain, Lord J checked your background thoroughly. You don't really think that Lord J didn't notice the subsequent things, right?"

Murakami laughed: "As early as when you first accepted a private order, I had already arranged people in your army."

"It was not until the mission in the temple that Lord J was ready to close the net. Look now, are there any of your people around here?"

As he didn't say a word, Tanashita's face darkened.

Until the end, he recognized the reality.

It seems that all his men have been dealt with by the other party.

Am I the one who is kept in the dark?


Tanxia's eyes were red, and he looked at the woman in front of him with anger.

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