Pokémon: Standing at the Silver Conference at the Beginning

Chapter 505: Large-scale celebration, welcome reception

Everyone reminisced about old times with each other for a while.

Xiao Zhicai smiled and said: "Let's go, come in a hurry, we are also hungry."

"Is that so?"

Xiaoyao paused, then smiled and said: "Then I will take you to the cocktail party. In fact, I can't wait for a long time."

"Speaking of which, how is Xiao Sheng doing?"

On the way to the reception, Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask.

"Miss Dujuan said that Xiaosheng studies very quickly and is basically ready to graduate."

"Right now, I'm deciding whether to continue studying in a higher class."

Xiaoyao was gushing when talking about this: "But, he said that he is going to travel soon. He is training with Mu Shougong at home. He said that after he wants to become a trainer, he will challenge you, Xiaozhi. explain."

"Hahaha, the goal remains the same."

Xiaozhi laughed twice.

After doing the math, it would be two years before Xiao Sheng could set off. According to what he had learned in school and what he had seen and heard during his previous travels with them, there was no need to take any more academy courses.

After all, he is the kid who has been calling Big Brother behind him for a year.

If it were a challenge, it would make more sense to let Pikachu fight him, right?


Xiaosheng, who was far away in Fengyuan, suddenly felt cold all over and sneezed hard!

"What's wrong with you? Xiao Sheng?"

Qianli blinked and looked at the dazzling sunlight.

Can you still catch a cold in such weather?

"It's okay, Dad."

Xiao Sheng rubbed his nose and turned around and said something.

Then he set his sights on Mu Shou Palace again.

"Okay, Mu Shou Gong, let me show you one more time!"

Xiao Sheng said as he picked up a piece of watermelon, chewed it in big mouthfuls, and then quickly sprayed out the watermelon seeds.

"Do you understand? That's it. If you are more powerful, you will be able to practice the seed machine gun quickly!"

He wiped his mouth and said firmly.

After all, this is the training secret he learned from his elder brother. As long as Mu Shou Gong successfully trains it, he can ask his father and sister to fight him!

"I want to be the trainer of the second generation's strongest rookie!"

Xiao Sheng suddenly raised his hands and clenched his fists.

Qianli was startled by the shock.

"This kid, I'd better advise him to continue attending the trainer academy..."

I have no choice but to hold my forehead for thousands of miles.

And with this kid at home, he couldn't talk lovingly to Mitsuko.



Under the leadership of Xiaoyao, Xiaozhi and his party came to the banquet hall.

Xiaoguang looked at the coordinators who were all dressed up and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"But then again..."

Xiaoyao looked at Xiaozhi worriedly: "Is this okay with you?"

"Huh? What?"

Xiaozhi blinked and still didn't react.

"That's it! Mr. Xiaozhi!"

At this time, Miss Yuka, who was originally interviewing Mr. Hisashi, noticed their arrival, shouted with joy, immediately abandoned the bard, and changed the interview target.

And her voice instantly ignited the quiet banquet atmosphere in the audience!

"What? Mr. Xiaozhi?"

"Is it Mr. Xiaozhi, the gorgeous master who is as famous as Master Mikri?"

"Has the glorious glory arrived?! That's my fan, no, no, I'm his idol!"

"Look, over there, over there!"



Xiaozhi kept smiling helplessly.

Xiaoyao and others have been squeezed out by the people from the third and third floors of the coordination house who are gradually gathering.

"Oh, I knew it. It looks like I won't be able to do it for an hour."

Xiaoyao sighed and put his hands on his hips.

That's why she didn't come to the banquet first, and she didn't expect Xiaozhi to be so bold and not even cover up.

"It seems like that."

Xiaoguang also looked at Xiaozhi who was squeezed by a group of big sisters with a wry smile, and was helpless.

"Originally, I was hesitating between the gorgeous competition and the gym competition. It was you who made me understand the fun of these two paths. What a wonderful encounter."

Mr. Shangzhi came over and smiled.

"Mr. Shangzhi is here, which means he has collected five ribbon medals, right?"

Xiaoguang asked.


Shang Zhi chuckled and said: "Besides, there is only one less person left in the gym competition. I originally wanted to tell you the good news, but it seems..."

Having said this, he looked at Xiaozhi and smiled: "Excellent people are indeed the most popular."

Swish, swish, swish!

Hearing this, the eyes of Xiao Guang and the other two people flickered at the same time, as if some switch had been poked.


Bogaman was frightened by the silence, and then happened to see the evil hand preparing to take a photo of Xiaoguang.


Without saying a word, Bogaman released a foam light at the visitor.

Dong Dong Dong…

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, stop, what are you doing!"

It's a familiar voice again.

Xiaoguang and others looked back.

I saw a red-haired boy jumping up and down showing a strange dance under the continuous attack of the foam light.

"Ken Wu?"

Xiaoguang lowered his eyelids and recognized the person.

Bogaman also stopped attacking at this time. After realizing it was him, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Long time no see, Xiaoguang, Lila."

After Jianwu stopped, he quickly recovered his mental state.

Then his eyes paused on Xiaoyao: "You are! Miss Xiaoyao from Fengyuan Dancer, right?"


Xiaoyao pointed at herself. She didn't expect that Xiaoguang and her friends would know her.

"Sure enough, I felt familiar with you just now. You are the top coordination trainer who is in the limelight now?"

Shangzhi also said: "I am so disrespectful."

"Ah? No, no, there is no need to be so reserved."

Xiaoyao smiled far-fetchedly and waved her hand.

Then, everyone introduced themselves to each other and talked freely.

"I have trained a very powerful combination of tricks this time. You'd better be aware of it, Liangguang!"

Kengo's provocative habits have not changed.

It's just that Xiaoguang's reaction was a little unexpected.

"Oh? Really? I'll be looking forward to it."

"Eh? Don't you mind me calling you two lights?"

"That was a long time ago."

Guang looked at Xiaozhi and smiled brightly: "I should say that no matter what difficulties are ahead, I'm not afraid anymore."

"You should be prepared, Kengo!"

As soon as the words fell.

The two little scary things landed on both sides of Guang's shoulders, and the arc flashed, turning her into an afro.

"Positive Papa, Negative Papa?"

Lila blinked, and the Negative Papa in her arms had the same expression.

Guang quickly tidied his hair and looked at the two little cuties on his left and right: "Who are these two children?"

"My positive Papa and negative Papa."

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